@mchill saidIf someone is about to be executed with a gun, forgiving the executioner is not going to "benefit" the guy with the bullet in his skull.Gosh, I totally forgot about this daily scenario.
My premise is undone.
“Father forgive them, they know not what they do”
Oh maybe not undone after all then!
@divegeester saidEventually, even the glib shall be forgiven.
Gosh, I totally forgot about this daily scenario.
My premise is undone.
@divegeester saidBy "now" could you have meant "know"?
Gosh, I totally forgot about this daily scenario.
My premise is undone.
“Father forgive them, they now not what they do”
Oh maybe not undone after all then!
And what about this "Father" business?
The Father might spurt, but it's the Mother who does most of the work.
Human men need to stop treating women as gestation appliances.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidPretty sure it's your frustration about your failed attempts to control other people that lies at the root of your anger issues.
But in the above post you wrote:
"when I apologized to someone about something (not sure who or what -- we might need to check the text record about that) "
Does your lack of memory about the disparaging remarks you made about another poster's family, mean you lack a conscience in this regard?
My Ouija board says, "oh yes, that's right and how" -- what does yours say?
@kevin-eleven saidControl yourself Kevin.
Pretty sure it's your frustration about your failed attempts to control other people that lies at the root of your anger issues.
My Ouija board says, "oh yes, that's right and how" -- what does yours say?
@divegeester saidVery sensible line of thought.
By the same principle that holding a grudge harms the holder.
The burden in both cases, is held by the offended, the disgruntled person in the scenario.
Therefore to forgive even without that forgiveness being requested, will always benefit the forgiver.
If one harbours a grudge it often eats at the person who won't forgive to their own detriment maybe loss of sleep etc subject to the severity of the problem.