"Is Hell Forever?"


Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
04 Aug 15

Originally posted by chaney3
I don't know what your point is dive.

My point is this: That there are many parts of the Bible that do NOT make sense, and you have agreed with that. You have also said that you would be willing to throw out the entirety of the New Testament.

Why won't you just admit that you personally don't agree with some parts of the Bible?
I don't agree with some Chrisitans interpretations of parts of the Bible. I am convinced that there is not such thing as eternal suffering, so much so that if someone could demonstrate to me that without doubt the writer of the The revelation of Jesus Christ was explaining a literal eternal hell, then I would reject the rest of that person's writing I.e. Much of the rest of the NT.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
04 Aug 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
The unbeliever must repent and overcome, because Christ says,
"He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son. But for the cowardly and [b]unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

(Revelation 21:7-8 NASB)[/b]
You are not answering his question.


26 Dec 14
04 Aug 15

Originally posted by divegeester
I don't agree with some Chrisitans interpretations of parts of the Bible. I am convinced that there is not such thing as eternal suffering, so much so that if someone could demonstrate to me that without doubt the writer of the The revelation of Jesus Christ was explaining a literal eternal hell, then I would reject the rest of that person's writing I.e. Much of the rest of the NT.
Your honesty is appreciated.

Let me take that honesty one step further..........I disagree with some teachings/interpretations of the Bible. So much so, that I sometimes think that God had nothing to do with our 'Bible'. That it is a manmade book.

The Creator of the Universe, to me, is very much more respected than the 'person' that is portrayed in our Bible.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
04 Aug 15

Originally posted by chaney3
Your honesty is appreciated.

Let me take that honesty one step further..........I disagree with some teachings/interpretations of the Bible. So much so, that I sometimes think that God had nothing to do with our 'Bible'. That it is a manmade book.

The Creator of the Universe, to me, is very much more respected than the 'person' that is portrayed in our Bible.


26 Dec 14
04 Aug 15

Originally posted by divegeester
On that note, I will say this.

I have said to Ghost, publicly, that I believe in a Creator, however.....I am not convinced that this Creator is the God of the Bible. Too many contradictions exist in the Bible.

It is frustrating, because......my life would be SO much easier dive.....if I just merely believed it all.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
04 Aug 15

Originally posted by chaney3
It is frustrating, because......my life would be SO much easier dive.....if I just merely believed it all.


26 Dec 14
04 Aug 15

Originally posted by divegeester
It seems to me, that some people are able to accept everything in the Bible, and merely believe what they have been taught.

These people seem to have an inner peace.....that I do not have at this time.

If.......Satan exists.....then he has a firm grip on me at the moment.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
04 Aug 15
1 edit

Originally posted by chaney3
Your honesty is appreciated.

Let me take that honesty one step further..........I disagree with some teachings/interpretations of the Bible. So much so, that I sometimes think that God had nothing to do with our 'Bible'. That it is a manmade book.

The Creator of the Universe, to me, is very much more respected than the 'person' that is portrayed in our Bible.
Perhaps you are like Dasa and haven't studied the Holy Bible enough to understand that it is not just a man-made book, but it is also inspired by God the Holy Spirit and that makes it the Holy Bible.

HalleluYaH !!! Praise the LORD! Holy! Holy! Holy!


26 Dec 14
04 Aug 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
Perhaps you are like Dasa and haven't studied the Holy Bible enough to understand that it is not just a man-made book, but it is also inspired by God the Holy Spirit and that makes it the Holy Bible.

HalleluYaH !!! Praise the LORD! Holy! Holy! Holy!
God loves humans, and cares about us. That is in the Bible Hinds.

Yet, millions of Jews died in the Nazi Holocaust. It is a horrific contradiction. And......to throw the 'free will' thing in there.....is ridiculous.....at best.

Maybe.....it is just a book.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
04 Aug 15

Originally posted by chaney3
It seems to me, that some people are able to accept everything in the Bible, and merely believe what they have been taught.

These people seem to have an inner peace...
Who here do you think displays an inner peace?

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
04 Aug 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
The unbeliever must repent and overcome, because Christ says,
"He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son. But for the cowardly and [b]unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

(Revelation 21:7-8 NASB)[/b]
That does not answer my question to you.
Does not believing in eternal torture mean you are going there?
Is this your personal belief?


28 Oct 05
05 Aug 15

Originally posted by chaney3
It seems to me, that some people are able to accept everything in the Bible, and merely believe what they have been taught.

These people seem to have an inner peace.....that I do not have at this time.

If.......Satan exists.....then he has a firm grip on me at the moment.
I know a few people who have tackled the problem of alcohol having a bad effect on their interactions with others and who have done so without the assistance of religion. You could consider taking some personal responsibility for your behaviour rather than blaming a superstitious figure like "Satan".

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