27 Jan 19
@fmf saidYes any of us can go to God for His mercy regardless of our merits, because all of us do not deserve His mercy. We are all sinners and totally undeserving of God’s grace. Yet Christ laid down His life for us due to God’s love for us, not because we were worthy.
That isn't what I am asked you about. According to your beliefs about "sin", is there merit in not "sinning"? You believe you are "saved" by your god figure and that you are "saved" regardless of "merit".
You should know this!
@fmf saidStanding before God all doubts and confusion will be removed as well as excuses.
I don't know anyone who both believes in "sin" and believes that they don't "sin". If there were a person who did not "sin", could that be described as of "merit"?
28 Jan 19
@kellyjay saidI am asking you a very straightforward question: Is there no merit in not "sinning"?
Yes any of us can go to God for His mercy regardless of our merits, because all of us do not deserve His mercy. We are all sinners and totally undeserving of God’s grace. Yet Christ laid down His life for us due to God’s love for us, not because we were worthy.