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Should a Christian be politically correct?

Should a Christian be politically correct?"



Question: "What does the Bible say about political correctness? Should a Christian be politically correct?"

Answer: Political correctness (PC) is defined as “a term that describes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, religious belief, disability, and age-related contexts.” The key word here is “offense.” No individual or group is to be offended in the PC world. Certainly, as Christians, we are not to go out of our way to offend anyone personally, but the truth is that Christianity itself is offensive.

The apostle Paul references the "offense of the cross" in Galatians 5:11. The cross was an offense to the Jews because their idea of salvation was to “work the works of God” (John 6:28-29), meaning keeping the numerous burdensome Old Testament laws and rules. When Jesus came preaching salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, they were shattered. He made it plain that no “by works of the law, no human being will be justified in his sight” (Romans 3:20), and that all their law-keeping was of no value to them whatsoever. Especially repugnant to them was the idea that without Jesus, they who prided themselves on their meticulous adherence to the letter, if not the spirit, of the law, could do nothing of spiritual value (John 15:5).

Truly the offense Jesus created was a stumbling block to the Jews, as Paul explained to the Romans. He reminded them of Isaiah’s prophecy that God would lay a Cornerstone (Christ) in Zion over which many would stumble and fall (Isaiah 8:14, 28:16; Psalm 118:22; 1 Peter 2:6). Just as the Jews stumbled over the idea of their works being of no value to God, so do many today hate the idea that Christ will build His church not on human merits, but on His righteousness alone. That message is as offensive today as it was in Jesus’ day. No one likes to be told there is nothing he can do to earn his place in heaven.

Equally offensive is the necessity of dying to self in order to follow Christ. Of all the religions of the world today, Christianity is the only one where its founder tells you to follow Him and die. "Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me'" (Matthew 16:24). Those who heard this message knew exactly what Jesus meant; to follow Him was to die to self and give up everything they ever held dear. That's why everyone ran away when He was arrested; they weren't prepared to die with Him.

Correctness in the secular, political realm is not the concern of Christians or the church because “our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control” (Philippians 3:20-21).

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/political-correctness.html#ixzz3ErBGICM8

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1. Sex before marriage is a sin. (strike one)

2. Doing what you think is right is not always right. (strike two)

3. Jesus is our only hope of salvation. There is no other. (strike three, you're out! Throw them to the lions.)


"Political correctness" is 90% common sense and common decency and 10% the enemy of free speech and open discourse. I think it is highly politically incorrect for a government to try to enforce adherence to "political correctness" by way of criminal and civil laws. I believe religionists are as entitled to free speech and open discourse as any other group or any other individuals. Figures courtesy of my back-of-an-envelope methodology.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
Question: "What does the Bible say about political correctness? Should a Christian be politically correct?"

Answer: Political correctness (PC) is defined as “a term that describes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, religious beli ...[text shortened]... of our way to offend anyone personally, but the truth is that Christianity itself is offensive.
I do believe the keyword is "minimize". How else could I as an atheist tell everone there is no real evidence for god and still be politically correct? Someone's always offended no matter what you say. Minimize is the keyword there.

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Politics is about compromise, but not at the expense of the truth.

Political correctness is the act of compromise in spite of the truth.

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Originally posted by josephw
Politics is about compromise, but not at the expense of the truth.

Political correctness is the act of compromise in spite of the truth.
It's like gay sex. Gay males in the US account for well over half the AIDS cases in the US, but are less than 10% of the population.

Any mention of this sends a frenzy of accusations of bigotry by the PC crowd. The truth indeed hurts.

So the question begs. If we do not have similar fates as people like Jesus, his 12 disciples, Saint Paul etc., are we really living Christian lives?

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Originally posted by josephw
Politics is about compromise, but not at the expense of the truth.

Political correctness is the act of compromise in spite of the truth.
What a load of twaddle. Really. Politics is about compromise, but not at the expense of the truth? This is NOT the thread about life on other planets! 😀

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Originally posted by FMF
What a load of twaddle. Really. Politics is about compromise, but not at the expense of the truth? This is NOT the thread about life on other planets! 😀
Did you grow up in the USA? Politics is indeed about compromise. That's just Politics 101.

The rest of what I said follows logically.

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Originally posted by josephw
Did you grow up in the USA? Politics is indeed about compromise. That's just Politics 101.

The rest of what I said follows logically.
What happens to "truth" in US politics? Surely politics is the art of compromise but it's at the expense of the truth and not "NOT at the expense of the truth"?

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Originally posted by whodey
It's like gay sex. Gay males in the US account for well over half the AIDS cases in the US, but are less than 10% of the population.

Any mention of this sends a frenzy of accusations of bigotry by the PC crowd. The truth indeed hurts.

So the question begs. If we do not have similar fates as people like Jesus, his 12 disciples, Saint Paul etc., are we really living Christian lives?
2 Timothy 3:12
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

And be vilified in the RHP spirituality forum for speaking the truth of the Word of God.

If one wants to be politically correct, don't say God created the universe, or that homosexuality is a sin, or abortion is murder.

Doesn't "tickle" the ears!

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Originally posted by FMF
What happens to "truth" in US politics? Surely politics is the art of compromise but it's at the expense of the truth and not "NOT at the expense of the truth"?
Perhaps the sentence, "Politics is about compromise, but not at the expense of the truth", isn't making sense to you?

Or would you prefer not to have the truth in your politics?

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Originally posted by josephw
2 Timothy 3:12
[b]Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
1 C Hess 1:1
Yea, and all that will live godly in C Hess shall suffer persecution.

(Because no one could possibly make that prediction.)

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Originally posted by C Hess
1 C Hess 1:1
Yea, and all that will live godly in C Hess shall suffer persecution.

(Because no one could possibly make that prediction.)
You obviously have a god complex. Or you're just an ordinary megalomaniac. 😉


Originally posted by josephw
Perhaps the sentence, "Politics is about compromise, but not at the expense of the truth", isn't making sense to you?

Or would you prefer not to have the truth in your politics?
Truth is pretty much the first casualty of "political compromise" in the world I live in. I'd be more inclined to say "Politics is about compromise, but it comes at the expense of the truth".


Originally posted by josephw
Did you grow up in the USA? Politics is indeed about compromise. That's just Politics 101.

The rest of what I said follows logically.
It's like when they created the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson's first draft would have freed the slaves, but due to pressure from the South to not include that premise cost around a million American lives latter on.

This was the result of compromise.

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