15 Apr 19
@galveston75 saidI guess he is wondering where Moses got the time-machine from.
Sorry I missed that. Why do you ask?
@wolfgang59 saidHad to be H.G. Wells...Lol
I guess he is wondering where Moses got the time-machine from.
@divegeester saidWell there ya go..... Thank you.
It’s not a trick question, it’s not even a difficult question there is loads of content on the net about it if one is struggling to get around it or it troubles your faith.
Personally stuff like this just whizzes past my head like a pea from a peashooter.
@divegeester saidSure did sir!!! I'm out for the night.....
Did you read the content in the link?
@galveston75 saidWell there you go, you learnt something that wasn’t from the Watchtower publications. Good for you.
Sure did sir!!!
@divegeester saidNo we have that covered too.
Well there you go, you learnt something that wasn’t from the Watchtower publications. Good for you.
par. 3 The last chapter, containing the record of the death of Moses, may have been added by Joshua or by High Priest Eleazar.
@galveston75 saidNow you just need to reply with that to Caissad4.
No we have that covered too.
par. 3 The last chapter, containing the record of the death of Moses, may have been added by Joshua or by High Priest Eleazar.
Let me know if I can be of more help.
@whodey saidWhere the HELL did you hear anything like that 12 year crap you just spouted?
This has been talked about to death on this site, yet young earth creationists seem to want to remain what they are.
Why not just let them be? It's not like they believe that carbon emissions will destroy the earth in 12 years or something as bizarre.
@divegeester saidThe claim that the Earth is approximately 6,000 years old stems from a scholarly work published by Bishop James Ussher in 1654, commonly known as The Annals.
Some here claim that the earth is approximately 6,000 years old.
Can I please have your reasoning for this claim?
Thank you.
See :
You can read the work for yourself and follow Ussher's reasoning. Most YECs don't bother to actually examine Ussher's reasoning; they just accept his date on faith.
@moonbus saidAs I said in an earlier post in this thread I have noted where the origins of the ideology came from. My OP is asking why some Christians, in here, today, some 400+ years later have decided to believe that the earth is 6000 years old.
The claim that the Earth is approximately 6,000 years old stems from a scholarly work published by Bishop James Ussher in 1654, commonly known as The Annals.
See :
You can read the work for yourself and follow Ussher's reasoning. Most YECs don't bother to actually examine Ussher's reasoning; they just accept his date on faith.
Are you a Christian, if so what do you believe about the age of the earth and why?
@galveston75 saidAs I understand it The Watchtower’s position is that the ‘6 days of creation’ are literally 6 days plus a rest day, but the earth since those 6 days until now has experienced billions of years of time. Is that correct?
No we have that covered too.
par. 3 The last chapter, containing the record of the death of Moses, may have been added by Joshua or by High Priest Eleazar.
18 Apr 19
@divegeester saidI am a non-theist, and I believe that the preponderance of evidence is compellingly in favor of an old Earth (in billions of years) and an even older universe, and, moreover, that all life forms did not appear at the same time (plus or minus a few hours), to wit, that evolution is not 'just a theory' but really happened. Evolution is incompatible with a young Earth.
As I said in an earlier post in this thread I have noted where the origins of the ideology came from. My OP is asking why some Christians, in here, today, some 400+ years later have decided to believe that the earth is 6000 years old.
Are you a Christian, if so what do you believe about the age of the earth and why?
18 Apr 19
@divegeester saidYou understand wrong!!!!! This has been explained to you many times.
As I understand it The Watchtower’s position is that the ‘6 days of creation’ are literally 6 days plus a rest day, but the earth since those 6 days until now has experienced billions of years of time. Is that correct?