Call it a monologue if you wish.
This thread will contain reasons for Christians believing in the eternal Son of God.
It is admitted up front that the two words together "eternal Son" may not be found in the Bible. I will give evidence for the FACT of the eternal Son being biblical.
You all can decide for yourselves.
God is eternal. God never was created. God had no beginning - always was and always will be.
The eternal Son may be believed because John 1:1 says that the Word was God. So as eternal God is the Word Who was God also must be.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. (John 1:1)
The Logos or the Word was incarnated and called the Son of God.
"And the word became flesh and tabernacled among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten from the Father),
for of grace and reality. (v.14)
But does this leave room for understanding that before incarnation the Word was not the Son of God ?
Read on. Or contribute your understanding.
Was the Son of God the Son of God before the Word became flesh?
You decide. Jesus said He came from the Father.
I came forth out from the Father and have come into the world; ..." (John 16:28a)
Do you think Jesus meant He did not PRE_EXIST and came from the Father in the sense that He was born of Mary ? I believe it means that He as the Son of God came from His Father even before the incarnation took place.
I don't believe Jesus meant here that He did not exist and only "came from the Father" the moment He was conceived in the womb of His earthly mother.
Jesus said the Father loved Him before the foundation of the world meaning before the universe or wombs or women or men or flesh or any other created thing. THEN the Father loved the Son.
"Father, concerning that which You have given Me, I desire that they also may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory, which You have given Me, FOR YOU LOVED ME BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD." (John 17:24)
"And now, glorify Me along with Yourself, Father, with the glory which I HAD WITH YOU BEFORE THE WORLD WAS." (John 17:5)
"Father concerning that which You have given Me I desire that they also may be with Me where I am,
that they may behold My glory which You have given Me BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. " (John 17:24)
Before the creation of the universe then there was the Father and the Son.
Was the Son eternal? Will the Son be eternal ?
The parallel construction of these phrases suggest that as He was in eternity past with the Father He returns again for eternity future.
"I came forth out from the Father and have come into the world; again, I am leaving the world and am going to the Father." (John 16:28)
Christ pre-existed His humanity. He was Son of God with divinity only before the Word became flesh, before God sent forth His Son to be born of a woman.
"But when the fullness of time came, GOD SENT FORTH HIS SON, born of a woman, born under law." (Galatians 4:4)
Pre-existing His incarnation The Son came forth from the Father. And He will return from Whom He came forth.
Jesus said to them, If God were your Father you would love Me;
for I came forth out from God and have come from Him; for I have no come of Myself, but He sent Me." (John 8:42)
In this same chapter Jesus identifies Himself as the eternal I AM of Jehovah God who made Himself known to Moses in the burning bush. (Exo. 3:14)
"Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Before Abraham came into being, I am." (John 8:58)
This is mysterious. Do you believe this?
The Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Father sent the Son into the world.
The Son is the very "Person" through Whom God created the world.
"He was in the beginning with God.
All things came into being THROUGH HIM, and apart from HIm nothing came into being which has come into being." (John 1:2,3)
The Son is the One through Whom God speaks now and was also the "Person" through whom He brought made the universe in Hebrews 1 as well.
God ... has at the last of these days spoken to us in the SON, whom He appointed HEIR of all things, through whom also He made the universe." (Heb. 1:1a,2)
The Son therefore is appointed the eternal HEIR of the universe and was also the one THROUGH WHOM God made the universe which the Son is to inherit.
The Son is indeed ETERNAL - past and future.
The following verse says that this SON, accompished redemption when He became human flesh and blood - a Man.
" ... through whom also He made the universe;
Who being the effulgence of His glory and the impress of His substance and upholding and bearing all things by the word of His power,
made purification of sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;? (Heb. 1:2b,3)
How did this One hold together the universe while He was nine months in the womb of the virgin Mary? I do not know.
Hebrews says that the Son has an office of inheriting all things as the HEIR.
" ... the SON, whom He appointed HEIR of all things, through whom also He made the universe." (Heb. 1:1a,2) [/b]
This is an eternal office - Heir of all things.
The universe came through the Son.
The universe will be the real estate of the Son as the eternal Heir.
Thankyou for the words of encouragement and appreciation.
Our Savior God is truly Wonderful and awesome.
@sonship said🦅
Thankyou for the words of encouragement and appreciation.
Our Savior God is truly Wonderful and awesome.
@sonship said1) As you quite righty state, the “eternal son” is not not mentioned in the bible, not even once. Can’t be that important can it.
It is admitted up front that the two words together "eternal Son" may not be found in the Bible. I will give evidence for the FACT of the eternal Son being biblical.
2) you have provided scriptures with you believe support your understanding of someone else’s interpretation of other scriptures which they believed explained an element of the godhead. These notes you make are not evidence of a “FACT” of the reality of something not even mentioned in the bible.
3) the concept of an “eternal son” and an eternal father” is flawed even in the most basic of reasoning and also in scripture.
Firstly in logic, how can a son be equally eternal with his father when clearly a father comes before a son?
Secondly there is is this important scripture in psalms:
“I will proclaim the LORD's decree: He said to me, "You are my son; today I have become your father.
If the son was begotten of his father and it happened on a day call “today”, then how can that relationship as father and son be eternal?
You are wrong sonship. You make the most simple of truths complicated.
I think the eternal pre-existence of the Son is established.
The one who came forth to be born in Bethlehem came from days of eternity according to the prophecy Micah 5:2. Not only so but the prophecy speaks of TWO "Persons".
1.) "Me"
2.) the He who comes forth unto Me
(But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, So little to be among the thousands of Judah,
From you there will come forth to Me He who is to be Ruler in Israel; His goings forth are from ancient times, from days of eternity. ) (MIcah 5:2)
This is very mysterious. There is an eternal "Me". And there is an eternal "He" who comes out of eternity unto "Me". And this second "Person" coming unto the first "Person" is to be the Messiah and RUler Israel.
This is a glimpse into the triune God - including the Father and the Son.
In the Gospel the Father and the Son are spoken of as the Divine "We" Who by the Holy Spirit will come to make an abode with the lover of the Second - the Son.
"Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me; he will keep My word, and My Father will love him,
and We will come to him and make an abode with him." (John 14:23)
I’ve just demonstrated to you, clearly, sucintly and using unequivocal scriptures, that it is not established and is in fact error.
You certainly did not in this thread. And I noticed no "unequivocal"
argument in another thread.
I did not name you by name here. You can extend your Statement of belief without me even having to participate.
I'm not over there checking your misstatements.
Are you sure you want to come here ?
@sonship saidThen I advise you to read it again.
You certainly did not in this thread. And I noticed no "unequivocal"
argument in another thread.