Originally posted by DoctorScribblesjust like all of the other religions, the silliest aspect is worshipping god.
What do you think it is?
1) Papal infallibility
2) Immaculate conception
3) Denying women access to the priesthood
4) Vow of celibacy
5) Purgatory
6) Taxonomy of sins
7) Impermissibility of contraception
8) Denial of Holy Communion to those deemed unworthy because of their stance in relation to the Church
ever if there was a god, hes not going to be so egotistical that he needs people worshipping and praising him.
Originally posted by NemesioBump for LH.
Hey LH,
Just a question: How does a Roman Catholic know if a given document/encyclical (e.g., HV)
has the special protection you mention? That is, take Deus Caritas Est: is this an infallible
teaching of the Church? If so, how do you know? And, are all encyclicals (say of the modern era
following Vatican I) infallible? And, if so, how does a Roman Catholic know this to be true?
Originally posted by NemesioThis may be an absolutely shameless attempt at resurrecting a question that had previously reached an honorable impasse, but—what about Honorius?
Bump for LH.
I let that die on the vine both because I relied on Jaroslav Pelikan’s belief that the argument was not strong, and because the only other reference I found was such a rabid Protestant polemic. But, in retrospect...?
Originally posted by spinpsychleIt can be relaxing just as other forms of meditation can be. I had a spiritual director who thought I should meditate by repeating the word *hesed* over and over. Nothing is meant for everybody, but it does help some people.
There should be a spot on the list for the rosary. Like repeating yourself fifty times is going to help anything.