Trinitarians: Does not believing the 'trinity' lead to damnation?

Trinitarians: Does not believing the 'trinity' lead to damnation?


Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
13 Sep 12
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Originally posted by galveston75
Jesus never said he was Almighty God. When he said they were one first he never included the Holy Spirit in that comment and as simple as it is, he meant they were one in agreement, plans, goals, etc. He never said they were one in the same being.
I quoted the bible perfectly. You on the other hand added a bunch of opinion. All I said Jesus said was, "I and the Father are one." And the context is pretty clear I believe; as immediately following his bold statement, the Jews picked up rocks to stone him to death, saying that he had blasphemed, claiming himself to be God.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
13 Sep 12

Originally posted by sumydid
Not so. The doctrine of the Trinity, in its full context, is completely unique to Christianity.
He's not talking about "doctrine"; obviously a doctrine is unique to it's particular religion, but the concept of multiple entities in one god is pagan in origin and was assimilated into Chrisitanity after it became a mainstream religion in Roman times. Have a look through these images.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
13 Sep 12

Originally posted by divegeester
He's not talking about "doctrine"; obviously a doctrine is unique to it's particular religion, but the concept of multiple entities in one god is pagan in origin and was assimilated into Chrisitanity after it became a mainstream religion in Roman times. Have a look through these images.
There are no other religions that embrace the doctrine (or concept if you like that word better) of the Christian Trinity. Just because there are statues in existence with 3 heads, that doesn't mean the Christian Trinity was born of Paganism. The Christian Trinity doctrine/concept is completely unique. The Pagan religions that incorporated a "triad" of gods both before and after Christianity, believed those gods to be completely separate entities, and in almost every case, there was a mother involved. The Christian Trinity concept teaches--to the exclusion of all other pagan religions--that all 3 entities are united as one God.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
13 Sep 12

Originally posted by menace71
DUDE.......Spell check LOL 😉

So when Jesus says "You must eat my flesh and drink my blood" Do you as a J-Dub take that to heart and think that Jesus meant that literally? You pick and choose to believe only what the Almighty Watchtower tells you to believe. Come up with something new I think people see through you. There is a whole vast world and thought outside your little cult and God is much bigger than your little cult.

No we don't take it literally as it was not his literal flesh and blood that he offered them that night. It was bread and wine. So what's your point?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
13 Sep 12
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Originally posted by divegeester
The Catholics do!
When you say Catholics, I assume you are referring to the members of the Roman Catholic Church that take bread and wine at their communion service. Even they know that the bread and wine they use is just that. They do not even teach that it is the real body and blood of Jesus. They teach that once the believing person takes the bread and wine into ones own body that it is tranformed into flesh and blood, which even dietitian knows to be true. However. they add that in this case, in addition, it is transformeed into the flesh and blood of Christ Jesus in the mind of the believer.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
13 Sep 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
When you say Catholics, I assume you are referring to the members of the Roman Catholic Church that take bread and wine at their communion service. Even they know that the bread and wine they use is just that. They do not even teach that it is the real body and blood of Jesus. They teach that once the believing person takes the bread and wine into ones ow ...[text shortened]... f Christ Jesus in the mind of the believer.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!
Oh really? Could you come up with the proof of this? How does one know this or do they cut the person open to see?


Windsor, Ontario

10 Jun 11
13 Sep 12

Originally posted by sumydid
There are no other religions that embrace the doctrine (or concept if you like that word better) of the Christian Trinity. Just because there are statues in existence with 3 heads, that doesn't mean the Christian Trinity was born of Paganism. The Christian Trinity doctrine/concept is completely unique. The Pagan religions that incorporated a "triad" of go ...[text shortened]... es--to the exclusion of all other pagan religions--that all 3 entities are united as one God.
there is nothing surprising here (and keep in mind that some christian sects do worship the mother mary as part of the trinity). jesus was a jew and the christians were working from the context of the jewish religion with the obligatory "one god" of the jews. they married their pagan trinity concept with that of the one god of the jews and came up with the christian doctrine of the trinity.

in this they succeeded in taking glory away from the jewish one-god and splitting him into mere characteristics persona and they've been involved in this idolatry every since.

the trinity concept itself has preexisted christianity by centuries.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
13 Sep 12
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Originally posted by sumydid
There are no other religions that embrace the doctrine (or concept if you like that word better) of the Christian Trinity. Just because there are statues in existence with 3 heads, that doesn't mean the Christian Trinity was born of Paganism. The Christian Trinity doctrine/concept is completely unique. The Pagan religions that incorporated a "triad" of go ...[text shortened]... es--to the exclusion of all other pagan religions--that all 3 entities are united as one God.
As I said, "doctrine" has nothing to do it. The concept of multiple 'gods' is pagan in origin specifically triune concepts. You can of course believe what you choose of course, but as [the atheist] voidspirit correct points out, multiple entities in the Godhead, dilutes the glory of the one into three. The Chrisitian God is ONE.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
13 Sep 12

Another belief accepted into the church that is not in the Bible....

The Cult of the Mother-Goddess

Where did this idea originate? It gradually crept into apostate Christendom in the third and fourth centuries of our Common Era. Especially was this the case after the year 325 C.E. when the Council of Nicaea adopted the unscriptural doctrine that Christ was God. Once that erroneous idea was accepted, it became easier to teach that Mary was the “mother of God.” Regarding this, The New Encyclopædia Britannica states: “The title [‘mother of God’] seems to have arisen in devotional usage, probably in Alexandria, sometime in the 3rd or 4th century . . . By the end of the 4th century, the Theotokos had successfully established itself in various sections of the church.” The New Catholic Encyclopedia notes that the doctrine was accepted officially “since the Council of Ephesus in 431.”

Of interest is where that council met and why. The book The Cult of the Mother-Goddess, by E. O. James, states: “The Council of Ephesus assembled in the basilica of the Theotokos in 431. There, if anywhere, in the city so notorious for its devotion to Artemis, or Diana as the Romans called her, where her image was said to have fallen from heaven, under the shadow of the great temple dedicated to the Magna Mater [Great Mother] since 330 B.C. and containing, according to tradition, a temporary residence of Mary, the title ‘God-bearer’ hardly could fail to be upheld.”

So just as with the Trinity, the “mother of God” doctrine is a pagan teaching masquerading as a Christian belief. It was prominent in pagan religions centuries before Christ. The New Encyclopædia Britannica states under the heading “mother goddess”: “Any of a variety of feminine deities and maternal symbols of creativity, birth, fertility, sexual union, nurturing, and the cycle of growth. The term also has been applied to figures as diverse as the so-called Stone Age Venuses and the Virgin Mary. . . . There is no culture that has not employed some maternal symbolism in depicting its deities. . . . She is the protector and nourisher of a divine child and, by extension, of all mankind.” Thus, Catholic priest Andrew Greely says in his book The Making of the Popes 1978: “The Mary symbol links Christianity directly to the ancient [pagan] religions of mother goddesses.”

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
13 Sep 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Another belief accepted into the church that is not in the Bible....

The Cult of the Mother-Goddess

Where did this idea originate? It gradually crept into apostate Christendom in the third and fourth centuries of our Common Era. Especially was this the case after the year 325 C.E. when the Council of Nicaea ado ...[text shortened]... e Mary symbol links Christianity directly to the ancient [pagan] religions of mother goddesses.”
Wow, G-man.

About ALL I have to say to you on this topic is look up and read and comprehend Luke 6:42.

The JWs have taken this beginning idea that Jesus is not God, and because they deny this, they find they have to backpedal on a lot of other stuff, thus bastardizing Christianity into their own religion and creating their own Bible in the process. And THEN you go on, telling us that our theology is wrong because we adopt wrong ideas. Wow, I'd say to you, first cast out the beam that is in thine own eye.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 Sep 12

Originally posted by Suzianne
Wow, G-man.

About ALL I have to say to you on this topic is look up and read and comprehend Luke 6:42.

The JWs have taken this beginning idea that Jesus is not God, and because they deny this, they find they have to backpedal on a lot of other stuff, thus bastardizing Christianity into their own religion and creating their own Bible in the process. A ...[text shortened]... e we adopt wrong ideas. Wow, I'd say to you, first cast out the beam that is in thine own eye.
The truth isn't easy is it? The Christian faith was founded completely by Jesus. He gave no indication that any new theologies or doctrines would be added. But wait, he clearly warned that new and false doctrines would be let into the congregations by false teachers.
So let's see.... He said nothing new would be added as he completed his ministry but yet he said pagan teachings would be let in. Humm....the trinity was of pagan origin as all pagan nations around god's people believed in it, and also the worship of a mother god was of pagan origins which any one can find with litttle effort if one really wanted too. But one has to want to learn to really see....

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 12

Originally posted by galveston75
No we don't take it literally as it was not his literal flesh and blood that he offered them that night. It was bread and wine. So what's your point?
My point is you believe and understand the bible through a watchtower colored lens


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 12

Originally posted by galveston75
The truth isn't easy is it? The Christian faith was founded completely by Jesus. He gave no indication that any new theologies or doctrines would be added. But wait, he clearly warned that new and false doctrines would be let into the congregations by false teachers.
So let's see.... He said nothing new would be added as he completed his ministry but y ...[text shortened]... with litttle effort if one really wanted too. But one has to want to learn to really see....
You don't know what the Pagans believed in Jesus day you can't even use spell check LOL
You mix crap up and spout off stuff from your beloved watchtower but have you done research outside of their umbrella ? NO So what if there were other so called triads or trinities or what ever name you want to call them this in no way nullifies what God has revealed about Himself in the scriptures. The devil is always going to try and counterfeit God.



San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 Sep 12

Originally posted by menace71
My point is you believe and understand the bible through a watchtower colored lens

The Watchtower has nothing to do with the falseness of the trinty and Mary worship. That is done by you guys and done very well.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 12

Originally posted by galveston75
The Watchtower has nothing to do with the falseness of the trinty and Mary worship. That is done by you guys and done very well.
I don't worship Mary and I believe in God


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