Trinitarians: Does not believing the 'trinity' lead to damnation?

Trinitarians: Does not believing the 'trinity' lead to damnation?


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 12

Originally posted by galveston75
The Watchtower has nothing to do with the falseness of the trinty and Mary worship. That is done by you guys and done very well.
No the watchtower has it's own 100+ year history of falsities and the like.



San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 Sep 12

Originally posted by menace71
You don't know what the Pagans believed in Jesus day you can't even use spell check LOL
You mix crap up and spout off stuff from your beloved watchtower but have you done research outside of their umbrella ? NO So what if there were other so called triads or trinities or what ever name you want to call them this in no way nullifies what God has revealed ...[text shortened]... t Himself in the scriptures. The devil is always going to try and counterfeit God.

Getting defensive aren't we? Lets let it rest on this fact.
I worship the 1 God of the Bible and you worship some mysterious, 3 person vague god, that not one of you can prove by scripture at all and even start to explain it. You believe it because some trinitairian pushers changed just a couple little words in those bibles you use ( how awesome of them to think of this ) to now make you guys fall for it.
The WTS has nothing to prove that God is more then 1 God as the Bible says, it's you that can't prove this 3 in 1 godhead being and are to ashamed to admit it's pagan tentacles are all thru it. In fact it is in it so much you can't tell the differance between light and dark when it comes to the bible and it's crystal clear truths. Very sad.
So we'll let it be as I have nothing else to say about this demonic pagan teaching.... Enough is enough.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 Sep 12

Originally posted by menace71
No the watchtower has it's own 100+ year history of falsities and the like.

But at least we are progressing as Jehovah lets us learn. Maybe if you used his name he might listen to you and you would learn who he really is.
But at least we are not stuck in the dark ages with some pagan infested beliefs that those demon inspired men of the old church stuffed down the throats of those out of fear.
"You must believe in the trinity or you'll burn forever in hell!!!!!" OMgosh. Such a loving way to make them listen and to keep them in the dark for centuries and it certianly has worked hasn't it Manny?!

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 12

Originally posted by galveston75
But at least we are progressing as Jehovah lets us learn. Maybe if you used his name he might listen to you and you would learn who he really is.
But at least we are not stuck in the dark ages with some pagan infested beliefs that those demon inspired men of the old church stuffed down the throats of those out of fear.
"You must believe in the trini ...[text shortened]... ten and to keep them in the dark for centuries and it certianly has worked hasn't it Manny?!
Why does Jehovah your Jehovah first allow you to believe in something false ? Then in time oh your Jehovah slowly allows you to get it right? The real God reveals truth the first time correctly without fail. Your Jehovah is not a god at all it's a bunch of dudes at the watchtower HQ that tell a bunch of simpletons what to believe. Your cult is in the dark ages no doubt. No education Pseudo science and false doctrine and 100+ years of written history to prove it. Example in the 1930's your Watchtower was ok with Blood transfusions they even praised people for donating blood but for reason in 1944 that changed. I guess your Jehovah changed his mind ? Not to mention all of the failed prophecies starting with 1876 then 1914 then 1918 and well even up to 1976. Oh but your Jehovah is the one leading your cult so how can he fail so many times?


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 12

Originally posted by galveston75
But at least we are progressing as Jehovah lets us learn. Maybe if you used his name he might listen to you and you would learn who he really is.
But at least we are not stuck in the dark ages with some pagan infested beliefs that those demon inspired men of the old church stuffed down the throats of those out of fear.
"You must believe in the trini ...[text shortened]... ten and to keep them in the dark for centuries and it certianly has worked hasn't it Manny?!
His name is not Jehovah either that's a mere attempt at trying to paste together a name that is not even able to be pronounced!!!
PS: I don't think that believing in the trinity makes a difference and I would never say someone is going to hell if they don't profess the trinity LOL That's propaganda from your dudes in Brooklyn NY ultimately believe on Jesus is what He says


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 12

You attempt to paint all Christians the same and well it's your propaganda from your dudes in Brooklyn. Because Christians come in many shapes and forms but the propaganda from your dudes in Brooklyn hates people from different parts of Christendom. You know Catholics even vary ? You have hardcore Roman Catholics to reformed Catholics it's like politics conservative to ultra liberal even mystics. I'm not going to judge these groups they way you do. Jesus said the tares grow along side the wheat !!! He knows the wheat from the tares.


Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
14 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
The truth isn't easy is it? The Christian faith was founded completely by Jesus. He gave no indication that any new theologies or doctrines would be added. But wait, he clearly warned that new and false doctrines would be let into the congregations by false teachers.
So let's see.... He said nothing new would be added as he completed his ministry but y with litttle effort if one really wanted too. But one has to want to learn to really see....
Listening to JWs arguing with Christians about the trinity when they themselves believe in:

2 Gods, (Jesus and Jehovah),
2 saviours (ditto),
that Jesus is also Michael the angel (who by definition must be "mighty God" ),
that Jesus is also Abaddon the Destroyer (widely accepted by mainstream Chrisitanity as being a demon) really too much to bear. Comedy!

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
14 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
But at least we are progressing as Jehovah lets us learn. Maybe if you used his name he might listen to you and you would learn who he really is.
But at least we are not stuck in the dark ages with some pagan infested beliefs that those demon inspired men of the old church stuffed down the throats of those out of fear.
"You must believe in the trini ten and to keep them in the dark for centuries and it certianly has worked hasn't it Manny?!
Sorry, that is just the way it is. It has been bound on Earth by the three universal creeds of Christianity. As long as you mentally accountable, you must think in this manner concerning the Trinity of God, when you believe on the Lord Jesus the Christ to be saved.

You can not be mentally accountable and claim you are believing on Christ and believe in some other manner about God. For Satan the devil and his demons also believe, but in the wrong manner. The watchtower Society is preaching a different Jesus than the one the Apostles preached. Believeing on their version of Christ has no saving power and no righteousness attached to it. You must have the right faith to be rewarded with eternal life.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
15 Sep 12

Originally posted by menace71
You attempt to paint all Christians the same and well it's your propaganda from your dudes in Brooklyn. Because Christians come in many shapes and forms but the propaganda from your dudes in Brooklyn hates people from different parts of Christendom. You know Catholics even vary ? You have hardcore Roman Catholics to reformed Catholics it's like politics con ...[text shortened]... said the tares grow along side the wheat !!! He knows the wheat from the tares.

Testify, brother!! 🙂


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
16 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by menace71
You attempt to paint all Christians the same and well it's your propaganda from your dudes in Brooklyn. Because Christians come in many shapes and forms but the propaganda from your dudes in Brooklyn hates people from different parts of Christendom. You know Catholics even vary ? You have hardcore Roman Catholics to reformed Catholics it's like politics con said the tares grow along side the wheat !!! He knows the wheat from the tares.

1 Corinthians 1:10
Good News Translation (GNT)

Divisions in the Church
10 By the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ I appeal to all of you, my friends, to agree in what you say, so that there will be no divisions among you. Be completely united, with only one thought and one purpose.

I'm just curious Manny how you justify what you just said about the Catholics and how they vary in their beliefs when this scripture says this could NOT be the case among Jesus's followers? And it's not just the Catholics but it's among the Baptist, the Methodist, etc.
Please explain this the best way you understand this scripture or is there some vague excuse you can come up with and no attacking the JW's? Just simply read this scripture and tell me honestly how they live up to these words?

And this is a clear problem even among the ones here at RHP that claim to be christian. You all have your own thoughts and opinions on every subject we've spoke of.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
16 Sep 12
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If the Trinity is truly 3 gods that would be a problem. But it's not. You don't see any Christians praying directly to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit represents the power of God, and Jesus represents a begotten manifestation of God. But it's still GOD. We pray to God, even when we pray in the name of Jesus Christ.

All this nonsense of Christians believing in 3 separate gods, and it being of Pagan origin, are just convenient, ill-conceived misinterpretations of the Christian beliefs, designed to paint us in a bad light, with a goal of misinforming the uneducated masses who don't know better.


Windsor, Ontario

10 Jun 11
16 Sep 12

Originally posted by sumydid
If the Trinity is truly 3 gods that would be a problem. But it's not. You don't see any Christians praying directly to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit represents the power of God, and Jesus represents a begotten manifestation of God. But it's still GOD. We pray to God, even when we pray in the name of Jesus Christ.

All this nonsense of Christians be ...[text shortened]... us in a bad light, with a goal of misinforming the uneducated masses who don't know better.
why would it paint you in a bad light? worshiping one god or dozens of gods makes no difference. it's worrisome that you would worship any at all.
further, how can it be a misinterpretation of christian beliefs when there are christians who reject the doctrine of trinity?

the uneducated masses aren't being misinformed, they are being educated with other interpretations. they are being educated on the history and origin of the trinity doctrine and the fact that it doesn't exist in the bible, which is surprising for many, it being a doctrine sold as being essential to christianity.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
16 Sep 12

Originally posted by VoidSpirit
why would it paint you in a bad light? worshiping one god or dozens of gods makes no difference. it's worrisome that you would worship any at all.
further, how can it be a misinterpretation of christian beliefs when there are christians who reject the doctrine of trinity?
I started to say, "Trinitarians" instead of Christians. I guess I should have done that. My bad.

I'm sorry that you choose to spend your time worrying about me, just because I believe in God. How do you find the time to do anything but worry, seeing as how Atheists represent such a small fraction of humanity?

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
16 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by VoidSpirit
the uneducated masses aren't being misinformed, they are being educated with other interpretations. they are being educated on the history and origin of the trinity doctrine and the fact that it doesn't exist in the bible, which is surprising for many, it being a doctrine sold as being essential to christianity.
Education is not education when it is inaccurate. Inaccurate education is called "misinformation" or in the case when it's intentional, "disinformation."

The bible doesn't say anything about a host of things, but that doesn't make them untrue.

The bible doesn't say anything about the strong correlation between the killing of Egypt's first-born sons in Exodus, and the protected family's having the blood of the lamb displayed on their front doors... and the killing of God's only begotten son Jesus... and yet, the undeniable, distinct correlation is there, and we are left to figure it out for ourselves.

It is clear that Jesus spoke in parables, partly because when someone figures out the parable, the idea sinks in much more permanently, as opposed to Jesus just spelling out the message word for word.

I hope that makes sense. And I hope it doesn't get spun into some other off-subject debate. I am only saying that just because the bible doesn't spell out the doctrine of the trinity word for word, that is not good grounds to suggest it therefore can't be true.

The bible never said that I would have to work hard all my life to make a living. And yet, here I am. It's true nonetheless.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
16 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by sumydid
Education is not education when it is inaccurate. Inaccurate education is called "misinformation" or in the case when it's intentional, "disinformation."

The bible doesn't say [b]anything
about a host of things, but that doesn't make them untrue.

The bible doesn't say anything about the strong correlation between the killing of Egypt's first-born k hard all my life to make a living. And yet, here I am. It's true nonetheless.[/b]
He is one that likes to "disagree to disagree" as Taoman calls it. 😀

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