Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?


Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"Ron, thanks for your reply. Let's continue our conversation with personal messages and/or email. -Bob" He declined.
Of course he declined! This is hilarious.


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
We know it's his (RJHinds) perspective robbie, and of course he is quite within his free rights to express it. The question is, is he "right"?

Are you going to join forces with The likes of Lemon Lime and Grampy Bobby and refuse to comment on the correctness (of such a statement from Hinds?
You are too quick on the draw for me jeester, see above.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Do you view all people who disagree with you or call you out for your prevarication as being "unhappy"?
You need to know someone well to recognize significant changes in behaviour which excludes your "all people" reference; only a few.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Ok i understand now, its me who is confusing his right to say it rather than whether the content was right (accurate or correct I think would be better). As someone who does not profess belief in Hell as a literal place of torment I cannot say the content is accurate.
Our posts crossed.

Thanks for standing up for what you believe in terms of scriptural veracity of his comment; how about from a softer element, considering was he as a professed Christian "right" to say the to another professed Christian? Whether he believes it or not.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You are too quick on the draw for me jeester, see above.
Yes our posts crossed.


28 Oct 05
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
As someone who does not profess belief in Hell as a literal place of torment I cannot say the content is accurate.
As someone who studies the Bible carefully, and who has entered into debate, discussion and disputes with non-JW Christians on scriptural matters for many years, what verse do you think lemon lime might be referring to when he claims that there is scriptural support for RJHinds' assertion about 'not believing in eternal torture' is punishable by 'eternal torture'?


28 Oct 05
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
You need to know someone well to recognize significant changes in behaviour which excludes your "all people" reference; only a few.
You're in full on emotional passive aggressive mode here. 😉

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
You need to know someone well to recognize significant changes in behaviour which excludes your "all people" reference; only a few.
So you think you know me well enough to say that when I'm calling you out for your forum behaviour, it is not because of your forum behaviour, it is because I am "unhappy"?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Of course he declined! This is hilarious.
His prerogative; respect it. If you're a believer in Christ you will not be separated from God for eternity no matter what you
believe or don't believe about the Lake of Fire. Suggest you ask Peter Neumann [sp] if you need confirmation.


28 Oct 05
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
His prerogative; respect it. If you're a believer in Christ you will not be separated from God for eternity no matter what you believe or don't believe about the Lake of Fire. Suggest you ask Peter Neumann [sp] if you need confirmation.
Would you have said this directly to RJHinds in secret if he had accepted your offer of an exchange of PMs?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Lemon Lime the point in question here is whether or not Christians here think RJHinds was right to tell me, a Christian, that I deserve to burn in hell for eternity, for not believing in the doctrine of eternal burning in hell.

What do you have to say on this?
Stop trying to get me involved in your little girlish snit fit with RJ and try dealing with this:

Originally posted by lemon lime
You should go to the source, and ask yourself why would Jesus warn his followers about hell as a place to avoid if it wasn't real.

By the way, if you haven't figured this out yet, I'll be using one of your own tactics and continue repeating this until I hear an honest answer from you.


28 Oct 05
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
You should go to the source, and ask yourself why would Jesus warn his followers about hell as a place to avoid if it wasn't real.
Which verse at "the source" supports RJHinds' view that 'not believing in eternal torture' is punishable by 'eternal torture'?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
His prerogative; respect it. If you're a believer in Christ you will not be separated from God for eternity no matter what you
believe or don't believe about the Lake of Fire. Suggest you ask Peter Neumann [sp] if you need confirmation.
RJHinds will not discuss it (his now infamous statement) because it is completely unsupportable in scripture and morally reprehensible in nature.

That you refuse to call him on it publically would potentially be something that would disappoint me, but not make me "unhappy".

Not one single Christian in this forum has called Hinds on his statement. I find it shocking and fascinating behaviour and an haters sting insight into the minds of people here. I could not sit back and tolerate someone saying at to someone else. That you can, that Lemon Lime and the other Christians here can is what is so fascinating and yet so distasteful.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
So you think you know me well enough to say that when I'm calling you out for your forum behaviour, it is not because of your forum behaviour, it is because I am "unhappy"?
Once upon a time your topic interests were many and varied; gradually you've abandoned
topics in favor of fixating on people with a simultaneous change in your demeanor.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Stop trying to get me involved in your little girlish snit fit with RJ and try dealing with this:

Originally posted by lemon lime
[b]You should go to the source, and ask yourself why would Jesus warn his followers about hell as a place to avoid if it wasn't real.

By the way, if you haven't figured this out yet, I'll be using one of your own tactics and continue repeating this until I hear an honest answer from you.[/b]
The topic in hand here is RJHinds telling another Christian that they deserve to burn in hell for eternity for not believing in the doctrine of eternally burning in hell. If you don't want to discuss this them I'm surprised you are here commenting. Or not commenting actually.

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