Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



28 Oct 05
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime

Maybe the title of this thread should have been:

[b]Why are some Christians amused when under attack?

Or maybe this...

Why is FMF bemused when Christians are amused?[/b]
I think the thread has been interesting and revealing with the thread title it's got.


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Not at all. I am interested in the issues discussed here and have been around for the best part of a decade. I have come to realize that religious people get more bent out of shape by inconvenient questions than they do by the kind of as hominems that they themselves dish out. I am just participating like anyone else. Was your 'divegeester feels the same degree ...[text shortened]... ek or so ago, was that you participating in good faith or did you see yourself as experimenting?
I explained this already. I just wondered what moral imperative might have prevented anyone of us from engaging in the same kind of justification had we been of the same epoch and same values. I still have no problem seeing divesgeester and his family at church on Sunday and being a willing spectator at a lynching. This of course offended your moral sensibilities being of a different epoch and having different vales, but it was based on reading lengthy excerpts of material on how the phenomena was perpetrated and the justifications utilised for it.


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Yes and birds of a feather flock together πŸ˜‰
yes you fly with the crows and you get shot with the crows πŸ˜€


28 Oct 05
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I explained this already. I just wondered what moral imperative might have prevented anyone of us from engaging in the same kind of justification had we been of the same epoch and same values. I still have no problem seeing divesgeester and his family at church on Sunday and being a willing spectator at a lynching. This of course offended your mor ...[text shortened]... , but it was based on reading lengthy excerpts of material on how the phenomena was perpetrated.
What has divegeester written on this forum in the seven years he has been here that makes you think he would have been a racist murderer?


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
What has divegeester written on this forum in the seven years he has been here that makes you think he would have been a racist murderer?
my evaluation was not based upon what he has written on a forum but on the values that were being professed to justify lynchings. I have already stated though that he appears to me to be bigoted and ignorant and prejudiced especially against Jehovahs witnesses, Whether that makes him capable of engaging or being a spectator in racist murder i cannot say, it certainly wouldn't help.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I explained this already. I just wondered what moral imperative might have prevented anyone of us from engaging in the same kind of justification had we been of the same epoch and same values. I still have no problem seeing divesgeester and his family at church on Sunday and being a willing spectator at a lynching. This of course offended your mor ...[text shortened]... , but it was based on reading lengthy excerpts of material on how the phenomena was perpetrated.
Your "lynching" thread was possibly one of your lowest points here at RHP that I remember. I find it toe-curling embarrassing for you that you started that thread with your pretension of examining those horrendous events in the light of Southern American religiosity and descended (rapidly) into using it as an ad hominem. For me at that point you devolved from being an argumentative religious runt to a new level of squalid cheapness.


28 Oct 05
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
This of course offended your moral sensibilities being of a different epoch and having different vales, but it was based on reading lengthy excerpts of material on how the phenomena was perpetrated and the justifications utilised for it.
So you read some "lengthy excerpts of material" and this made you think and state that divegeester is "equally as hateful, equally as bigoted" as the people who murdered black people?


28 Oct 05
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
my evaluation was not based upon what he has written on a forum but on the values that were being professed to justify lynchings.
What values do you think divegeester professes that justify lynchings?


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Your "lynching" thread was possibly one of your lowest points here at RHP that I remember. I find it toe-curling embarrassing for you that you started that thread with your pretension of examining those horrendous events in the light of Southern American religiosity and descended (rapidly) into using it as an ad hominem. For me at that point you devolved from being an little argumentative religious runt to a new level of squalid cheapness.
You could and still cannot provide any moral imperative that would have prevented you from engaging in or being a spectator to racial murder. Here is your chance to do so now.


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
What values do you think divegeester professes that justify lynchings?
explained above, he appears to me to be ignorant, prejudiced and bigoted and as i have already explained for the second time now, whether this would have led him to justify lynchings i cannot say, it certainly would not have helped him any.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You could and still cannot provide any moral imperative that would have prevented you from engaging in or being a spectator to racial murder. Here is your chance to do so now.
Are you asking me to somehow defend myself from your allegation that you think I would lynch black people?


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
So you read some "lengthy excerpts of material" and this made you think and state that divegeester is "equally as hateful, equally as bigoted" as the people who murdered black people?
I have already retracted the statement, can you tell me what it is about i have retracted the statement that you fail to understand?


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you asking me to somehow defend myself from your allegation that you think I would lynch black people?
Yes what values would have prevented you from engaging the same type of behaviour as those Christians. You have not said. You are a Christian, they were Christians, you are a protestant, they are protestants, Calvinists, baptists, episcopalian etc etc

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have already retracted the statement, can you tell me what it is about i have retracted the statement that you fail to understand?
You have not apologised and you continue insulting me with this horrible accusation.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes what values would have prevented you from engaging the same type of behaviour as those Christians. You have not said.
What values would have prevented you?

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