Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



28 Oct 05
25 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
when you can produce the statement where i claim they are morally one and the same then please do so. citing an example of stating that something is symptomatic of a moral disposition is not that claim, no matter how much you would like to attempt to shoehorn it into one.
You said that divegeester had the same moral disposition as lynchers. Not "similar" or "symptomatic". You said "the same". Not a similar disposition. You said he had the "same moral disposition" as the lynch mob.


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by googlefudge
After 21 pages of posts, you are now all three just flogging a dead horse.
yes you are correct, it is enough for me to know that dweebster and his hero attempt to misrepresent a position in order to land cyber rockets. To simply fabricate claims in the hope that they will have some leverage. Its now clearer than ever.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by googlefudge
After 21 pages of posts, you are now all three just flogging a dead horse.
Robbie carrobie has said some foul things about me and it is my prerogative to chase him down about it. I am not going to stand by and let this jumped up cult member besmirch my character on a public forum and if it takes a 1000 pages I will not let him off the hook.


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
You said that divegeester had the same moral disposition as lynchers. No "similar" or "symptomatic". You said "the same". Not a similar disposition. You said he had the "same moral disposition" as the lynch mob.
that still doesn't equate to a claim that lynching and criticising my religion are morally synonymous. Infact it says nothing about the morality of lynching or critiquing another religion.


28 Oct 05
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
when you can produce the statement where i claim they are morally one and the same then please do so. citing an example of stating that something is symptomatic of a moral disposition is not that claim, no matter how much you would like to attempt to shoehorn it into one.
Well you've been offered several examples. This one is as good as any:

FMF: "I think the expression "'they are symptomatic of an underlying moral disposition" is failing you, not me. You are trying to use it to justify the preposterous comparison of criticisms of JW doctrine with lynch mobs murdering black people. On one level, I sense that you are trying to be a funny maverick but I think you are losing sight of how simply daft and appalling this whole convoluted ad hominem is, here and on the thread where you tried it out the first time."

robbie: "sure you keep telling yourself whatever it is you need to find comfort for your failure to tell us why this underlying moral disposition is in any way different."

That was on page 34-35 in case you've forgotten.


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Robbie carrobie has said some foul things about me and it is my prerogative to chase him down about it. I am not going to stand by and let this jumped up cult member besmirch my character on a public forum and if it takes a 1000 pages I will not let him off the hook.
I have used reason and example, anyone is free to peruse your posts and see the prejudice, ignorance and bigotry for themselves.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes you are correct, it is enough for me to know that dweebster and his hero attempt to misrepresent a position in order to land cyber rockets. To simply fabricate claims in the hope that they will have some leverage. Its now clearer than ever.
You said over a number of posts and at least two threads that I am the moral, hateful, prejudices, bigoted and ignorant equivalent of the perpetrators of the last century lynchings of black people.

Do you apologise and retract these claims?


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
Well you've been offered several examples. This one is as good as any:

FMF: "I think the expression "'they are symptomatic of an underlying moral disposition" is failing you, not me. [b]You are trying to use it to justify the preposterous comparison of criticisms of JW doctrine with lynch mobs murdering black people.
On one level, I sense that you are try ...[text shortened]... al disposition is in any way different.[/b]"

That was on page 34-35 in case you've forgotten.[/b]
these are your silly claims, you justify them.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have used reason and example, anyone is free to peruse your posts and see the prejudice, ignorance and bigotry for themselves.
Is it immoral for me to stand in opposition to your religious organisation?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
these are your silly claims, you justify them.
Are you saying that you have never made these claims?


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
You said over a number of posts and at least two threads that I am the moral, hateful, prejudices, bigoted and ignorant equivalent of the perpetrators of the last century lynchings of black people.

Do you apologise and retract these claims?
I have already retracted that you are equally bigoted, ignorant etc on the basis that hate, bigotry etc are difficult to quantify, this is the second or third time i have done so, you are still a tiresome fellow for asking the same things again and again and again, No apology is necessary nor will be forthcoming until I see a change in your attitude.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have already retracted that you are equally bigoted, ignorant etc on the basis that hate, bigotry etc are difficult to quantify, this is the second or third time i have done so, you are still a tiresome fellow for asking the same things again and again and again, No apology is necessary nor will be forthcoming until I see a change in your attitude.
No, what your retracted originally in the other thread turned out in this thread that you retracted "equally" hateful, and then over several pages I chased you down about quantifying "bigotry, prejudice, and ignorance" none of which you retracted. I think you know this and are lying.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have already retracted that you are equally bigoted, ignorant etc on the basis that hate, bigotry etc are difficult to quantify, this is the second or third time i have done so, you are still a tiresome fellow for asking the same things again and again and again, No apology is necessary nor will be forthcoming until I see a change in your attitude.
I stand in opposition to your religious organisation, do you consider this immoral?


26 Aug 07
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you saying that you have never made these claims?
sigh another silly attempt to misrepresent a position, you think you would havevlreaned your lesson from your failure to produce other claims, what i have said is that FMF can substantiate his own claims, I certainly will not be doing so for him. Now your technique has been uncovered you hold little interest for me now, its the same thing again and again and again and again and again. the same silly contrived and loaded questions again and again and again and again, answered three or four times. Adios dweebster, I got bigger fish to fry on the other side of town.

31 May 06
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Robbie carrobie has said some foul things about me and it is my prerogative to chase him down about it. I am not going to stand by and let this jumped up cult member besmirch my character on a public forum and if it takes a 1000 pages I will not let him off the hook.
Heh. Hay it's your time to waste. πŸ˜‰

But RC is never going to admit he's wrong, he never does.

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