Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Can you still play chess? It's been nearly a year.

Like i said, provide at least some evidence (rather than reasoning) to back up your interpretation (misinterpretation?) of 'eye of a needle' and i'd be happy to debate the issue at a speed more to your liking (capability?)
Yeah, I can still play chess. How many people do you know who have forgotten how to play? I've never met anyone who had to start over, as though they were learning a new game they had never played before... do you know anyone like that? πŸ˜› Seriously dude, it might help if you slowed down a little bit, and tried thinking for more than a second or two before responding. A little self discipline in debate is just as useful as taking your time before moving in a game of correspondence chess.

Years ago people would often complain that it took too long for me to move in OTB games. At one time (late 1980s or early 90s) a tournament player tried to get me familiar with using a clock and writing down the moves, but during the course of a game (any game) I'd kind of go into a trance and forget to do anything other than making moves. He wanted to get me ready and up to speed for tournament play, because he seemed to think I would do well and maybe actually win a few tournaments. But that never happened... I was too busy with work and family to have time for anything other than an occasional game of chess with him. He did well though, and one of his games showed up in an issue of Chess World magazine. I was his unofficial sparring partner, and my game improved as his game continued to improve, so it worked out well for both of us.

I also have trouble engaging in conversation with an opponent during an online game. I don't want to be rude and not say anything, so I usually just keep my messages short and relatively light... or suggest we do our talking in the PM mode rather than in the game mode. I'm easily distracted by conversation or even with my own thoughts, so I've had to discipline myself to slow down and only do one thing at a time.

I'm only saying all this because I do intend to start playing again sometime next month... I'll be warming up for it by reviewing past games, working to solve chess problems, etc etc. At my age it's always wise for me to warm up to something first... in fact it's wise for me to warm up before doing anything, even when getting out of bed in the morning.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
25 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Yeah, I can still play chess. How many people do you know who have forgotten how to play? I've never met anyone who had to start over, as though they were learning a new game they had never played before... do you know anyone like that? πŸ˜› Seriously dude, it might help if you slowed down a little bit, and tried thinking for more than a second or two befor ...[text shortened]... it's wise for me to warm up before doing anything, even when getting out of bed in the morning.
I had a hard time getting used to using the clock too. The first tournament I played in was the Eastern Open and my opponent was taking a very long time to move. Then I happent to look at the clock and realized it was my time running instead of his. After I finally hit the clock, he moved immediately. That just shows that some people will do anything to win.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
I had a hard time getting used to using the clock too. The first tournament I played in was the Eastern Open and my opponent was taking a very long time to move. Then I happent to look at the clock and realized it was my time running instead of his. After I finally hit the clock, he moved immediately. That just shows that some people will do anything to win.
Ohhh, ouch! That's the sort of mistake I would have made in a real tournament setting. He must have known you forgot to hit the clock.... there is no way he could have missed seeing that after you had moved.

As I was logging back on here I just happened to remember something... the game my buddy played that showed up in Chess Life came from one of the games he played during the U.S open when it was here in Portland... I think it was 1988, so now I have a place to start looking for and maybe find that (published) game.

He wasn't a particularly strong player (1650) but the game was published and discussed because of how unusual his strategy was. His plan from the start was for his pieces to support his pawns rather than the other way around... he treated his pawns as the main power players. I knew he was good at pawn play, because after I had passed him in ability and began winning most of our games, a few months later I couldn't win a game against him to save my own life. I could not disable or get passed his pawn structure, or even understand what the heck he was doing with those pawns.


28 Oct 05
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
I'm easily distracted by conversation or even with my own thoughts, so I've had to discipline myself to slow down and only do one thing at a time.
robbie, who has often been angry about criticisms of JW doctrine made on this forum, claims that divegeester has "the same moral disposition" as lynch mobs that murdered people after church on Sundays in C19th and C20th USA. What do you make of this?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
No problem. Are you saying though that atheists are fasting thinking than theists? πŸ˜‰

Now,.. you were about to provide evidence for the existence of such a gate. (Other than the one in the Old City of Jerusalem, not built until the 16th century).

Until you do, it rather looks like a Christian trying to dodge the duty (find a back gate if you will) of giving up their wealth.
Now,.. you were about to provide evidence for the existence of such a gate. (Other than the one in the Old City of Jerusalem, not built until the 16th century).

That's right, and I have the evidence right here sitting outside next to the bird feeder...

Aww crap, I forgot about the birds! They ate all of the evidence I had accumulated through hard work, and blood sweat and tears! Oh well, there goes 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back again.

Seriously though, there were walled cities a few thousand years before the 16th century. And people transported goods by camel a few thousand years ago. And invaders have existed since the dawn of man. So are you suggesting it must have taken mankind thousands of years to figure out how to safely get goods and people in and out of those cities, without needlessly exposing themselves to attack from invaders?

When exactly during the past few thousand years did mankind evolve into much smarter people? Can you pinpoint for me exactly (or approximately, I'm not fussy) when this magnificent moment in human evolution occurred?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
robbie, who has often been angry about criticisms of JW doctrine made on this forum, claims that divegeester has "the same moral disposition" as lynch mobs that murdered people after church on Sundays in C19th and C20th USA. What do you make of this?
I live far away from him, and divegeester doesn't know who I am, so I'm not worried or concerned about his lynch mob showing up at my door.

I'm more afraid of a certain nosey neighbor lady who doesn't understand that I'm not the least bit interested in what she has to say about the other neighbors. I don't want to piss her off, because one time I saw her going through another neighbors garbage after that neighbor told her off... but I suspect she has been (and still is) including me into her stories to other people no matter how nice and considerate I have been to her.

That's how gossips operate... they will tell you all about the other neighbors, and at the same time collect any information about you that can be used when they go off to talk with someone else. It's a bit sad and pathetic, because she obviously doesn't want to be alone and craves human contact... but she doesn't know how to go about being with people in a more appropriate way.

Edit: Uh oh... I think that nosey neighbor lady is reading my messages here. I'll bet it was her who thumbed down this message. Now I'll need to build a cage around my garbage cans to keep her out of my garbage.

Darn it! I screwed up... this was just the sort of problem I wanted to avoid dealing with.


28 Oct 05
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
That's how gossips operate... they will tell you all about the other neighbors, and at the same time collect any information about you that can be used when they go off to talk with someone else. It's a bit sad and pathetic, because she obviously doesn't want to be alone and craves human contact... but she doesn't know how to go about being with people in a more appropriate way.

robbie's allegation that divegeester's moral disposition is the same as lynch mob murderers is not "gossip"; it is the main substance of his contribution to this debate on "Why are Christians under attack ?" over the last several pages of this thread.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
[b]That's how gossips operate... they will tell you all about the other neighbors, and at the same time collect any information about you that can be used when they go off to talk with someone else. It's a bit sad and pathetic, because she obviously doesn't want to be alone and craves human contact... but she doesn't know how to go about being with people in a m ...[text shortened]... o this debate on "Why are Christians under attack ?" over the last several pages of this thread.
lynch mob murderers is not "gossip"

Okay, but I'm still not worried about lynch mob murderers showing up at my door... do you think I should be worried?

I'm not saying it can't happen, I'm just saying I don't worry about it.


28 Oct 05
26 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
[b]lynch mob murderers is not "gossip"

Okay, but I'm still not worried about lynch mob murderers showing up at my door... do you think I should be worried?

I'm not saying it can't happen, I'm just saying I don't worry about it.[/b]
Just trying to keep you on-topic. I am not asking you about people "showing up at your door" or about "gossip".

Whether you see eye to eye with divegeester over Christian doctrine, you are still both self-professed Christians.

So what do you make of robbie's attack on divegeester? From the standpoint of the moral actions as evidenced by his conduct on this forum ~ and things like his criticism of JW doctrines and his stated willingness to kill if his family were in mortal danger ~ what is your take on the allegation that his "moral disposition is the same as lynchers"?

I ask this in the context of topic which is "Why are Christians under attack?" and the examples - on this thread - of Christians attacking each other.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
[b]That's how gossips operate... they will tell you all about the other neighbors, and at the same time collect any information about you that can be used when they go off to talk with someone else. It's a bit sad and pathetic, because she obviously doesn't want to be alone and craves human contact... but she doesn't know how to go about being with people in a m ...[text shortened]... o this debate on "Why are Christians under attack ?" over the last several pages of this thread.
...it is the main substance of his contribution to this debate on "Why are Christians under attack ?" over the last several pages of this thread.

I stopped reading last night when the attack against robbie began. It was late and I needed to get some sleep, so I didn't need to waste any more of my time watching that. I'm not worried about him, he's a big boy and can take care of himself... he's perfectly capable of fending off Dives murdering hoard of lynch mob goonies. So relax. You shouldn't worry so much. This is only a message board, not a cage fight arena. If you're having trouble relaxing I have a really neat mantra for you... you want to try it out?


28 Oct 05
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
I stopped reading last night when the attack against robbie began.
Which "attack against robbie" do you mean? On what page?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
Just trying to keep you on-topic. I am not asking you about people "showing up at your door" or about "gossip".

Whether you see eye to eye with divegeester over Christian doctrine, you are still both self-professed Christians.

So what do you make of robbie's attack on divegeester? From the standpoint of the moral actions as evidenced by his conduct on th ...[text shortened]... hristians under attack?" and the examples - on this thread - of Christians attacking each other.
Just trying to keep you on-topic

Okay... thanks for trying. Did you want to talk about how you and divegeester indulge yourselves in attacking Christians at this forum?


28 Oct 05
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
[robbie's] perfectly capable of fending off Dives murdering hoard of lynch mob goonies. ?
In what way do you think robbie is justified in drawing a moral parallel between the things he accuses divegeester of on one hand, and the actions of murderers who lynched people after attending church? I ask this in the context of what has been said during this discussion about Christians being attacked.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
Which "attack against robbie" do you mean? On what page?
LOL ohhh man, you're killing me... "which page"

Pick a page, any page on any thread where you and dive and robbie are talking to one another.

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
26 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
Did you want to talk about how you and divegeester indulge yourselves in attacking Christians at this forum?
Robbie carrobie has repeatedly accused me in this thread and in others, of being equally as hate-filled, bigoted, prejudiced and ignorant as the perpetrators of the black lynchings of 19th and 20th century. His only reasonings for this spiteful outburst was that I am: a "normal christian', I'm not a pacifist and I stand opposed to his religious organisation.

What do you think of this attack on me?

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