Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



28 Oct 05
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by Dasa
Do you mean why are Christian under attack by Islam?................being mindful that Christians are always under attack by atheists.

However ...........atheists don't murder and rape and bash and kidnap Christians but Muslims do)...................so I will ask the question again (do you mean attacked by Islam?)
Christians aren't being attacked by Muslims on this forum and the OP was triggered by the constant 'I am being attacked' behaviour of Christian posters like Suzianne. I think one of the interesting things that can be seen in this thread [I am presuming you haven't bothered to read it] is the issue of Christians attacking Christians. This conflict can often be more vociferous and vitriolic than the conflict between Christians and non-Christians.


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
Christians aren't being attacked by Muslims on this forum and the OP was triggered by the constant 'I am being attacked' behaviour of Christian posters like Suzianne. I think one of the interesting things that can be seen in this thread [I am presuming you haven't bothered to read it] is the issue of Christians attacking Christians. This conflict can often be more vociferous and vitriolic than the conflict between Christians and non-Christians.
Sorry folks, my comments were a bit of the mark weren't they..............I have read the thread but I wanted the opportunity to highlight another take on the subject.( a larger perspective) to why Christians are targeted.

So........relating to and answering the OP again, the answer is that Christians have thrown away their critical intelligence when it comes to common sense (e.g.6000 yr old earth) and there are many more e.g.

Everyone (I mean many persons) think Christianity is just dumb and silly because they accept and defend such stupid and silly beliefs that are seriously wrong, and this is why they are attacked verbally.


28 Oct 05
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by Dasa
Sorry folks, my comments were a bit of the mark weren't they..............I have read the thread but I wanted the opportunity to highlight another take on the subject.( a larger perspective) to why Christians are targeted.

So........relating to and answering the OP again, the answer is that Christians have thrown away their critical intelligence when it com ...[text shortened]... h stupid and silly beliefs that are seriously wrong, and this is why they are attacked verbally.
So this is why you attack Christians, is that what you mean?

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by Dasa
.....I have read the thread but I wanted the opportunity to highlight another take on the subject.( a larger perspective) to why Christians are targeted

Everyone (I mean many persons) think Christianity is just dumb and silly because they accept and defend such stupid and silly beliefs that are seriously wrong, and this is why they are attacked verbally.
So to be clear...

You have read this entire thread of over 600 posts and come to the conclusion that Christians are attacked because they hold silly beliefs.

This is your insight?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
26 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by Dasa
Sorry folks, my comments were a bit of the mark weren't they..............I have read the thread but I wanted the opportunity to highlight another take on the subject.( a larger perspective) to why Christians are targeted.

So........relating to and answering the OP again, the answer is that Christians have thrown away their critical intelligence when it com ...[text shortened]... h stupid and silly beliefs that are seriously wrong, and this is why they are attacked verbally.
I think it is silly to believe that afer a person dies that the soul of that person might be reborn in a cow. πŸ™„


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
So to be clear...

You have read this entire thread of over 600 posts and come to the conclusion that Christians are attacked because they hold silly beliefs.

This is your insight?
It's a silly thread. The OP is a long scholarly examination (Thesis 1 and Thesis 2) as to whether or not Christians are under attack. Christians should already know this comes with the territory, so I don't see the point in any Christian complaining about it since they've already been forewarned.

Jesus told his followers (this includes all of us today) that we will be reviled and hated, and he even said they will kill you thinking they do God a service...

Now who do you suppose he might have been referring to when he was looking forward to today? Does anything (or anyone) come to mind? As a self professed Christian this shouldn't be too hard for you, so what do you think this might mean? What do suppose Jesus was talking about?

"Christians attacking other Christians", as though gangs of us are literally marching over to each other homes with pitchforks guns and torches, is frankly (imo) ridiculous. This is just more of the same kind of silly accusation and imaginative firebombs Christians have become accustomed to hearing from the likes of you and your buddies. It's too obvious to be clever, and your track record has already been established... you should have done a better job of covering yourself with sheepskins.

BTW I'm not complaining... it's been a hoot watching you consistently underestimate the people you've lined up in your sights and targeted for attack.

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
It's a silly thread.
Despite you decrying the content and posters, you keep re-entering this thread and saying nothing. Several times I've posted this piece of content to you asking for your opinion, but every time you seem to focus instead on the posters and your opinion of them as individuals, instead of the content. Here is the content for you...for the forth time at least:

What do you think of this attack?

Robbie carrobie has repeatedly accused me in this thread and in others, of being equally as hate-filled, bigoted, prejudiced and ignorant as the perpetrators of the black lynchings of 19th and 20th century. His only reasonings for this spiteful outburst was that I am: a "normal christian', I'm not a pacifist and I stand opposed to his religious organisation.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
You certainly seemed uninterested in contributing much that was on-topic but instead produced a lot of personal remarks that had little or nothing to do with what was being discussed. As it's closely related, what did you think of the Christian-bashing that went on here on Thread 163746?
There is way too much crap to wade through for me to bother with looking at each and every little word written at this forum. You and your buddies have done a fine job of taking over this forum and spamming every thread with endless yards of mind numbing crap... so I usually scan passed all the crap until I find something worth talking about.

When I first logged on to this site I started my reading at the science forum, because I have an interest in science. But I decided to bring up and read science related topics here instead, because I knew I couldn't be shooed away and told to take it to the spirituality forum. This hasn't stopped anyone from coming here to try disabling or taking over these discussions, but I don't need to worry over whether someone can have my posts removed and moved somewhere else. I saw that happen, someone at the science forum complained and had a thread removed and moved over here. So after seeing that I decided to do most of my reading and posting here...

πŸ™„πŸ˜² any questions? πŸ˜²πŸ™„


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Despite you decrying the content and posters, you keep re-entering this thread and saying nothing. Several times I've posted this piece of content to you asking for your opinion, but every time you seem to focus instead on the posters and your opinion of them as individuals, instead of the content. Here is the content for you...for the forth time at leas ...[text shortened]... am: a "normal christian', I'm not a pacifist and I stand opposed to his religious organisation.
Did wobbie hurt you widdle feelings? Ohhh, poor baby!

There, ya happy now? Good, now finish your bottle and go back to sleep.... ya little monster

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Did wobbie hurt you widdle feelings? Ohhh, poor baby!

There, ya happy now? Good, now finish your bottle and go back to sleep.... ya little monster
What are you on about. Do you have any comments about what Robbie carrobie said about me?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
What are you on about. Do you have any comments about what Robbie carrobie said about me?
I didn't read much of what robbie said to you, but seeing as how you will continue going on about this until you see me comment on it....

Good for you robbie! You just keep on doing.... whatever it is you're apparently doing! Give those scoundrels something to cry about! Ya might as well, because I can't seem to get them to go back to sleep.


26 Aug 07
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Did wobbie hurt you widdle feelings? Ohhh, poor baby!

There, ya happy now? Good, now finish your bottle and go back to sleep.... ya little monster
sometimes you need to aim the arrow above so as to hit the target πŸ˜€


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
sometimes you need to aim the arrow above so as to hit the target πŸ˜€
I've been aiming low based solely on the content of their posts, but I'll aim a little higher and see if that works better. I got lucky and found a photograph of them to use for target practice.


how's my aim now?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15

Here's one of Dive and FMF watching over the forums in their officious capacity as (self deputized) Thought Police:


Can you guess which is who? Is Diva standing to the left of FMF, or is FMF standing to the right of Dive?

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Here's one of Dive and FMF watching over the forums in their officious capacity as (self deputized) Thought Police:


Can you guess which is who? Is Diva standing to the left of FMF, or is FMF standing to the right of Dive?
Really? Is this what you think this thread should degenerate into?

Unless I've missed something, it seems as if you have single-handedly derailed an otherwise interesting thread- or the bits I've read anyway. Well done.

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