English football

English football "supporters"



19 Sep 05
15 Sep 08

Originally posted by Hopster
My team and a bunch of losers. A lot of teams at their particular level aren´t a bunch of losers. The stats for the number of games we win, lose or draw are pretty even.

The difference is that the supporters of such teams don´t ned to see their team winning most of their games to feel that the team warrants being supported. It is the attitude that if the ...[text shortened]...
Take a chill pill. You remind me of that angry German kid playing football manager on You Tube.
Market forces mean that SKY are more likely to show the bigger teams (i.e. the ones with more supporters, plastic or otherwise) because more people will watch them! Aside from that, which sport (shown on TV) do you know that doesn't show more of the top end of the sport?

Please point out where I have said anything like that I "support a team JUST because they have lots of money, they are the best, or they win more often than not"

I don't expect you to know why I support Liverpool, but maybe you could try asking before you jump to another of your incorrect conclusions.

Upward Spiral


02 Aug 04
15 Sep 08
1 edit

Originally posted by Hopster
What do you think Chelsea have over United that they didn´t have last year?
Deco. He just makes everybody play better and more intelligently. I don't know HOW he does it, but it's the same for Portugal.

Edit - Still, the season is just starting. Ronaldo might bring some more incisiveness to United's game. But it's obviously not just CR, there's something not clicking in United yet.


where angels play

05 May 06
15 Sep 08


where angels play

05 May 06
15 Sep 08

Originally posted by BladeMan 63
MY MY Angry Child,

I suggest you chill out a little and start taking a course of diazapam. From what i've just read, i take it your team is liverpool.

I find this particularly funny as your from WALES. The last time i looked in an atlas Liverpool was still in ENGLAND. Therefore i can only assume you are one of many glory hunters that ...[text shortened]... take your filthy mouth and attitude and learn some pride and honour, because you possess none.
OMG how the hell can you come on here and have the nerve to start sprouting b***cks like that.
I would love to hear the facts behind the drivel you have just come out with.
Filthy mouth? I think you want to go and take a look in the mirror and then think about who has the filthy mouth.
Disrespecting the memory of 96 football fans, and there familys who to this day still suffer the indignity and pain of nobody taking responsibilty for that tragic day and the death of their loved ones.

08 Oct 04
15 Sep 08

For RHP addons...


16 Mar 04
15 Sep 08

The post that was quoted here has been removed

Nice to see you've learned absolutely nothing about Irish culture since you moved here. Apart from the obvious xenophobia/elitism displayed in this post and your scoffing at amateur sports, you add nothing to the thread.

See, in Ireland we have a sport also known as Football, Gaelic Football. As a typical xenophobe, it's understandable that you think the world revolves around your country, and that sports revolves around the sport of your country. In real life, my home town emptied for 2 weekends in a row recently as thousands made the pilgrimage to watch Kerry play in Dublin 2 weekends in a row. Would they boo a player coming onto the field? No. Would they boo the announcement that they have a fair few minutes left to rescue a game. Not on your life. The only thing you got right in this statement "They wear our badge - they belong to us. Irrational, yes, but it's a tribal, local thing." was the irrational part.

When I spoke of the culture of Ireland, I was mostly referring to the non segregated culture of football and rugby displayed week in week out all over the country. The culture also applies to the Irish international soccer fans who are loved all over the world. When we last played in Italy, we were actually applauded out of the stadium by the riot police for our attitude and behaviour.

I was clear in my post that it was English soccer fans who won the award of "Worst, most unsporting fans in the world". I have great admiration for the English rugby fans, and have enjoyed sitting amongst them a number of times in Twickenham. It has been a dream of mine for about a decade to take a trip out to the Bahamas with the Barmy Army.

The elitism in your post is typical of what is wrong with the English International soccer fan. Papers that you read, like The Sun, build up your teams chances, and place the players on a pedestal. Then, when the players actually have to work for a result, you think, "hang on, we should be winning this easily", and start booing your own team. Misguided elitism and greed would be a couple of factors to explain the lack of sportsmanship of an English soccer "supporter".

But, of course, you are free to defend the right of you and your compatriots to boo their own players, and to boo the announcement that there are 4 minutes left in a game which you are 1 goal down and dominating. I just know for a fact, that a good supporter would urge his team to make 1 last push in those last 4 minutes. I don't understand why you think it makes more sense to boo your team at that point?

"I suspect that you'll find that you're in a minority amongst football fans" apart from trying to make a dig, in what way am I in a minority amongst football fans? In thinking that booing MOTM announcements is ridiculous and unsporting? In thinking that booing the announcement that your team may still have a chance to get an equaliser is ridiculous?



6yd box

24 Jun 07
15 Sep 08
1 edit

The post that was quoted here has been removed
excellant points....



06 Aug 04
15 Sep 08

In my experience Irish football fans support lots of different teams. Palace certainly have a fair number. They will be drawn to the teams they see most on telly, and teams with great Irish players will draw the lion share of support. Thus Best, McGrath at United, Brady and Stapleton at Arsenal.

But for a variety of reasons I suspect Irish followers pick their teams in a similar fashion to English supporters. Perhaps they don´t have the pull of being taken to games by their fathers which localises support so much more.

Palace have a young lad for you cahps to get behind at the moment - Sean Scannell. He has already made a senior appearance or two for your national side.


06 Aug 04
15 Sep 08

Originally posted by Angry Boy

I don't expect you to know why I support Liverpool, but maybe you could try asking before you jump to another of your incorrect conclusions.
Your choice. I´m just saying that football in England doesn´t just revolve around the top four, regardless of what Sky might like.

The big teams win things, they are the cream of the crop etc. etc.. That´s the nature of these things. But don´t dismiss everyone else as being losers because you have the whole market skewed to your continuing success. I think it is a miracle that many clubs continue to compete on this unlevel playing field. You have tonked us several times: 9-0 and 5-0 at Anfield, but what the Sky commentators can´t understand is why the Palace fans at Anfield are making all the noise. They are sure that it should be Scousers belting out You´ll Never Walk Alone. They just don´t get football at grass roots level. Despite those tonkings, and the huge difference in income generated we can still beat you at Villa Park or cause an upset at Selhurst. How is that possible? Liverpool can beat Barcelona one week and lose to a lower league team at home in the same month.

Don´t discount us. It gets our backs up. When the money runs out or when you clear of to some European League, we will all still be here.

It annoys fans that Liverpool fans caused Heysel and we were all banned. Some smaller clubs like Wimbledon, Norwich, Coventry and Palace missed out on Europe because of that. The FA persuaded UEFA to let you back in a year early. That cost a 3rd Placed Palace their European place. As thieving scousers you stole it from us. Is it any wonder other supporters are sometimes vexed.

It is NOT all about what works for Liverpool, Man Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal. The rules of the game have to be evenly spread. The rules shouldn´t apply only when they suit the big teams. All this crap about getting tough on players abusing the ref. These rules wouldn´t need to be applied if TV images hadn´t shown the likes of Keane and others spitting their fury in the face of referees. This kind of behaviour wasn´t happening at so-called lesser teams. I remember Steve Bruce giving away one of the most blatant pens you will ever see at home against Southampton. It was hands up time. But no the ref got a full faceful of vitriol from an apolexic Bruce. Bruce wasn´t punished for it. Many other players would have seen red twice.

I like to watch the big guns in Europe. It makes me proud when they stuff the Cheating Italians and Spanish. I love it because it gets right up Platini´s nose. But remember you are the pinnacle that we should look up to, not despise.

Some fans at Man Utd, Liverpool and even Chelsea have realised that the heart is being eroded from the game. I admire their passion. There is a famous article doing the rounds from a Liverpool fan rueing the way the game has changed. Rueing the fact that his sort are a dwindling minority of local fans being replaced by the bussed in tourists. When you dismiss the rest of us as being non-worthy I feel you are becoming one of those new age fans.


06 Aug 04
15 Sep 08

Originally posted by Ragnorak

I was clear in my post that it was English soccer fans who won the award of "Worst, most unsporting fans in the world". I have great admiration for the English rugby fans, and have enjoyed sitting amongst them a number of times in Twickenham. It has been a dream of mine for about a decade to take a trip out to the Bahamas with the Barmy Army.

T ...[text shortened]... cement that your team may still have a chance to get an equaliser is ridiculous?

The Barmy Army are great. They wind up Australia and New Zealand no end.

Not all English football supporters are they same. I know many who go to games to enjoy themselves and conduct themselves very well.

You are just countering other posters overgeneralisations with your own. I went to Portugal and saw a few yobs, but I saw a huge mass of well-behaved supporters enjoying the bars and restaurants before and after our defeat to France.

I suggest the worst is not a superlative you can use these days. I hear that some of what goes on in Eastern Europe makes us look like kittens. England fans were set upon in Russia. Recently Northern Ireland fans were given one hell of a beating in a bar in Slovakia.
Argentinian fans can be really nasty. Rangers fans did not do themselves proud in Manchester recently.

For RHP addons...


16 Mar 04
15 Sep 08

Originally posted by Hopster
In my experience Irish football fans support lots of different teams. Palace certainly have a fair number. They will be drawn to the teams they see most on telly, and teams with great Irish players will draw the lion share of support. Thus Best, McGrath at United, Brady and Stapleton at Arsenal.

But for a variety of reasons I suspect Irish followers pick ...[text shortened]... e moment - Sean Scannell. He has already made a senior appearance or two for your national side.
Sunderland are experiencing a big upturn in support recently.

I don't know whether it is due to the number of Irish players, Keano or the Irish owners.

My own guess is Keano has a big part to play in it, and then the number of Irish players would be second most important. I don't think the ownership really matters. Also, they are getting a lot of coverage on Irish tv atm... On a recent ad on Setanta, it was to win a ticket to a premiership match... First the United crest appeared, then Liverpools, then Chelseas, then Arsenals and then Sunderland were next. 🙂

Irish soccer fans tend to pick their English based team when they start school. The reasons can be fairly arbitrary.. father supports a certain team, best mate does, guy the kid doesn't like supports such and such, so you've got to support somebody else. Most Irish people also follow other sports, like their local soccer team, GAA team, basketball team, and in parts of the country other than Kerry, hurling has a huge fan base.

I don't think CFT's elitist ramblings are fair due to the fact that Irish based teams are amateur, so we have no real options, if we want to experience the top games in the sport, but to support an English based team, given the relative accessibility of England to Ireland. Most Irish people with an interest would also support a Scottish team (no prizes for guessing which one), and Italian football was very popular previously, when it was getting a lot of coverage when English football was polluted with violence and poor quality.

Elitists like CFT assume that all Irish people only support English teams because we're glory hunters. If he stopped looking down his nose at his adopted compatriots, he'd notice that not many nations are more sports crazy than the Irish. It's just we SUPPORT our teams with dignity, something he seems to have a problem with.


For RHP addons...


16 Mar 04
15 Sep 08
1 edit

Originally posted by Hopster
You are just countering other posters overgeneralisations with your own. I went to Portugal and saw a few yobs, but I saw a huge mass of well-behaved supporters enjoying the bars and restaurants before and after our defeat to France.
I guess I'm just going by the volume of the booing in both the Czech and Andorra game, and at the most ridiculous of moments.

I don't believe it was only yobs who booed the announcement that England had 4 more minutes injury time to try to get an equaliser.


Sir , just me ;-)


22 Aug 06
15 Sep 08

To both angry boy and Sally.

Firstly let me say i in no way disrespect the victims or families of that most tragic and infamous day. Of course you would call it B****ck's because you are trying to defend the indefensible.

I can say what i say, because i have lived about 400yds away from those very same gates for the past 20yrs.

I know what i saw and i know what i heard. Ialso go suppin in the very same pubs you scousers were in. Therefore i think i may have quite a good qualification to tell the truth. Iwas there on that very day. My brother was there also. Thankfully on the forest end.


6yd box

24 Jun 07
15 Sep 08
1 edit

Originally posted by BladeMan 63
To both angry boy and Sally.

Firstly let me say i in no way disrespect the victims or families of that most tragic and infamous day. Of course you would call it B****ck's because you are trying to defend the indefensible.

I can say what i say, because i have lived about 400yds away from those very same gates for the past 20yrs.

...[text shortened]... he truth. Iwas there on that very day. My brother was there also. Thankfully on the forest end.
BladeMan..you make very good points. I too mean no desrespect to the victims of that day, but it seems to me that people for some reason refuse to put any blame on the liverpool fans.

Lets not forget Liverpool fans were responsible for Heysel Stadium disaster.

I know this is going to cause a lot of hate for me, but the truth is liverpool fans caused the events of Heysel just as they have to take part blame for the Hillisborough incident.

Derek Hutton come on TV the next morning and put all blame on the police. People at the time were to afried to say any driffiant and also did not want to be desrespactful to the liverpool fans.

The sad thing is that the SUN newspaper (of all thinks!) tried to address the real issue of how the events of that afternoon unfolded, but once again the people of liverpool and HUTTON shiffed all the blame on to someone else.

Even since then, ppl have been to afreid or embrassed to spreak the truth.

08 Oct 04
15 Sep 08
2 edits

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