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TNA bound for glory

TNA bound for glory


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go sting

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TNA bound for glory. the biggest TNA pay per veiw. many great matches. team 3D versus matt morgan and abyiss. and jeff jarrett yes thsts right jeff jarret vs kurt angle. but the mainevent Sting vs the world heavyweight champion samoa joe for the title. and more

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Cram it, redneck.

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what do you

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Originally posted by jacko11
TNA bound for glory. the biggest TNA pay per veiw. many great matches. team 3D versus matt morgan and abyiss. and jeff jarrett yes thsts right jeff jarret vs kurt angle. but the mainevent Sting vs the world heavyweight champion samoa joe for the title. and more
I thought this was the sports forum, pay for play. ๐Ÿ˜•

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it is a sport its wrestling numbrain

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Originally posted by jacko11
it is a sport its wrestling numbrain
No it isn't. It is staged acting. It has been staged acting since the mid 1960's. I happen to know a couple of the performers. Granted, they make athletic moves, but it isn't real, and it hasn't been in years. Do you believe all of the movies you see are real too? ๐Ÿ˜•

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Originally posted by shortcircuit
I happen to know a couple of the performers.
Such as?

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it is a sport it may be some parts that are staged but its not all fake. and anyway the have to be fit and they sweat which must mean that their working hard

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and also it IS in the olypics

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Originally posted by jacko11
and also it IS in the olypics
Hate to break it to you man, but wrestling in the olympics is WAY different from your TNA or WWE junk. All that stuff is just a soap opera for boys.

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Originally posted by jacko11
it is a sport it may be some parts that are staged but its not all fake. and anyway the have to be fit and they sweat which must mean that their working hard
So they are healthy actors. But it is all staged of WWF, TNT, RAW, and any of the other televised network wrestling. I can explain to you how they are taught to create some of the effects if you like, but it is fake.

Olympic wrestling is a whole different situation. That is a sport but it is nothing like the stuff on TV. It is points scored for holds and throws and it is not about some fake 3 second pin.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is fact.

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Wanting to catch some MMA or UFC and nothing but TNA on.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit

Wanting to catch some MMA or UFC and nothing but TNA on.

You'd be better off looking at T&A. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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for staters mate. WWF isn't around anymore it's WWE , it is TNA not TNT and raw is part of WWE. you probably dont even know what youre talking about. live in the now not the past. and anyway ask all the wrestlers that have got injured. you cant fake an injury

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