@texasnurse said Damm Usos won i wanted aleister and ricochet
Mizs father front row
The...Mizzzzz! I remember that. He's ok. I guess.
Mizs father has guts wow
Shane won after 20 foot drop that he landed ln miz for the win
Miz father went into ring face to face with Shane to protect miz and yeah 20 foot suplex near mania sign took both shane and miz out but Shane landed on miz for the cover. Ive been watching shane fir 20 years but holy smoke
Women's tag team chamoionship now Paige doing commentary
Iiconics won..
#Kofimania time
Mmmmm Paige Only thing better than Paige is a nurse who plays chess and votes for Trump. đ
Shane was weak compared to his father. I liked Stephanie though.
Screw that!
We are so breaking up. âšī¸
Sorry đ 11 years way to long for no chances u know that
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