the first tourney i ever entered -- and i was stupid enough to not realize the consequences of a 21/21 day tourney -- August 2009 Long Haul, after over 5 years now, the tourney has only just begun its 3rd round, largely thanks to a single player that has milked the clock on every single move through 5 years and two rounds ... i know, i know, its a long haul, he has that right, my regrets for joining ... but that is not my question ... now that we started the 3rd round, both he and I have drawn clearly inactive players, both cases, his opponent has not moved in 900 plus days, and the opponent i drew has not moved in about the same period. i immediately moved on my first game with my inactive opponent, thinking this would facilitate basically a 42 day period or whatever, when both games would "auto time out" ... i exchanged messages with the other player whom i have had experience with in the past, suggesting the same thing ... for him to move on his game with his apparent inactive player for the same reason, why waste another 21-42 days and then delay the time outs? so we can all hope for a shorter round here before more participants die, lol ... he all out refused to make his own first move, again his right, but insisted that he will claim the time out on his opponent when he was good and ready to and told me sometimes he waited a year or more to claim a time out ... he still has not made his first move, and neither has the inactive player ... i pointed out to him the game would auto time out eventually and he would not have have any say in it so why not move now and save everyone some time ... in a nutshell, he told me instead of playing chess i should go fly a kite ... two questions, are the auto time outs in tourneys truly automatic, and what happens if neither player makes a single move?
Originally posted by Ponderableok, part one auto timeouts "have happened", question one is: will they? auto time outs are not auto unless they happen automatically ... "have happened" means to me they could, but to be auto, that means "they will" ... as for the second part, that really answers my question, if no one moves, an "auto" time out they both advance ... thank you for your response ...
* automatic timeouts have happened (about two days after timeout and timebank wer at 0, more specific midnighht after two after...)
* If no player moves both are timed out and in this case both would reach the next round, were hopefully one sees an active player 😉
Originally posted by doug989I think it depends on the tournament style? I have had opponent not move till a week after their time bank was out!
the first tourney i ever entered -- and i was stupid enough to not realize the consequences of a 21/21 day tourney -- August 2009 Long Haul, after over 5 years now, the tourney has only just begun its 3rd round, largely thanks to a single player that has milked the clock on every single move through 5 years and two rounds ... i know, i know, its a long haul, ...[text shortened]... o time outs in tourneys truly automatic, and what happens if neither player makes a single move?
the first game, white never opened ... 21/21, it was timed out about three days after time expired ... in the second game, white did finally open about 10 days later or whatever, that game has now run out of time as of saturday, going on a week and still no timeout ... this round would move along more quickly as there only one pair of players left (and only one of those two is slowing it down) and i think that would move quicker if he was the only one left holding it up ... the game that should have timed out by now is Game 10889430
Originally posted by RBHILL
2 matches left. You will probably have to wait at least a year.
yes, two games, one of the players has been moving right away, the other dragging out every the clock on every move, even at a year, that would be half of either of the first two rounds, I think round 1 took 3 years, round 2 2 years, so if get to the round 3 by next year before I or other members die, that would be fine
If white doesn't open, how can black be penalized by both being timed out? I'm in a "long haul" B.S. tourney where my opponent hasn't moved in two years. There should be RHP rule that if you don't move in 6 months you automatically forfeit!!! long haul does not mean a lifetime!! That's a good way to discourage participation in RHP.
Originally posted by Kewpie
I don't think you are penalized, there's supposed to be no effect at all on your win/loss/draw list or rating if two moves haven't been made.
If what gcyrus is saying and the game last forever, the points or ratings don't matter, he entered a tourney for a reason and he and the other players in the tourney are being penalized by it not coming to some sort of a conclusion ...
Originally posted by doug989We have two separate things here in this thread - slow play you can do nothing about, people who've left the site are something else. If the rest of the round have played their games, anyone can do a feedback request and the non-functioning game will be removed. If I encounter a departed player in a tourney round I just resign the game without fuss or penalty.
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