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who's gonna in the Mini banded II 1099-1199? And firstly, who's gonna advance?
I'll leave out my group since imho it would be bad form, but here's what I think:

Group 2: probably both eagles54 and DRUMdaBASS will advance.
Group 3: Freddie2004 is my bet.
Group 4: captnd2004.

I think... either eagles54, DRUMdaBASS or someone from my group will win.

What do you think?

Angie 😀

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OK, I will take a shot at group one first. I will followup with the others later, except mine of course.

My pick .....


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Originally posted by jcgbones
OK, I will take a shot at group one first. I will followup with the others later, except mine of course.

My pick .....


lol so now I know who to watch out for 😛

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Please don't take that personal, as I did not, I am a big baseball fan, so I played with the numbers and he has some batting avarage. Obviously I am no chess master and this would be a very naive approach to the great game of chess, but we will see how it goes. Good luck to everyone in group 1. Look out for that hopster though!

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Congrats to eagles54 for drawing first blood.

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here's my predictions....

group 1: hopster or angie. hopster is strong for this tournament ( 1300 top 😠 😉) but angie is improving well and seems to be getting quite strong!

group 2: eagles ...without a shadow of a doubt, DRUMdaBASS is a bad sport, rude, offensive and crap at chess.

group 3: not being a bad sport but probably me!🙂 maybe joepapa..i hope i'm not tempting fate!

group 4: captnd2004 probably, i know none of those players well enough to give a probable estimate but from rating i would say it would be him.

as for ealges first blood(and second), i'm about to get third with a forced mate against corp1158.

good luck to all!


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Originally posted by Freddie2004
here's my predictions....

group 1: hopster or angie. hopster is strong for this tournament ( 1300 top 😠 😉) but angie is improving well and seems to be getting quite strong!

group 2: eagles ...without a shadow of a doubt, DRUMdaBASS is a bad sport, rude, offensive and crap at chess.

group 3: not being a bad sport but probably me!🙂 maybe joepa ...[text shortened]... cond), i'm about to get third with a forced mate against corp1158.

good luck to all!

..and probably 4th blood....massacre in this game with joepapa....Game 1148859

enjoy watching it 😉


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That is quite a game there Fredie.

Anybody know what the magic number is in a 4x4 tourny?

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Originally posted by jcgbones
That is quite a game there Fredie.

Anybody know what the magic number is in a 4x4 tourny?
you spelt my name wrong!

18 points is the magic number...try to win all of them! e.g. ME!...



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OK, Fred, calm down, it's ok if you don't know the answer.

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Originally posted by jcgbones
OK, Fred, calm down, it's ok if you don't know the answer.
honestly it's 15 points.


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Originally posted by Freddie2004
DRUMdaBASS is a bad sport, rude, offensive and crap at chess.
*cough cough* if he's crap, what does that make me? He's beaten me into the ground before 😳
Can't really comment on the other aspects though... didn't talk to him

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Originally posted by angie88
*cough cough* if he's crap, what does that make me? He's beaten me into the ground before 😳
Can't really comment on the other aspects though... didn't talk to him
i did scholar's mate on him in one game and then he was rude to me constantly throughout the next game via PMs mostly, claimed he worked for the police and he would "hunt me down" LOL! then he constatly sent me PMs of my own profile saying he could find me and "do me" for something, said he was "sure he could find something incrimintating like kiddie porn on my comp". said he worked at fulham CiD. i told him impersonating a police officer was a criminal offence. then he went of on one about some act that was passed in 197..something and i looked it up on google, proved him wrong and THEN asked to join my clan!! hahaha get real. just a warning to all you guys in his group!


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Originally posted by Freddie2004
i did scholar's mate on him in one game and then he was rude to me constantly throughout the next game via PMs mostly, claimed he worked for the police and he would "hunt me down" LOL! then he constatly sent me PMs of my own profile saying he could find me and "do me" for something, said he was "sure he could find something incrimintating like kid ...[text shortened]... EN asked to join my clan!! hahaha get real. just a warning to all you guys in his group!


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Don't worry Fred, we will take care of you. If you go missing we know who to look for. 😲

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