

Chess Player Moxlonibus Profile

Rating 1287
Flag ISO 840
Accepting all games*
Daily ChessLast move 14 Jan 20


>>> Nine times out of ten I won't be excepting challenges. Please message me before hand... or I may simply delete it.<<<
Recommended players here are: Squid Voltaire, majk, Court Jester, AttilaTheHorn, ultramate, Kanap, & last but not least... SculptorBloke!!!

2019 has been the most rancid of years and I hope to soon forget it ever happened.
As the fog falls soft upon the marsh,
as night snuffs out the light of day,
so shall my queen smite thee down...
in that of the witching hour. ~ Moxlonibus Krypt

I find a peculiar serenity from the decrepit and derelict nuances of an abandoned cemetery. In my youthful years I wandered the globe and had the pleasure of visiting graveyards in Russia, England, and Mexico.

I have an avid appreciation for the works of Edgar Allan Poe, a madness if you will; a true antiquarian. My collection dates back to 1846 when he was still alive. I greatly admire the aroma of an old book apposed to the radiant glow of a Kindle.

My greatest fear in life is not death, but becoming famous. I would be unable to live if smothered in fan fair every waking hour.

By definition I am what some would call agnostic. I have total respect for people of all religions, yet I can take the side of the devil if you want to point a self righteous finger.

People occasionally ask why I have such a dark nature and remain optimistic; I am who I am for the sake of others. I try to go out in my daily life to help others smile throughout their day.

I see people with handicaps and deformities as my heroes, they go through so much more than I and stay stronger for it.

My favorite quote is from Stephen King, "We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones."

AND... that's it for my profile rant, when it come to chess I look forward to a valiant game, no outside assistance and I'll be more than happy to let you lose.

Rating Trend

50 games

Rated Won / Drawn / Lost

All Rated

391 games

As White

200 games

As Black

191 games

Daily Chess
Games Played
In Progress
All Moves
Moves This Month
Tourn. Entry Rating

Rated Color


391 games


162 games


220 games


9 games

Rated Timeouts


23 games


16 games


Highest Rating128713141429
Average Rating128712121258
Lowest Rating128711261059
Opponent Average Rating137713081327
Games Rated148391
90 days1 Year5 Years

Affiliated Clans

No affiliated clans

Affiliated Clubs

No affiliated clubs

Tournament Victories

No tournament wins yet

User Id
10 May 16
Last Daily Move
14 Jan 20
Last Live Game


  • Rated player

Ladder Rank

No ladder entered


Moves This Month is the number of moves made since the 1st of the month.

Highest Rating excludes provisional (first 20) games.

Tournament Entry Rating is calculated by the formula (CurrentRating + HighestRating) / 2.

The entry rating will never drop to more than 100 points below your Highest Rating.

Rated stats are updated within 24 hours of the last completed rated game.

Last refreshed on 15 Jan 20.

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