Originally posted by GoggyHe is against this simple idea 🙄
Ahh I see. I must admit I agree with much that he says, so I suppose that makes me one too. Although I like to think I am more of a crusader for fair play. 😉
Maybe for Clan games you could have a CCR (Clan Challenge Rating) being say 150/200 points below your highest ever rating and could only challenge people at that level or above.
It would mean much fairer challenges all round, as it would stop all the dodgy dealings with sandbaggers.
Lopsided challenges could still be initiated, but they have to be initiated by the lower ranked players team captain.
So if Clan A's 1600 rated player wanted to play Clan B's 1900 rated player then the challenge could be offered, however Clan B could not initiate the challenge with Clan A.