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PlayTheImmortalGame.com sunsetted

PlayTheImmortalGame.com sunsetted



We have sunsetted (retired) the PlayTheImmortalGame.com domain.

https://www.playtheimmortalgame.com is now redirected to https://www.dailychess.com

You will need to login in again.

Remember, you can change your theme if you want to retain playtheimmortalgame.com colors.

Update your bookmarks to reflect the change, if applicable.

More details in Thread 180065.

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@russ said

You will need to login in again.
If you read this, it means you have already needed to login again. 😏

Some of us have been logged in for a long period and may not remember what password we used originally. Some of us don't read forums at all (or twitter) and don't know what the **** has happened to RedHotPawn.

Small suggestion: one-off broadcast email to all email addresses on file, offering a single-use password.


@kewpie said
If you read this, it means you have already needed to login again. 😏
Public forums can be read by anyone - no logging in required.

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