@very-rusty saidSee how big a arse tadger can make of himself.
What was the topic again? 😉
Way beyond moronic.
@very-rusty saidThe tadger is following me now to site ideas.
Must agree with you there! 😉
Total arse
@roma45 saidYou just can't help lying can you
35 and counting.
All correct as well
I really can't believe you don't know what N C stands for.
Surely no one can be that daft.
Then i read your pathetic moronic site idea..
You don't even know 35 people let alone get 35 pms from them
Just put on this list 5 of them
@radioactive69 saidWell obviously you should be one but why pm him when you could do that in other ways
I'm one of the 35. Got it right of course. Pretty obvious (well at least for those with an IQ above moron).
You worked it out yet?