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Easy Riders Crown

Easy Riders Crown



Originally posted by robbie carrobie
At last! Our greatness shall be measured by the changes we have brought! look how Russky is asking for suggestions on how the clan system may be improved and we are for once and for all time going to see an end to sandbagging clans! Adios Metallica, its all over for you now.
changes will happen to stop you and the scum sisters from cheating

you are finished reputation gone forever.

come on ross county tomorrow.

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Originally posted by shortcircuit
You are a gutless lying turd.
Stop wasting our time with your ridiculous BS.
You are as dumb as a bag of rocks.
Please, stop wasting air and let someone else breathe.
you were taken apart by moonbus and bigdoghouse in the sites ideas forum on the very same issue, you are what you are, a clan of sandbaggers and its all over for you now.


Originally posted by roma45
changes will happen to stop you and the scum sisters from cheating

you are finished reputation gone forever.

come on ross county tomorrow.
Changes will happen because the Easy Riders stood up to tyranny and were not afraid to confront sandbagging clans like your heroes Metallica. Publicly outed for prematurely throwing games which has the same result as sandbagging the system will now change and they will be forced to play fair like everyone else. Its over for them now find yourself some new heroes to flunkie off of.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Changes will happen because the Easy Riders stood up to tyranny and were not afraid to confront sandbagging clans like your heroes Metallica. Publicly outed for prematurely throwing games which has the same result as sandbagging the system will now change and they will be forced to play fair like everyone else. Its over for them now find yourself some new heroes to flunkie off of.
Oh, Robbie.

It's you who are publicly outed for collusion and cheating alongside two of the most untrustworthy people on RHP.


Originally posted by Startreader
Oh, Robbie.

It's you who are publicly outed for collusion and cheating alongside two of the most untrustworthy people on RHP.
Oh startreader I would check the site idea forum and Shirleycircuits shameful defence of his sandbagging ways, taken apart piece by piece by moonbus and bigdoghouse he was reduced to a cringing wreck. We are the liberators of the entire clan system, now that changes will be made!


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
you were taken apart by moonbus and bigdoghouse in the sites ideas forum on the very same issue, you are what you are, a clan of sandbaggers and its all over for you now.
I was not taken apart by anyone.
Neither was Metallica.

You can change whatever rules you like, and as long as EVERYONE plays by the same rules,
and does not try to scam the system as you and the 3 sisters did,
we will prevail.

Always have and always will because we are focused and determined.
Unlike you, we are the real deal.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Changes will happen because the Easy Riders stood up to tyranny and were not afraid to confront sandbagging clans like your heroes Metallica. Publicly outed for prematurely throwing games which has the same result as sandbagging the system will now change and they will be forced to play fair like everyone else. Its over for them now find yourself some new heroes to flunkie off of.
BS.....everyone knows you are a scumbag cheat....period.
You were never a player or a force.
Your only chance to achieve glory was as a douche bag.
You have succeeded...you are a douche bag.


Originally posted by shortcircuit
BS.....everyone knows you are a scumbag cheat....period.
You were never a player or a force.
Your only chance to achieve glory was as a douche bag.
You have succeeded...you are a douche bag.
We have created a situation where change is now inevitable and we did it despite your opposition, your foul mouthed rants, vile slander and churlish behaviour. Your clans sandbagging ways are over. Bwahahah!


Originally posted by shortcircuit
I was not taken apart by anyone.
Neither was Metallica.

You can change whatever rules you like, and as long as EVERYONE plays by the same rules,
and does not try to scam the system as you and the 3 sisters did,
we will prevail.

Always have and always will because we are focused and determined.
Unlike you, we are the real deal.
yes you were you had NO answer to moonbus and bigdoghouse when they exposed your fraudulent clans activities. Lets not forget that as far as you are concerned free up resources is equivalent to the same effect as sandbagging. Taken apart piece by piece.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
We have created a situation where change is now inevitable and we did it despite your opposition, your foul mouthed rants, vile slander and churlish behaviour. Your clans sandbagging ways are over. Bwahahah!
It is clear to everyone but you.

You are NOT part of the solution.
You are the problem !!


Originally posted by mghrn55
It is clear to everyone but you.

You are NOT part of the solution.
You are the problem !!
Please be quiet you meddling buffoon.


i look forward to a non competitive clan system in the new year that will see clan players leave in droves to the clubs

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
We have created a situation where change is now inevitable and we did it despite your opposition, your foul mouthed rants, vile slander and churlish behaviour. Your clans sandbagging ways are over. Bwahahah!

Here is what you created. A situation where long time members are not re-newing their subscriptions because of what you and your 3 sisters have done. I don't know how many have left, but I know there are more leaving. It is all because of you and what you have done. You be proud of what you've done and subscription money YOU have cost the site.

Lets say if the situation is fixed. It may not bring those who left back. If a point roll back doesn't happen I will not be re-newing my sub either as promised. I never make idle threats, I do what I say I am going to do. How many others do you think will leave Robbie? Do you even care? I guess probably not, no money out of your pocket!!!

You went about this all the wrong way, my old friend.



Originally posted by Very Rusty

Here is what you created. A situation where long time members are not re-newing their subscriptions because of what you and your 3 sisters have done. I don't know how many have left, but I know there are more leaving. It is all because of you and what you have done. You be proud of what you've done and subscription money YOU have cost the site. ...[text shortened]... , no money out of your pocket!!!

You went about this all the wrong way, my old friend.

clan system will be dead in the new year, i assume that was their objective all along

2 edits

Originally posted by Very Rusty

Here is what you created. A situation where long time members are not re-newing their subscriptions because of what you and your 3 sisters have done. I don't know how many have left, but I know there are more leaving. It is all because of you and what you have done. You be proud of what you've done and subscription money YOU have cost the site. ...[text shortened]... , no money out of your pocket!!!

You went about this all the wrong way, my old friend.

Please be quiet, once the clan system is sorted it will be a pleasure to see you sandbaggers leave. heck I can hardly wait. Soon as the system became fair you decide to leave, like a ride on time, just shows you up for what you are, a cheating, slimy, loathsome toad that was happy when you could manipulate things in your favour but as soon as you could not you were gone, - good riddance to bad rubbish.

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