Originally posted by radioactive69I had the entire day off from morning till evening making your claim that my 42 posts interfered with my family quite ludicrous, but thats you. My kids can send 42 texts a minute, so could you if you had thumbs, But if counting posts is all you got, carry on.
Didn't ask you to.
Just pointing out that on the day of your blissful anniversary that you spent with your family you could not take a night off and spend the time with them but spent it posting 42 times on here.
Man......if that's the way you want to spend such a special day......then I feel real sad for your family.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieSo you are justifying yourself to me.
I had the entire day off from morning till evening making your claim that my 42 posts interfered with my family quite ludicrous, but thats you. My kids can send 42 texts a minute, so could you if you had thumbs, But if counting posts is all you got, carry on.
Dude......the biggest break between posts from 9.00am till just after 11.00pm was 1 hr 25 mins. Seriously..........you need to get off this site and find a more family oriented interest. Do it for the family if not for yourself.
I'm glad to give you some ideas to resurrect your time with the family. Just send me a pm. My price is more than reasonable.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieCollusion is a 7/24 activity then ? 😀
I have a smartphone believe it or not. It connects to the internet. Guess what! Its mobile and has a browser! When I sit on my couch, in my kitchen, in my loft conversion or my garden or sit with family of friends I can connect to the internet too! Anytime i like! I don't need to justify when or where, or how often I post on these forums to you.
Originally posted by radioactive69stop stalking me yah creep
So you are justifying yourself to me.
Dude......the biggest break between posts from 9.00am till just after 11.00pm was 1 hr 25 mins. Seriously..........you need to get off this site and find a more family oriented interest. Do it for the family if not for yourself.
I'm glad to give you some ideas to resurrect your time with the family. Just send me a pm. My price is more than reasonable.