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Important Announcement !! Thumbs up or Thumbs down

Important Announcement !! Thumbs up or Thumbs down



Originally posted by mghrn55
You have nothing to offer.
Go sit in the corner.
all you offer are a lot of tears
go to the crybaby thread

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Originally posted by lemondrop
all you offer are a lot of tears
go to the crybaby thread
mghrn55 gave you an answer, but you flipped the page so it wouldn't be seen by as many people. As we know most just read what is on the last page rather than read through the whole thread. We used that trick back in the Mod debates. They were tough debaters!!

Pay Attention now: mghrn55 wrote this.
You have my answer !!
If it isn't the answer you want, that is another story.
Asking any person to explain why they or a clan have a 29-12 record,
they might just answer that they wish it was 33-8.

That is what clans or players with winning attitudes will say !!
I have heard from the whiners that clans should strive to have an equal
numbers of wins and losses.
That would represent a measure of integrity. Or nonsense like that.
Why bother having competition with a mindset like that.
A Scotsman like Robbie might like to have Glasgow Celtic hauled
before a tribunal to explain their 21 win 3 loss record so far this year.

I have said as far back as a couple of years ago that the skillset of clan play is not just the skill of the players.
But also skills of a clan leader.

I have said that the clan system is loose and informal.
This will only serve to enhance the skills of a good clan leader who can recognize when his player can defeat a potential opponent.

A good clan leader does his homework. He/she will look at his players' overall record against a potential opponent.
Accordingly, one clan leader may outwit another clan leader when negotiating a challenge.
That is the essence of clan play !! How leaders outplay each other
at the negotiating table of the clan challenge.

Collusion goes beyond the normal acceptable behaviour expected
in clan challenges.
While there is no specific rule that can label this as illegal, there can
be a remedy to deal with this kind of behaviour.
A precedent was set last year for this kind of behaviour when 2 clans were suspended.
We are still working towards punitive measure to be taken against
the clans involved in the current fiasco.


a clan loaded with sandbaggers and a conniving leader is hardly the symbol of fair play
talk all you want
Metallica reeks of dishonesty


Originally posted by lemondrop
a clan loaded with sandbaggers and a conniving leader is hardly the symbol of fair play
talk all you want
Metallica reeks of dishonesty
It's amazing the lengths a few malcontents will go out of a common little thing called..............JEALOUSY !!!!!

we can't beat Metallica so we will destroy the clan system and everyone's pleasure by colliding together to beat Metallica (extract from meeting between Carrobie, McTayo, Lemondrop, and VESPIN).

Long shall you malcontents rot in hell for your disgusting unsporting behaviour.

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Originally posted by mghrn55
Gee, Robbie ..... throwing stones from glass houses !!

Your record with your clan Easy Riders - 52W 9L 14D
But you can always offer a defense for this statistic.
You didn't always play against equally rated players.

In fact, why don't you put me in my place here !!
Remove the games against opponents from Anti-Metallica, Breaking Bad and Arrow clans. ...[text shortened]...
And get back to us all with a revised set of numbers.

We await your response !!

Gee another rather transparent and scurrilous attempt to deflect away from the issue which once again explains nothing about the metallica phenomena of winning 60-70 percent of their games. Its termed a red herring and is just one of the number of obfuscating ways you have attempted to defend your record. My success as a clan leader and a player within the clan system has absolutely nothing to do with the metallica record of a disparity in win to loss ration far exceeding any other clan. So we shall ask you again, how do you explain the disparity because so far you have proffered nothing worthy of anyone's consideration and instead seek to deflect, mislead with transparent and plastic rhetoric. So out with it! how do you explain it! Please try again.

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Originally posted by radioactive69
It's amazing the lengths a few malcontents will go out of a common little thing called..............JEALOUSY !!!!!

we can't beat Metallica so we will destroy the clan system and everyone's pleasure by colliding together to beat Metallica (extract from meeting between Carrobie, McTayo, Lemondrop, and VESPIN).

Long shall you malcontents rot in hell for your disgusting unsporting behaviour.
More hysterical arm waving. watch out the sky doesn't fall on your head.


Originally posted by Very Rusty
mghrn55 gave you an answer, but you flipped the page so it wouldn't be seen by as many people. As we know most just read what is on the last page rather than read through the whole thread. We used that trick back in the Mod debates. They were tough debaters!!

Pay Attention now: mghrn55 wrote this.
You have my answer !!
If it isn't the answer you wan ...[text shortened]... unitive measure to be taken against
the clans involved in the current fiasco.
Glasgow Celtic win games because they have more resources than any other team in Scotland and can afford to buy better players than anyone else. Taking your analogy to its logical conclusion we are then forced to admit that the success of metallica must be because they have better players than everyone else. Is that really what you are saying that the disparity in win to loss ratio is because Metallica have better players than everyone else and this explains the phenomena?

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In the Interests of honesty can anyone explain the Metallica win to loss ratio because asking the fiends of Metallica to do so is an exercise in futility.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
In the Interests of honesty can anyone explain the Metallica win to loss ratio because asking the fiends of Metallica to do so is an exercise in futility.
Can you explain the Easy Riders win/loss ratio against breaking bad, anti-metallica and arrow. 100% win loss ratio in massive challeges. That is a joke my friend.

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Originally posted by radioactive69
Can you explain the Easy Riders win/loss ratio against breaking bad, anti-metallica and arrow. 100% win loss ratio in massive challeges. That is a joke my friend.
yes the challenges were easily won by us because of our awesome Karma, now, lets ask it AGAIN,

can anyone explain the Metallica win to loss ratio


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes the challenges were easily won by us because of our awesome Karma, now, lets ask it AGAIN,

can anyone explain the Metallica win to loss ratio
Must have been their karma also. Difference being Metallica's wins were through sporting challenges. The Sleazy Riders wins were through collusion.

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Originally posted by radioactive69
Must have been their karma also. Difference being Metallica's wins were through sporting challenges. The Sleazy Riders wins were through collusion.
If it was due to their Karma then clearly they must have done something bad and Karma is punishing them while they remain a broken clan lurking in third place. The Sleazy Riders, thats hilarious 😀


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Glasgow Celtic win games because they have more resources than any other team in Scotland and can afford to buy better players than anyone else. Taking your analogy to its logical conclusion we are then forced to admit that the success of metallica must be because they have better players than everyone else. Is that really what you are saying that ...[text shortened]... tio is because Metallica have better players than everyone else and this explains the phenomena?
Metallica doesn't have better players than everyone else. We do have a better clan leader than most teams who knows how to team up matches, looking at strengths and weaknesses of players. History involved, etc., etc., but you wouldn't know about those things. All you know is about collusion and being given points on a sliver platter. Watch the true top clan leaders and you may learn something.
With all the respect you deserve,

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Originally posted by Very Rusty
Metallica doesn't have better players than everyone else. We do have a better clan leader than most teams who knows how to team up matches, looking at strengths and weaknesses of players. History involved, etc., etc., but you wouldn't know about those things. All you know is about collusion and being given points on a sliver platter. Watch the true top clan leaders and you may learn something.
With all the respect you deserve,
bwahaha, you have a dullard of a thousand dullards as your clan leader just look at his posts here and you will find hardly anyone convinced of his alleged greatness.

Taking a look at my clan, its just a sea of green and gold, our last four challenges all ended with us sharing the spoils because unlike you and your clan of pirates, we haven't sandbagged our way to the top.

Q. Why is there such a disparity in your win and loss ratio
A. because our clan leader is great - Very Crusty



Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Taking a look at my clan, its just a sea of green and gold, our last four challenges all ended with us sharing the spoils because unlike you and your clan of pirates, we haven't sandbagged our way to the top.
Never mind changing the subject. The only way you have the lead is the collusion with 3 other teams and points being handed to you on a sliver platter. You couldn't run a clan if your life depended on it.
The truth about you and your team are out now, no need trying to say how great you are. Everyone knows what is going on. You can only pull the wool over people's eyes for so long, old friend.
With all the respect you deserve,

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