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Metallica taking a hit!

Metallica taking a hit!



Originally posted by mghrn55
You obviously care a great deal about our clan !!
Your penchant for opening numerous threads about Metallica is clear proof of that.

Your attempt at nonchalance has fallen flat. 😴😴
lets start a coup, we shall oust Shirley and take over and make Metallica great again!

2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
lets start a coup, we shall oust Shirley and take over and make Metallica great again!
I have a better plan lets get Russ to oust you and we will have a better Clan System. You are the one doing all the cheating. I am hoping he is waiting until the end of the year, to roll back your points, and suspend all those involved in your or vespins collusion tactics. Right now it makes for an active clan forum.

Yes, I am back,
Kind Regards,
Have a Great day,


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
lets start a coup, we shall oust Shirley and take over and make Metallica great again!
spoogie castoogie....the teat of cheat, the twat of scot

1 edit

Originally posted by Very Rusty
I have a better plan lets get Russ to oust you and we will have a better Clan System. You are the one doing all the cheating. I am hoping he is waiting until the end of the year, to roll back your points, and suspend all those involved in your or vespins collusion tactics. Right now it makes for an active clan forum.

Yes, I am back,
Kind Regards,
Have a Great day,
Gee Croosty thats bitter, Metallica are crumbling, you need a new leader, a man of vision. I'd be happy to help you out but I'm real busy at present, ask lemondrop, he might be available.

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Originally posted by Bobla45
spoogie castoogie....the teat of cheat, the twat of scot
Hey sup booblah de booblah da?

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Gee Croosty thats bitter, Metallica are crumbling, you need a new leader, a man of vision. I'd be happy to help you out but I'm real busy at present, ask lemondrop, he might be available.
Far as I am concerned the two of you put together aren't half the worth our Clan Leader is. Even if you are a little brighter than Maiden Gertrude.

Kind Regards,
Karma nipping at your butt,
Have a wondeful day,


Originally posted by Very Rusty
Far as I am concerned the two of you put together aren't half the worth our Clan Leader is. Even if you are a little brighter than Maiden Gertrude.

Kind Regards,
Karma nipping at your butt,
Have a wondeful day,
Dude your clan leader is a slacker, he's losing it.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
lets start a coup, we shall oust Shirley and take over and make Metallica great again!
Our clan is performing well this year.
We are on pace to match last year's net point total.
This in spite of the headwinds put in by site administration
to counter the cheating activities of a few clans
that have sullied the integrity of the clan feature.

I don't have to name the clans.
Everyone knows who they are !!

As to your offer ?
Thanks. But no thanks !!

You're not a clan leader !!
You're a pair of dirty socks !!


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Dude your clan leader is a slacker, he's losing it.
The only one who has lost it is YOU! You don't have to work very hard in pre- arranged challenges as you've got.

Kind Regards,
Karma is nipping at your butt,
Best wishes to your wife,


I thought I would put this post on one of your threads.

As a Canadian, I pause to reflect on the terrible tragedy that befell the world 15 years ago today.

And to share that moment with our best friends to the south.

That being said, I did notice that disgusting "Lord of the Rings" thread started by Seitse.
That from him is not surprising.
He lives for that. And frankly, I don't give a rat's ass for any childhood trauma he may have endured.

But there you are !! Right on his coat tails !!
The 2nd post in the thread !!
Piling up the thumbs down at that.

Like I said, I made sure I posted this to a thread that you started.

It belongs there.


Addressed to Carrobie ... btw


Originally posted by mghrn55
Addressed to Carrobie ... btw
Their seems to be an entire army of gloomy faced killjoys that stalk the internet with their thin halos spinning above their heads sucking all the humanity out of people with their gelid tentacles and self righteous nitpicking. I term it the zombie apocalypse and I think you are part of it.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Their seems to be an entire army of gloomy faced killjoys that stalk the internet with their thin halos spinning above their heads sucking all the humanity out of people with their gelid tentacles and self righteous nitpicking. I term it the zombie apocalypse and I think you are part of it.
Your post gave me a great laugh.

First of all, you started it off by misspelling the very first word. It should be "There" not "their". I guess this must be self righteous nitpicking, your term, not mine. I call it fact!!

Then you refer to those who hate your cheating antics and monotonous string of lies as
"gloomy faced killjoys".

Then to hear you indicate that you believe in zombies.

You really do need help (other than that being rendered to your points coffers by the three sisters)


Originally posted by shortcircuit
Your post gave me a great laugh.

First of all, you started it off by misspelling the very first word. It should be "There" not "their". I guess this must be self righteous nitpicking, your term, not mine. I call it fact!!

Then you refer to those who hate your cheating antics and monotonous string of lies as
"gloomy faced killjoys".

Then to hea ...[text shortened]... really do need help (other than that being rendered to your points coffers by the three sisters)
Is your point on the tip of your hat?


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Is your point on the tip of your hat?
Your attempt at wit is about as pathetic as your feeble attempt at your 9/11 joke in the General Forum.

Seitze's thread.
2 birds of a feather !!

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