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remember when



@padger said
There you go again the clan forum policeman
You are unable to find anything better so you knock any one else's ideas
Why don't you just go back to sleep sucking your Doc Martins to soften them up and take your girl friend with you
Oh and by the way have you sorted out your eyes yet
Rent free..thats where i live inside your head..plenty space in tbere..
My first post in clan forums for ages but stalker tadger cant wait...
See you in another 6 months nothing remotely interesting from you....


@roma45 said
Rent free..thats where i live inside your head..plenty space in tbere..
My first post in clan forums for ages but stalker tadger cant wait...
See you in another 6 months nothing remotely interesting from you....
What is so brilliant about your posts
They are never constructive
Only destructive
Because your brain never has a new idea
You are unable to see that the points system for the clans is utterly useless
Why don't you come up with an idea to replace it ?


@lemondrop removed their quoted post
Mctayto has been reinstated



@lemondrop removed their quoted post
After what happened I imagine he would be very closely watched if he was allowed. He was lucky to be reinstated.




@lemondrop removed their quoted post
If the same thing happens you may go with him this time lemondrop, keep that in mind!



@lemondrop removed their quoted post
I think his biggest desire these days is to join the million move club.
We should grant him that and wish him well on that front.


@mghrn55 said
I think his biggest desire these days is to join the million move club.
We should grant him that and wish him well on that front.
I hope Russ is watching him closely and when he's made his 999,999th move............boot him for good!!!!

😉 😆




@lemondrop removed their quoted post
I am hoping NO, or we will be right back where we were unless he changes his ways!!!




I am sure Russ will be watching him closely along with every Clan leader and a few of us underlings.



@very-rusty said
They have taken a pretty good shot at me in the GF, but haven't gotten far.!!! 😉

Sir, you are riddled with holes. (Even before the shots were fired).

1 edit

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Sir, you are riddled with holes. (Even before the shots were fired).
You Sir, are still full of hot air. I have no problem with that though! 😛 😉

Your comments should get you a bunch of thumbs up unless of course they are becoming bored with your shots at me! 😛 😉


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