Originally posted by lemondropSir or Ma'am,
why don't you check it out if your interested
That isn't very friendly, my next question was going to be if you have played "Easy Riders", and if so how you made out in those games, wins vs. lost games?
Just trying to make some sociable conversation with you. You always seem like you have chip on your shoulder.
Kindest Regards,
Karma must be nipping hard maybe,
Originally posted by lemondropSir or Ma'am,
why would you want to be sociable with someone you consider unsociable?
my games are open for all to see Sherlock
I am very sociable and polite as well haven't you noticed? So, you don't want to answer my question on rather you have played "Easy Riders" and what the outcome was in the games. That is certainly your choice. Chat with you later, I have some real world stuff to do. By The way name is Very Rusty not Sherlock. 😉
Kindest Regards,
Karma is nipping at your butt,
Take Care,
Originally posted by MctaytoSir,
You certainly are not in the position to look in a mirror as =it would be totally incapable of uttering it's preferred response re fairest of all 😛
Do you like what you see in the mirror after you've thrown two games to Easy Riders at the beginning of a Challenge. Now that is just two of them, never mind all the others you've thrown. 😛 Would you like them pointed out to you again?
Kind Regards,
Karma Nipping hard at your butt,