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Florence Mills (1896-1927)

Florence Mills (1896-1927)


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I saw no comments. I merely viewed a video clip of a woman I have never heard of before while the narrator spoke about Florence Mills. It was perfectly reasonable of me to assume the woman I saw singing and dancing was the woman the narrator was speaking about. To play the racist card is a stretch, even for you.

As I say, very embarrassing.


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I wasn't thinking of someone hiding such a treasure, I was referring to the fact that technology took giant leaps in the 1920's and 1930's making such recording equipment, movie camera's, sound recorders and such much more generally available and therefore more likely that a true star like Mills would have been recorded. Of course, you just took that as another aspect of my true lying hypocritical craven gullible idiotic mind.

And such recordings have gotten lost, buried in some archive somewhere and only turning up a hundred years later to the delight of some archivist.

It seems no matter what I say to you it will never be enough to be thought worthy. My guess is the two women whom I really admire, Nina Simone and Buffy Sainte-Marie, you would not listen to BECAUSE I am the one posting it. If one of your buddies posted it, you would have listened immediately. If you actually listened to it, I apologize and would like to know what you thought of those two. Had you ever heard of Nina Simone? My guess is you have, but probably not Buffy Sainte-Marie. Buffy was a powerful figure in my early 20's, she hit me in the gut with those songs and others like 'Now that the buffalo is gone'.




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I'm assuming those comments were below the video clip? - As I didn't scroll down there was of course no way i could be swayed by them. Again, my search was cursory.

I also did not view any photographs of Florence Mills and as a consequence would have no way of knowing the moving images were not of her. Indeed, it was much more reasonable to assume the images were her, seeing as the narrator was speaking over the clip about Florence Mills.

You have dug yourself in to a silly hole here. All you had to do in response to my initial post was to say "no, that isn't her.' - Bur of course your own know it all arrogance would not permit that. Far better to respond as though your knowledge was under attack.

And one final point. If any other poster had said about any other historical character or performer that no footage of them existed, I similarly, out of curiosity, would have gone looking to see If I could find something. The fact you took this personally says nothing about me and everything about you.

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Yes. You are usually wrong. On most topics. Assuming you might be wrong again here was not such a big conclusion to jump to.

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In other words, you are miffed someone would have the audacity to try to find something you, in your infinite wisdom and knowledge, told us no recordings existed and when I found a Hill misreading it as Mills, you go into immediate attack mode. BTW, did you deign to view the music I posted?

You said you performed as a singer on many occasions around the world but see nothing posted by you of anyone in the musical community. I post such video's all the time because I think they are incredible musicians and singers.

I find it odd that an artist like yourself would ONLY be interested in pointing out the errors of the world, especially white people and more especially white men and even more specifically, white American men, whom to hear you tell of it are all or mostly sub human in your mind and you justify that by saying it is mostly American men who hang out here in spite of the fact most of my buddies here are very far away from here, Netherlands, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia. But I don't see you attacking Australians for mis-treating Aborigines for instance, just as one example, or the Canadian government forcing first nation people into western schools, why don't you rail against that? And the answer is, they are not American because America is the country you hate the most out of all the countries in the world, it so appears.

Is that all you can think of? Can you never think about the art you supposedly do yourself? Are you so secretive and paranoid about being found out who you are, which I have little doubt you are what you say you are, that is not what I am implying, what I am saying is you seem to have a paranoid fear of someone finding out your name and where you live. You have been extremely reticent about anything personal, not that I any longer give a damn about that but what is it about your makeup that prevents you from showing the artistic side of humanity? I am buried up to my neck in technology of many different kinds but would chuck it all if I could make a living as a folk musician and show many video's of some musical genius but you NEVER seem to want to do that. Why is that?

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Only you have insinuated that all black women might be perceived as looking the same. I certainly have never entertained such a thought. Perhaps you think repetition of a falsehood makes it true?

Perhaps you are the one with suspect morality? Indeed only one of us has been banned from the forums for abusive trolling. (And it isn't me).


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Interesting how you try to deflect from the main points I tried to make. I was not trying to prove you wrong, I made a shallow search and got it wrong. So now you think I must be in some kind of battle of wills to prove you wrong. That assumption tells a lot more about your personality than you would wish to show.

Why don't you answer what I actually said, which is why, since you claim to be a singer, an artist, that you are not interested enough in art to actually show other people's work?

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