Originally posted by robbie carrobieWhat was all that nonsense about where you said "why you insist on stating that one should be black, i have no idea"? Did you make the false claim deliberately or do you just get flustered [and then furtive afterwards] when the word "black" gets mentioned?
I have no issues, not with you, not with anyone.
Originally posted by FMFjust leave it alone FMF, there are no fences facing.
What was all that nonsense about where you said "why you insist on stating that one should be black, i have no idea"? Did you make the false claim deliberately or do you just get flustered [and then furtive afterwards] when the word "black" gets mentioned?
Originally posted by FMFburdened down, i think not. you want a little apology OK i am sorry you seek to make
You're too burdened down with your self-importance issues, I take it, to offer a little apology. No surprise there, then. 😵
issues for other people, you want surprises , may i suggest a jack in the box or a
surprise party! or a lucky bag.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieIt is surely you who was seeking to "make issues", robbie; the little deliberate misstating of what I said in an apparent effort to conjure up a bit of an ad hominem angle. You're notorious for it on the Spirituality Forum. And you're at it here too. 😵
burdened down, i think not. you want a little apology OK i am sorry you seek to make
issues for other people, you want surprises , may i suggest a jack in the box or a
surprise party! or a lucky bag.
Originally posted by FMFcant we just get along, i am tired of the incessant fighting. What will it take FMF?
It is surely you who was seeking to "make issues", robbie; the little deliberate misstating of what I said in an apparent effort to conjure up a bit of an ad hominem angle. You're notorious for it on the Spirituality Forum. And you're at it here too. 😵
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou're trying to brush it aside, I know. And yet it was quite deliberate. The "issues" you have with so many people on the Spirituality Forum are mostly caused by these little tactics you use. Just saying.
ok so it was a cause of wonderment, can we move along now.
Originally posted by robbie carrobiejoe beyser doesn't agree with me about supporting an end to discrimination against homosexuals so, for some reason, he has been writing posts that allude to me having sex with animals and/or not being heterosexual for the last three weeks. You can check his posting if you want. Post after post. 14 year old schoolboy humour. It started with this: Well ok then since you asked- To a big male gorrilla, I bet that hairy thing around your mouth would be one helluva coc targut. He would want to marry you on the spot. Only take about 6 minutes I recon. Nobody, including myself, has written any replies - as far as I know - to any of joe's 'FMF has sex with animals' posts, at least not until now. And here we are, finally, I realize that this joe beyser kind of attack humour thing about fellow posters having sex with gorillas appeals to people like you, robbie. You're the first person to play along in 3 weeks. How interesting. Is it because you agree with joe about homosexuals, or is it because you didn't like the fact that Eva Cassidy is not anywhere near being my favourite singer? 🙄
you mean Gerald 😀
Originally posted by FMFWhere you put your willy FMF is none of my affair. Being unaware and uninterested in
joe beyser doesn't agree with me about supporting an end to discrimination against homosexuals so, for some reason, he has been writing posts that allude to me having sex with animals and/or not being heterosexual for the last three weeks. You can check his posting if you want. Post after post. 14 year old schoolboy humour. It started with this: Well ok then u didn't like the fact that Eva Cassidy is not anywhere near being my favourite singer?
your disputes with Joe my reference to Gerald was with regard to a, 'not the nine
o'clock news', sketch. If this in your mind constitutes your latest personal attack of
somehow construing that Joes take on your having sex with gorillas appeals to me, or
that it has relevancy to your views on Eva Cassidy or Joes views on homosexuals then
you are seriously, seriously, delusional. I simply dont care enough about these things,
sorry, believe what you want, I know you will regardless.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWhatever floats your boats, robbie. You and joe beyser share a sense of humour, that much we know.
Where you put your willy FMF is none of my affair. Being unaware and uninterested in
your disputes with Joe my reference to Gerald was with regard to a, 'not the nine
o'clock news', sketch. If this in your mind constitutes your latest personal attack of
somehow construing that Joes take on your having sex with gorillas appeals to me, or
that ...[text shortened]... t care enough about these things,
sorry, believe what you want, I know you will regardless.