Nous avons les champions!
En premiere: Untitled 1 - 27 points
En deuxieme: Durga - 25 points
En thirdieme: Lets call her Lucy - 18 points
En Audi Quatro: Dialogue - 17 points
Five gold rings: Diary - 15 points
Stack of bricks: Untitled 3 - 7 points
7even starring Brad Pitt: Untitled 4 - 5 points
Ate the quail: Plymouth Rock, Memories and Sh;t story - 4 points
1100z33rrrrz: Untitled 2 - 2 points
Thanks to all for taking part and thanks to all who voted, no thanks to Iron Monkey and most of all a big congratulations to the winner of the 2008 RHP Prose Competition:
Pawn Handler
Feel free to discuss the entries hereafter if the authors want to make themselves public, please do so.