@sonhouse saidWhy are you complaining?
The vote has already been done, an incompetent boob is now Defsec. By the lowest senate vote ever, the nearest other one was 58 votes for, Hegseth got 50 and Vance tipped it over to a win.
Hegseth family was actually in attendance, not seen before.
He said he supports Israel. Isn't that all you war mongers care about?
@sonhouse saidYeah, you are talking all right. On every page of the Forum. Settle man.🧍♂️He is president, ...we didn't go absolutely nuts about your nincompoop...or about whomever was running our country. Hopefully they will disclose all in a book. Tell us, was the Biden Misery cool for you, being a globalist and all? You are even a globalist on the Forum. You said all that stuff for 4 years and never one comment about any missteps of the horrible Biden-on-the-Beach.
Again you refuse to even acknowledge I was talking about your deity Trump, a despot.
Instead you do your regular MO, whatabouthimisms.
You are psychologically incapable of seeing anything bad in Trump.
I wonder why people in charge do not see the problems with Trump like you do?
Did you find fault with Biden? Tell us the faults. And will you answer my question just above or I will call you names!!!! Yeah, that's it, I will call you some of them names! It will scare the bejesus out of you, by golly.
@AverageJoe1 saidWhat scares me is the drive by Trump to be a dictator and already turning the US into an oligarchy, or did you not notice who was at his inauguration? A cabal of billionaires. THAT is exactly what makes the US an oligarchy.
Yeah, you are talking all right. On every page of the Forum. Settle man.🧍♂️He is president, ...we didn't go absolutely nuts about your nincompoop...or about whomever was running our country. Hopefully they will disclose all in a book. Tell us, was the Biden Misery cool for you, being a globalist and all? You are even a globalist on the Forum. You said all that stuff ...[text shortened]... eah, that's it, I will call you some of them names! It will scare the bejesus out of you, by golly.
Billionaires getting favors for their projects with their goal of making themselves richer and FUUK the workers.
There is no trickle down it is trickle UP.
He has yet to visit California and saying not a FUUKING WORD of consolation to the dozens who died in all those fires.
Instead, lets kill FEMA because it is up to STATES to take care of their emergencies.
So lets have New Hampshire pay for a huge forest fire with billions in damage or other poor states cover multi billion dollar disasters.
And the loss of individual freedoms is ongoing.
Loss of women's right to control their reproductive lives with the death of Roe V Wade, that was the start, dictators want to control women and gays first, spread hate so the country thinks there is nothing wrong with killing gay rights, no more gay weddings, no trans in our military and that is just the beginning.
The S H I T game is proceeding on schedule, Project 2025 schedule.
@Metal-Brain saidThere is a LOT more going on than support for Israel. Maybe you didn't notice the fact China is our major adversary and they are beating us in new technology and military might.
Why are you complaining?
He said he supports Israel. Isn't that all you war mongers care about?
But an incompetent drunk as Defsec and his vote BTW was the lowest EVER in the entire history of the US. The nearest one to his 50 yes vote was Obama's pick with 58 votes.
It means nothing to you but that is a political bombshell waiting to go off.
BESIDES the fact Hegseth is a fuuking DRUNK.
So China attacks Taiwan while Heggy is on a drunk, this somehow helps our national defense?
He 'wink wink PROMISED' to stop drinking if he gets in as Defsec.
Sure, a life long alcoholic changing his stripes just like that?
Good luck with that.
That and the fact he ran TWO organizations into the ground, near bankruptcy shows he knows nothing about herding a near one TRILLION dollar organization.
The fault goes not to Hegseth but to Trump who could care less about national security and ONLY interested in how many times a day a pick kisses his ass.
Like Tulsi Gabbard as Intel chief, spouting Putin propaganda, which of course you love, and visiting Syria, meeting with THEIR dictator several times without revealing a word of what was said.
Sure, make her in charge of our national defense secrets.
OF COURSE, since Trump himself is a traitor, spouting TOP SECTRET docs to people, like the one about how close a US sub can approach a Russian sub undetected.
NAH, Russia doesn't need any of that information, right?
THAT shows clear as a bell Trump could care less about our national security.
So it is the diabolically stupid picks for his posts and BTW, at least 9 picks are his fuuking FAMILY. There is a word for that, NEPOTISM which shows how much he cares about competence. Dictators HATE competence because competent people can be powerful enemies and they can't stand that so they get in ass kissers and so the entire apparatus of government is compromised and the economy of dictators goes downhill, It has happened that way time after time when a dictator takes over BECAUSE the dictator cares about one think HIS OWN POWER.
And nothing else.
Everything he does is to that end and it is the common folk paying for it.
@sonhouse saidFunny how libs and conservatives have dfferent views of the same subjects! I don't see billionaires, I only see reeeaally smart successful people, who know only success, aligning with our government. Dam, I am afraid I am going to have to type that again. Help me Rhonda
What scares me is the drive by Trump to be a dictator and already turning the US into an oligarchy, or did you not notice who was at his inauguration? A cabal of billionaires. THAT is exactly what makes the US an oligarchy.
Billionaires getting favors for their projects with their goal of making themselves richer and FUUK the workers.
There is no trickle down it is tri ...[text shortened]... and that is just the beginning.
The S H I T game is proceeding on schedule, Project 2025 schedule.
Just for the record, 'free stuff' is going to be more difficult to come by in this new culture.
You know, Trump is his own culture, a culture unto himself. This is is why AOC has her panties all wadded up, she is a wreck. You are a wreck. Your whole party is a wreck. Why, ??? Because none of your or your entities have a place in this new world. Maybe it is more about having no place to turn than merely hating Trump?
@AverageJoe1 saidSo you are ok with Trump totally abandoning any fight to lower inflation, and you LOVE the way he is sending our military to the border. That tells us a LOT about you AND Trump.
Just for the record, 'free stuff' is going to be more difficult to come by in this new culture.
You know, Trump is his own culture, a culture unto himself. This is is why AOC has her panties all wadded up, she is a wreck. You are a wreck. Your whole party is a wreck. Why, ??? Because none of your or your entities have a place in this new world. Maybe it is more about having no place to turn than merely hating Trump?
Trump doesn't give a rats ass about common folk, why do you think only billionaires were at his inuag?
Oh I forgot, because they are successful businessmen, no other motive going on there, just buddies with Trump,
just like the billionaires being buddy buddy giving away millions to SCOTUS members, just boys having fun, no corruption THERE, right?
You are unable to recognize corruption when it is slapping you in the face. Like Trump putting out worthless crypto just days before his election, NOTHING to do with corruption, just a good business deal, right?
@sonhouse saidLotta stuff here. Tell us about Soros paying the ABC fine, $15M, for losing the Stephanopolis matter. Is that corruption ?
So you are ok with Trump totally abandoning any fight to lower inflation, and you LOVE the way he is sending our military to the border. That tells us a LOT about you AND Trump.
Trump doesn't give a rats ass about common folk, why do you think only billionaires were at his inuag?
Oh I forgot, because they are successful businessmen, no other motive going on there, just bud ...[text shortened]... ypto just days before his election, NOTHING to do with corruption, just a good business deal, right?
Sorry, there are so many of them, I may have picked one that you can argue about, maybe tie it to Jan 6, but the problem is I don’t want to argue about it. It is what it is. Corruption in Biden Land, 51 officials losing security clearance!!!!!! , yet you do not mention that. Boy, I would like to write about those 51 guys losing their clearance.Zzzzzzzzzzz
Why write about obvious criminal activities.
51 guys, little feller.
Oh, and replace FEMA. Liberal losers.
@AverageJoe1 saidYou refuse to directly confronting a charge, instead just going full tilt AGAIN directly to whataboutisms.
Lotta stuff here. Tell us about Soros paying the ABC fine, $15M, for losing the Stephanopolis matter. Is that corruption ?
Sorry, there are so many of them, I may have picked one that you can argue about, maybe tie it to Jan 6, but the problem is I don’t want to argue about it. It is what it is. Corruption in Biden Land, 51 officials losing security clearance!!!!!! , ...[text shortened]... out obvious criminal activities.
51 guys, little feller.
Oh, and replace FEMA. Liberal losers.
I don't give a rats ass about those dudes, TRUMP is the power now and he is unstable, whimsical, open to the top bidder like Musk who gave him a quarter BILLION for his campaign and the Saudis who gave his family TWO billion and a supposed investment but so far, years later not ONE penny has been returned to SA just like they figured it would be because it was an investment called payback for services rendered by Jarhead.
Nothing more, nothing less.
But OF COURSE instead of doing not one fuuking SECOND of research showing the validity or refuting what I say, you just go, YEAH but what about Biden? He is The most corrupt individual on the entire planet, worse than PUTIN.