Originally posted by @whodeyIdiot.
I will shout you down, delete all your Facebook accounts, and form school protests near your home as they protest those who fail to resist Donald Trump! 😠
The post that was quoted here has been removedAlso Deep Thought to Blood on the Track just after the exchanges highlighted by Duchess!
"Yes, it is correct. It was that factor of 1/2 that bothered me, once it dawned on me that it had been introduced into the numerator in the first step then the correctness of the proof became clear to me." (DeepThought)
Hahaha ahahaha. Now your argument will be DT isn't a mathematician! Wait for Soothfast to verify it for you! The Duchess of Mathematics is not competent enough to verify it on her own. This is too rich. It is so enjoyable torturing you. Its like waterboarding a kitten...
The post that was quoted here has been removedThe troll Mchill fails to appreciate my own joke while showing his ignorance of history.
The major difference between us Duchess, is my style of humor does not insult or degrade anyone. I was simply using a little play on math words to highlight the difference between Pi and cake. You (as usual) couldn't resist the urge to insult someone.
20 Jul 18
Originally posted by @whodeyWTH?
We have a thread that is not anti-Trump?
Trump is all that matters.
Are you all daft? Where is the will to resist?
RESIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😠
We have a thread that is not anti-Trump?
Trump is all that matters.
Are you all daft? Where is the will to resist?
Yes whodey, I was attempting to introduce a little non political and non Trump humor. I thought it would be a small but welcome change from all the partisan bickering. It's too bad you have to ruin it by reintroducing politics back into this thread.
Originally posted by @deepthoughtOh there you are!
This is the maddest thread I've seen in this forum for a while. Congratulations to all concerned!
I don't know if your following all this, but the Duchess is using your and Blood on The Tracks statements about her as testament to her extreme mathematical ability while simultaneously rubbing both of your mathematics in the dirt...pointing out how she's called you out on that physicists trash you've attempted to pass off as mathematics before...She has also defended her mathematical brilliance unprovoked on at least three unrelated threads. Its a real hoot. Care to comment?
20 Jul 18
Originally posted by @mchillNonsense!
We have a thread that is not anti-Trump?
Trump is all that matters.
Are you all daft? Where is the will to resist?
Yes whodey, I was attempting to introduce a little non political and non Trump humor. I thought it would be a small but welcome change from all the partisan bickering. It's too bad you have to ruin it by reintroducing politics back into this thread.
Trump means everything!
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. Trump, Trump,
Impeach Trump! 😠