22 May 23
@kevcvs57 saidGolly Kev, would a creep (one of your society) actually just ‘pretend’ to identify as a, say, little girl, maybe a wig, the works….would ‘it’ enter upon the environment of little girls to carry out their horror?
Interesting question, it’s not imaginary it’s the result of a socialisation process but because hormones and other actual factors are not considered in that process some folks end up in the wrong socialised category.
Have you asked yourself why it matters to you personally what gender another individual chooses to identify as. That’s the biggest question that never gets ans ...[text shortened]... women from predatory males pretending to be trans whilst not demonising actual trans men and women.
I’m just asking, you brought this matter up. I had no idea that that could be going on in your society. It does not go on my society.
@jimmac saidIt's a shame this debate didn't end on page 4 then. These issues can be solved without government involvement. It's not the cheats we should be worried about. It's the politicians. 340 new right wing pieces of anti-trans legislation working their way through state houses.
This is exactly what I have already said, on page 4 so 100% agree. The solution will be to ban them, happening already.
"It's for the children" is a classic propaganda tactic to enact new government controls on people. But ask a politician in Florida if their legislation will ONLY affect young people. The answer is no.
I'm from the government and I'm here to fix your problem with trans people?
22 May 23
@averagejoe1 saidHe will be one if yours Joe, a woman hating closet job, in other words a typical right wing creepozoid.
Golly Kev, would a creep (one of your society) actually just ‘pretend’ to identify as a, say, little girl, maybe a wig, the works….would ‘it’ enter upon the environment of little girls to carry out their horror?
I’m just asking, you brought this matter up. I had no idea that that could be going on in your society. It does not go on my society.
Can you even grasp the difference between a cis male predator and an actual trans woman.
Spoiler alert: the first is a danger to women and children and the second one isn’t
23 May 23
@kevcvs57 saidSo much BS. Everyone get this. Should we give demerits to people like Kev.
He will be one if yours Joe, a woman hating closet job, in other words a typical right wing creepozoid.
Can you even grasp the difference between a cis male predator and an actual trans woman.
Spoiler alert: the first is a danger to women and children and the second one isn’t
What did he say. Did he segue? No, worse. A Guy pretends to be a girl, goes in amongst them. It is that simple. Kev writes tomes about it? "Cis and Actual Trans????????" Uhhh, does Kev defend the criminal preds???
If a guy dresses like a girl, say me, and I walk into a private female environment.........................give us your thoughts, Kev. Jesus.
Point of fact: Cis and Trans????? What in the hell? You are onstage at a debate and pull that on the judges??
23 May 23
@averagejoe1 saidWhy do you assume this is the agenda of every trans?
Golly Kev, would a creep (one of your society) actually just ‘pretend’ to identify as a, say, little girl, maybe a wig, the works….would ‘it’ enter upon the environment of little girls to carry out their horror?
I’m just asking, you brought this matter up. I had no idea that that could be going on in your society. It does not go on my society.
23 May 23
@averagejoe1 saidPedophilia and trespassing and other predatory behaviors are already crimes. Why do we need all the new laws being passed which restrict what adults choose to do in their free time?
So much BS. Everyone get this. Should we give demerits to people like Kev.
What did he say. Did he segue? No, worse. A Guy pretends to be a girl, goes in amongst them. It is that simple. Kev writes tomes about it? "Cis and Actual Trans????????" Uhhh, does Kev defend the criminal preds???
If a guy dresses like a girl, say me, and I walk into a privat ...[text shortened]... ct: Cis and Trans????? What in the hell? You are onstage at a debate and pull that on the judges??
23 May 23
@suzianne saidI didn't. You shifting focus, are 'ya? Protecting Kev? It is so simple, you attempt to fluff it all up with 6 different issues? AS man says I am a girl and openly infiltrates.
Why do you assume this is the agenda of every trans?
THE ISSUE here is that you Woke liberals (I guess you are all A'Woke??) ...not one of you....says how bad that is.
Think just of that. We all tool along here, a creep plays that he is a girl.......and you do not register any fault with it. I am really building a list of creeps on this Forum.
23 May 23
@wildgrass saidJesus. You two must have just stepped out of a class teaching 'Muddle Up Posts, Zero On Nonsense".
Pedophilia and trespassing and other predatory behaviors are already crimes. Why do we need all the new laws being passed which restrict what adults choose to do in their free time?
23 May 23
@wildgrass said - It's not the cheats we should be worried about. It's the politicians.
Priceless!! 😍
23 May 23
@AverageJoe1 said - We all tool along here, a creep plays that he is a girl.......and you do not register any fault with it.
AJ, I have told them before, when a man dresses like a woman and puts women's
makeup on, and a wig, - it's Cultural Appropriation, the hypocrits.
24 May 23
@averagejoe1 saidIt's this comment that appeared muddy Joe.
Jesus. You two must have just stepped out of a class teaching 'Muddle Up Posts, Zero On Nonsense".
A guy dresses up like a girl, goes in amongst them.
What do you mean by that? It seemed you were talking about predatory behavior, and if so that is already illegal. What do we need all these new laws for?
@averagejoe1 saidWhen it happens, it generally makes the news.
....And then suzi comes along and wants to talk about the fact that all trans are not people who pretend to be a girl to walk into a girl's environment. THAT is the way Suzie sees this issue. That's it? That's all? No comment on the issue? Don't want to get out of line with the mob?
You don't hear about hundreds or even dozens of people doing this. It's isolated incidents. The country has 330 million people, and all you hear about is one, once in a while. Yet all you can do is rant and rave about that one.
Yet it's all you misanthropes can talk about.
Then you think they're all doing it for that reason.
This is why network news is wasted on the dumb.
@earl-of-trumps saidAnd that's not what trans do.
@AverageJoe1 said - We all tool along here, a creep plays that he is a girl.......and you do not register any fault with it.
AJ, I have told them before, when a man dresses like a woman and puts women's
makeup on, and a wig, - it's Cultural Appropriation, the hypocrits.
You're missing the point by a country mile.
@averagejoe1 saidYou always muddle up your own posts. We just shine a light on that.
Jesus. You two must have just stepped out of a class teaching 'Muddle Up Posts, Zero On Nonsense".