19 Jul 20
@lemon-lime saidAs Greg Palast has written extensively about, Kris Kobach shopped around his "Interstate Crosscheck" list of minority voters to election officials of swing states, along with his fear tactics of raising the spectre of people voting more than once in various districts, voting while deceased and other lies propagated by his office and the Trump campaign. Millions of minority voters were stripped off of voter rolls in swing states where Trump's handlers were uncertain of his impending victory all within 30 days of the election, rendering these voters unable to vote with no way of re-registering in time for the election. Palast estimates that up to 7 million voters, mainly black, latino and Asian, were denied their constitutional; right to vote in this way.They kept 7 million people of color from voting in 2016How were 'they' able to do this?
As I've said many times, when Trump said that the election was rigged, he wasn't warning us, he was bragging. And he continues bragging about a rigged election even now. Perhaps this will finally be a bridge too far for Trump (20 to 25 million is a lot more than 7 million) and the emperor will finally be shown to be naked as a jaybird. All we'll need is a few state elections officials to finally come clean.
@shavixmir saidAnd the countries with no autumn or fall, doomed forever?
I’ve heard the pandemic will disappear in November. Seemingly Corona-19 doesn’t like Autumn.
But, that it will only disappear in countries which have Autumn. Countries with fall are fukked until March.
19 Jul 20
@lemon-lime saidthe ones who are on respirators right now would say the virus.
I got the virus in late January. Went to bed on a Sunday and basically slept until Wednesday morning. Got up, sipped on some coffee and thought to myself, "Wow, that was rough... I should probably check the mail and see if anyone called."
I could have been obsessed with the pandemic, and all of the political ballyhoo associated with it. But thanks to wall to wall news c ...[text shortened]... or 5+ months, I'm not sure which is worse... being sick with the virus, or sick of hearing about it.
the ones who are dead don't say much but their loved ones would probably say the virus is worse too
@kevcvs57 saidSouth Korea has a very high population density. We have like 20 plus million people living in the Seoul metro area.
I’m guessing you have a much lower population density than parts of the US and wearing masks is a massive help but look how long the Idiot trump and his idiot base have resisted them and many still are.
I’ve never understood the resistance to wearing masks in the Uk either. If they reduce the droplet infection bubble around a carrier to near zero and we have no realistic wa ...[text shortened]... ou can control your own hygiene based defences but you cannot control what’s in the air you breathe.