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All OK now with USA beefing up Miltary?

All OK now with USA beefing up Miltary?


Catch the Train 47!

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
18 Oct 23
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@no1marauder said
Pretty much every major US military operation in the last 50 years, except very limited ones and/or those aimed at really small and weak nations like Grenada or Panama, has been a fiasco. From Saigon to Beirut to Mogadishu to Baghdad and Kabul, the mighty US military has been humbled and forced to withdraw.

And wasting so much of the nation's resources on weapons is a recipe for long term economic stagnation, which is mostly what we have gotten.
Another example of liberal reasoning. Liberals think everything can be perfect and will not rest until they achieve Nirvana, the ultimate in a socialistic society together, peace on earth. They go wild when an exercise of our government goes awry. Today we cons are upset that Biden stopped oil production and is now begging other countries to sell us oil. So you fellers, like Reagan, make mistakes, too. Hello?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
18 Oct 23
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@averagejoe1 said
Another example of liberal reasoning. Liberals think everything can be perfect and will not rest until they achieve Nirvana, the ultimate in a socialistic society together, peace on earth. They go wild when an exercise of our government goes awry. Today we cons are upset that Biden stopped oil production and is now begging other countries to sell us oil. So you fellers, like Reagan, make mistakes, too. Hello?
"United States domestic oil production hit an all-time high last week, "


You really live in a right wing FantasyLand; I'm sure that fact never made it to Fox "News", Breitbart, Newsmax and whatever other propaganda sites you exclusively use.

Catch the Train 47!

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
18 Oct 23
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@no1marauder said
"United States domestic oil production hit an all-time high last week, "


You really live in a right wing FantasyLand; I'm sure that fact never made it to Fox "News", Breitbart, Newsmax and whatever other propaganda sites you exclusively use.
This is an example of how libs will isolate one issue, write about, and never relate to the big picture.
OK you have an ABC (liberal) article.
Now see this article (Ray Higgins) and see what hell Biden has done with his engergy policy, all with things he promised he would do.
You seem to be saying we are pumping more, in relation to numbers here and there, stats, graphs, and ohhh, comparisons to other countries exhibited in your posts. Libs are big on comparing, as they think we are all one happy family and relate us all to each other. But,,,,USA stands alone, we are independent. You are not, you are all dependent on each other.
When you say we pump some record of oil, it would be MORE if he had not closed pipelines, and jobs. So your 'all time high' is quite irrelevant. We want to pump what we want to pump. Biden says no. He mumbles a lot of things, actually. Are you glad he is over there pretending to exhibit strength?.....they will see him for what he is, waiting to get back to the plane and his bed.
Today is a great example of why I think we should have a Triumvirate, 3 presidents.


Catch the Train 47!

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
18 Oct 23
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@soothfast said
The US military is so bloated as it is that I'm just going to assume this is a feeble attempt at self-parody.
We are 'bloated' in your view, yes. Liberals, by nature, compare us to other countries, which is your first mistake. What other countries have has nothing to do with what we have. So, yes, we have the most military. Are you suggesting we should gauge our military about how much others have? We may, as far as being sure that we have more than they do. You seem to think there is a magic limit to how much we have? Faerie-type libs say NO to military.. take Shav, for instance.
But Ronald Reagan was big about it. I like Reagan.

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