@shavixmir saidLOOK, Shav's way of bailing, segue about him being an immigrant, and that I must present a Chicago budget? Idiocy. Hey Shav, so let's say there is a big surplus in the Chicago budget, twenty million dollars. The city wants to build a money-making stadium, or wants to reduce the property taxes of city citizens, or reduce sales taxes, or, well, you get my drift.
Drinking and posting.
Dwinkin’ an’ postin’.
🍺 & post… la deee laaaaa 🎼
Shoujld a screamer on the town board, like AOC, prevail in a fight, demanding the money be given away to immigrants instead of citizens? Do you know how much Mexico and Central America get in Humanitarian Assistance from the USA? $594 Million. Yet they send the people it is supposed to help to break through our borders? So, you want us to pay them TWICE?
Should I do a thread on that travesty? Oh, did I mention the starving no-daddy black kids in Chicago? Oh, do you mention ANYTHING? You and Sonhouse, two pieces of work. I think Sonhouse is worse, though. Would not recognize an issue if it was floating in his dog's bowl.
About the West Point tripping incident, I don't imagine you bothered even LOOKING at it with an actual analytical mind, there WAS a wire and some kind of bag and he clearly hit one or both.
BTW, I did the exact same thing a few years ago, carrying my wife's massage table which folds up and such, so carrying it down the hallway, some of the support wires came out unbeknownst to me, and caught me feet in mid stride and I fell down so fast I didn't even have time to put my hands in front of my face and nose hit floor at full speed, and it bled a lot🙂 So I know firsthand what it is like to get trapped in those stupid wires. Funny for a dude like me, a ham, amateur radio dude to be saying stupid wires🙂
@sonhouse saidSonhouse.......
About the West Point tripping incident, I don't imagine you bothered even LOOKING at it with an actual analytical mind, there WAS a wire and some kind of bag and he clearly hit one or both.
BTW, I did the exact same thing a few years ago, carrying my wife's massage table which folds up and such, so carrying it down the hallway, some of the support wires came o ...[text shortened]... those stupid wires. Funny for a dude like me, a ham, amateur radio dude to be saying stupid wires🙂
Everyone else ( several hundred people) avoided the wire. Hmmmmmmmmm.