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Are you an American?... Please read.



skipper, I rest my case.

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Well y'all have democratically discussed the crap out of those differing viewpoints. Egg nog anyone?

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Originally posted by Sleepyguy
Well y'all have democratically discussed the crap out of those differing viewpoints. Egg nog anyone?
Sure. Murdering children makes me thirsty.

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
Sure. Murdering children makes me thirsty.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
WTF motive do they ever have?
Nagasaki, for example...

Seemingly the yanks don't need much motivation to blow children to smithereens.
Now Poo Poo, you know that these statements are as worthless as an empty glass of water in the desert.


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Originally posted by shavixmir
WTF motive do they ever have?
Nagasaki, for example...

Seemingly the yanks don't need much motivation to blow children to smithereens.
That doesn't answer the question, except that you just hate Americans.

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Originally posted by Sleepyguy
Well y'all have democratically discussed the crap out of those differing viewpoints. Egg nog anyone?
Served with hash brownies?

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Originally posted by smw6869
Now Poo Poo, you know that these statements are as worthless as an empty glass of water in the desert.

Not to be too picky, but a glass of water isn't empty. Even an water glass without water in it isn't empty.

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Originally posted by normbenign
Not to be too picky, but a glass of water isn't empty. Even an water glass without water in it isn't empty.
I keep a cache of dehydrated water in case of emergencies.

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
I keep a cache of dehydrated water in case of emergencies.
or in case the water ever becomes contaminated by dihydrogen monoxide.

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Originally posted by normbenign
That doesn't answer the question, except that you just hate Americans.
I don't hate Americans.
I hate US foreign policy.

I'm just hanging around waiting for your narcistic little empire to crumble like the STD ridden little Romanesque empire it is.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
I don't hate Americans.
I hate US foreign policy.

I'm just hanging around waiting for your narcistic little empire to crumble like the STD ridden little Romanesque empire it is.
Well, hang in there Shav. But if you really want to succeed, I'd recommend figuring out a way to hang around for at least a few centuries.


Originally posted by shavixmir
I don't hate Americans.
I hate US foreign policy.
So seemingly hateful rhetoric like above, that's just playful banter then.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
I don't hate Americans.
I hate US foreign policy.

I'm just hanging around waiting for your narcistic little empire to crumble like the STD ridden little Romanesque empire it is.
Won't happen my friend. The USA is just going to get stronger.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
I don't hate Americans.
I hate US foreign policy.

I'm just hanging around waiting for your narcistic little empire to crumble like the STD ridden little Romanesque empire it is.
You may not have long to wait, but then I'm not exactly Nostradamus.

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