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Article Criticizing USA Censored by RHP

Article Criticizing USA Censored by RHP


9 edits



@Duchess64 - The election and four years of Trump have shown that far from being a paragon of
democracy, the US has not only neglected its decaying democratic institutions at
home, but has also incubated a dangerous authoritarianism.

Ah yes, a *dangerous* authoritarianism.

So dangerous to American democracy, Trump the "authoritarian" LOST

you called him a dictator. you LIED.

1 edit

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Contrary to what Americans supporting Joe Biden may hope, the rest of the world will not quickly forget the fact that Donald Trump was the US President for four years (2017-2021) and thus swallow the US propaganda holding that the US 'democratic' system is the greatest.

Yes, I agree. So - What's to be done about all this? I can't claim to have the perfect solution, but this is what I do:

Vote, contribute to candidates that share my views, make phone calls to those in my community urging them to so likewise, contribute to their political campaigns, and try to set an positive example to others. Before I go back to my chessboard I sometimes recite this little prayer I heard from a friend in grade school all those years ago.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
-and wisdom to know the difference- 🙂

1 edit

@earl-of-trumps said
@Duchess64 - The election and four years of Trump have shown that far from being a paragon of
democracy, the US has not only neglected its decaying democratic institutions at
home, but has also incubated a dangerous authoritarianism.

Ah yes, a *dangerous* authoritarianism.

So dangerous to American democracy, Trump the "authoritarian" LOST

you called him a dictator. you LIED.
Didn’t she just say that she was quoting an article?

And where, in that post, is the word dictator used?

You lie! You just make up 💩 that suits you, dream it into reality and think that anyone cares.

The only people who do are the snowflake, incel, non-masturbating, alt-right, pick-up truck owning crackers who vote republican.

Nobody else on the planet cares about what you fantasize.

1 edit

@shavixmir said
Didn’t she just say that she was quoting an article?

And where, in that post, is the word dictator used?

You lie! You just make up 💩 that suits you, dream it into reality and think that anyone cares.

The only people who do are the snowflake, incel, non-masturbating, alt-right, pick-up truck owning crackers who vote republican.

Nobody else on the planet cares about what you fantasize.
you lied shav.

you said Trump was destroying democracy, that he was a dicatator,

dictators don't lose elections, d'head.

you lied.


@earl-of-trumps said
you lied shav.

you said Trump was destroying democracy, that he was a dicatator,

dictators don't lose elections, d'head.

you lied.
I take it hitler stopped being a dictator when the Russians rolled into Berlin and Mussolini stopped being a dictator when he was hanging upside down from a lamppost.
Your either not making sense earl or your going for gold in the pendantathlon.
Trump is a dictator that lost and like all dictators he is showing his complete disregard and disdain for the democratic will of the people.


@earl-of-trumps said
you lied shav.

you said Trump was destroying democracy, that he was a dicatator,

dictators don't lose elections, d'head.

you lied.
There you go again.
I’ve never called trump a dictator out of the context of wanting to call him something genital. And even that, I don’t think, I’ve done on this forum.

It is in your head. It all is.
You’re making 💩 up and you believe your own lies.


@shavixmir said
There you go again.
I’ve never called trump a dictator out of the context of wanting to call him something genital. And even that, I don’t think, I’ve done on this forum.

It is in your head. It all is.
You’re making 💩 up and you believe your own lies.
your people are inbreeds from a 99.9% white racist nation and has turned you into a pile of d'heads.


@earl-of-trumps said
your people are inbreeds from a 99.9% white racist nation and has turned you into a pile of d'heads.
Van Halen was Dutch and he was only half white.


@kevcvs57 said
I take it hitler stopped being a dictator when the Russians rolled into Berlin and Mussolini stopped being a dictator when he was hanging upside down from a lamppost.
Your either not making sense earl or your going for gold in the pendantathlon.
Trump is a dictator that lost and like all dictators he is showing his complete disregard and disdain for the democratic will of the people.
Hitler was democratically elected to become a dictator. The German people got what they voted for. Hitler made no secret of his desire to be a dictator if elected.



@metal-brain said
Hitler was democratically elected to become a dictator. The German people got what they voted for. Hitler made no secret of his desire to be a dictator if elected.
Wrong he never won an election based on the popular vote. Only a minority of Germans voted for a dictatorship.
But anyway your point is ?
My point was that Trump failing in his attempted dictatorship ( the jury is still out on that one ) doesn’t mean he’s not a dictator it just means he’s a failure.

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
Perhaps it is possible my source is wrong. Here it is.


Here are a couple of excerpts from the link above:

"On August 19, 1934, Adolf Hitler, already chancellor, is also elected president of Germany in an unprecedented consolidation of power in the short history of the republic."

"A plebiscite vote was held on August 19. Intimidation, and fear of the communists, brought Hitler a 90 percent majority. He was now, for all intents and purposes, dictator."

Is History.com mistaken?

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