The post that was quoted here has been removedRead a particular way Scarfish was a tool of Thatcher in that he helped prolong the crises over coal beyond a breaking point by which time Thatcher moved to crush the NUM's power and laid waste the industry. The longer they stayed out on strike the more Scarfish made the NUM look like an unreasonable bunch of thickheads who would sacrifice the welfare of their own for a few measely percentage points more. A case of no matter how much they held out for, with their demands on principle, the truth staring everyone in the face was that no gain no matter how large, could recoup the losses they had already suffered as well as the cold hard economic truth of profitability being something independent of government control and manipulation, and this was a convincing enough rationale for people to begin to break ranks.
Lets not forget the context. Rupert was revolutionizing fleet street by relocating to Whopping and modernizing the whole mode of newspaper production from a late 19th century technology to a state of the art 21st century reality. edit:- there were strikes aplenty with pickets about his new plant and among the general feeling of unrest and civil disobedience that plagued Britain during (appropriately 1984) Thatcher used a seam of public sympathy allied to the cause of preventing the country going to the dogs to enact police powers to crack down on union powers.
BTW the same computer aided zeitgeist saw Stock Aitken and Waterman harness the ability to record, press, distribute and promote artists in less than a week. One of their boasts at the time was that they created a no1 single using BROS all in a day from their own studios.
Originally posted by kmax87So unions standing up for their workers rights lead to loss of union power? Sounds about right.
Read a particular way Scarfish was a tool of Thatcher in that he helped prolong the crises over coal beyond a breaking point by which time Thatcher moved to crush the NUM's power and laid waste the industry. The longer they stayed out on strike the more Scarfish made the NUM look like an unreasonable bunch of thickheads who would sacrifice the welfare of thei ...[text shortened]... at the time was that they created a no1 single using BROS all in a day from their own studios.
12 Dec 06
Originally posted by wedgehead2To paraphrase Mark Twain, an enemy can go a long way to harm a man's reputation but it takes a good close friend to do a complete and comprehensive job of utterly destroying him.
So unions standing up for their workers rights lead to loss of union power? Sounds about right.
The post that was quoted here has been removedClearly you have done so.
But then she did not encourage wimps, and had the guts to stand up tp ignorant bully-boys like Scargill and the other trade union trogs to whom the late unlamented H.Wilson paid court with the result that Britain was bankrupted in 1978/9 and reduced to begging from the IMF.
Originally posted by scipio2Harold Wilson was last in power in 1976, but you never did let the facts influence your drivel.
Clearly you have done so.
But then she did not encourage wimps, and had the guts to stand up tp ignorant bully-boys like Scargill and the other trade union trogs to whom the late unlamented H.Wilson paid court with the result that Britain was bankrupted in 1978/9 and reduced to begging from the IMF.
Originally posted by RedmikeH.Wilson, having failed to prevent the union trogs from wrecking the British economy ducked out in 1976 and left an equally impotent colleague, the ex-sailor Callaghan, to carry the can.
Harold Wilson was last in power in 1976, but you never did let the facts influence your drivel.
Margaret Thatchwr regenerated the nation.
Originally posted by scipio2There ain't much regeneration up here in the north after Thacther destryed its economy- the only thing growing is support for the BNP.
H.Wilson, having failed to prevent the union trogs from wrecking the British economy ducked out in 1976 and left an equally impotent colleague, the ex-sailor Callaghan, to carry the can.
Margaret Thatchwr regenerated the nation.
She certainly regenerated the unemployment figures: they were a measly, pale and attenuated one million when she came to power, but with her ineffable wisdom, vision and can-do philosophy she and her wonderful Party soon had them quadrupled, rosy-cheeked and cherry-eyed. If that isn't progress, what is?