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Between: 25.000 and 100.000 civilians

Between: 25.000 and 100.000 civilians


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In my opinion there should be no reason to kill any civilians. Even normal trooper when pulled in are civilians in my opinion.

Only the one who freely chooses to join the forces is a soldier and as he signed in full conscience knowing that he might have to sacrifice his life for his people he might be considered an acceptable loss.

When enemies like terrorist hide between normal people the secret services have to gather serious facts and legitimited proofs that a special individuum is a terrorist or enemy trooper and once a court justifies the killing sniper should take him out. Clear shot. Smooth and clean.

But you just can´t kill women and babies. The protection of the ones which couldn´t protect themselves seperates us from the animals.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
Yes there are.
But it all fades into comparison with the 500.000 children killed by UN sactions between 1990 and 2000.

I've posted extensively on this topic before.
Sanctions don't kill. Failure to comply might have a bit to do with it though....

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Originally posted by monster truck
Sanctions don't kill. Failure to comply might have a bit to do with it though....
I suggest you read my articles I've written on the matter before you jump to conclusions.

For example:

UN sanctions on Iraq:
After the first gulf war, severe sanctions were put in place on Iraq. It started with a complete trade embargo and after a year was “mellowed” down, so that the Iraqi regime could sell oil for food. (7)
During the gulf war however the US forces used massive quantities of depleted uranium on Iraq. Arguably, Iraq in the 90’s was more radioactive than Hiroshima after the nuclear explosion (9). This led to massive increases in the child cancer rate (8) in Iraq. Hospitals were full of sick and dying children and there was not enough medication to treat them. Doctors, UN officials, various journalists and experts from various other fields called out to the UN to either ease the trade embargo or to let in various cancer-treating drugs (like morphine for pain, etc.).
The US and Britain vetoed each attempt to get the medication through (10). This led to an increase in child mortality. 500.000 more children died of cancer from 1990 to 2000 than did in the 10 years previously (8).
The US and British governments knew that this was happening, yet they continued to deny help.

From Wikipedia:
Genocide is defined in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) article 2 "as any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:" Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part (Bold letters by me); Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. The most widely known example is the Holocaust (the genocide of Jews and various other groups during World War II by Third Reich and its collaborators).


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Originally posted by shavixmir
[b]I don't know if it is morally justifiable or not.

One part of me thinks that humans are a waste of time and the quicker they're exterminated, the better....
I was thinking the same thing yesterday as I was dragged kicking and screaming into a mall for the first time in over 15 years.

Surrounded by a materialistic sea of humanity for over 2 hours, I was nearly driven to mass murder myself.🙄

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Originally posted by shavixmir
I suggest you read my articles I've written on the matter before you jump to conclusions.

For example:

[b]UN sanctions on Iraq:

After the first gulf war, severe sanctions were put in place on Iraq. It started with a complete trade embargo and after a year was “mellowed” down, so that the Iraqi regime could sell oil for food. (7)
During the ...[text shortened]... Reich and its collaborators).

....or Hussein could have complied with the sanctions.

So let me get this straight. I read you as anti-war and anti-sanction. What effective method do you propose to deal with rogue nations?

Thank you for the info on the sanctions. I shall read up on that.

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How about the complete breakdown of its money. All accounts with money either from the state or every single citizen of this country which is outside the country is blocked.

And there are no rogue nations there are only rogue leaders or governments. Send a little sniper commando inside to do the job. Justified and legitimized by the UN in presence of the leader of this state (that he knows they will come for him). Or send a rocket down his mobile signal.

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Originally posted by Rochade
How about the complete breakdown of its money. All accounts with money either from the state or every single citizen of this country which is outside the country is blocked.

And there are no rogue nations there are only rogue leaders or governments. Send a little sniper commando inside to do the job. Justified and legitimized by the UN in presence of the ...[text shortened]... r of this state (that he knows they will come for him). Or send a rocket down his mobile signal.
So if the actual sanctions didn't work you think this would? I disagree.

Thanks for the correction. I agree that "rogue leader or government" is a better description.

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Originally posted by Rochade
.... Send a little sniper commando inside to do the job. Justified and legitimized by the UN in presence of the leader of this state (that he knows they will come for him). Or send a rocket down his mobile signal.[/b]
U.S. couldn't seem to get that job done with either Bin Laden or Hussein (though his boys are taking the long dirt nap).

So U.N. decides Pres. Bush is a rogue leader and decide to take him out? Now that's funny, I don't care who you are!😀

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Originally posted by Rochade
How about the complete breakdown of its money. All accounts with money either from the state or every single citizen of this country which is outside the country is blocked.

And there are no rogue nations there are only rogue leaders or governments. Send a little sniper commando inside to do the job. Justified and legitimized by the UN in presence of the ...[text shortened]... r of this state (that he knows they will come for him). Or send a rocket down his mobile signal.
When you have a rogue leader...it is only natural that many within that nation could become just as bad with the mental illness the leader instills.The teleban are a good example arn't they.Their leaders gave them an option that gave them more hope for their own future.Nobody else really cared much for them i guess!

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Originally posted by Rochade
How about the complete breakdown of its money. All accounts with money either from the state or every single citizen of this country which is outside the country is blocked.

And there are no rogue nations there are only rogue leaders or governments. Send a little sniper commando inside to do the job. Justified and legitimized by the UN in presence of the ...[text shortened]... r of this state (that he knows they will come for him). Or send a rocket down his mobile signal.
Legitimized by the UN?🙄🙄🙄 That piss-ant organization couldn't run a slumber party.

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