@suzianne saidSuzianne...you are exhaustive. Nobody knows where it came from? How about his sig on the receipt, and it just gets more provable, look it up. Then the biz partner Bobulinski who has come forward about the corruption..... seems believable to me, maybe not not to you, but what's new. So, here is something you can believe.....
Sorry, Joe, no one is buying the laptop BS because of the questionable provenance of the laptop. No one knows where it came from. Rudy Giuliani is a poor spokesman for this kind of thing because everyone knows he's crazy. Biden is not corrupt, and no one thinks so, except the Republican base, whose judgement is obviously questionable.
Hunter was paid $5M dollars from a chinese company, CEFC
Hunter created a $1.5B investment fund BHR, with state-owned Bank of China
Hunter received a $3.5M wire transfer from Elena Baturina, wife of Ruski mayor
Then there is the UNBELIVEABLE (but I believe it) the shady activity regarding a company which he knew nothing about putting him on the payroll, $85K a
Then the emails BACK AND FORTH with the ruski about how ill-gotten gains will be split, Joe, Hunter and Joe's brother. Note how rich all these people are. on govt salary,, Joe is quite wealthy. The ruski confirms the emails.
Sue, why has the Biden family not disavowed the lap top? Suzianne, why hasn't the Biden family disavowed the lap top? Why is Hunter in hiding? Suzianne?
But ole Suzianne, says, all speculation, no proof,, blah blah blah blah. The blah is wearing most folks out, though you are not as tiresome as is Sonhouse.
@averagejoe1 saidJoe is not "wealthy", at least not nearly as wealthy as Republicans. By your logic, they should be even more corrupt than Joe Biden. Well, they are, but you need to understand which comes first, cause or effect.
Suzianne...you are exhaustive. Nobody knows where it came from? How about his sig on the receipt, and it just gets more provable, look it up. Then the biz partner Bobulinski who has come forward about the corruption..... seems believable to me, maybe not not to you, but what's new. So, here is something you can believe.....
Hunter was paid $5M dollars from a chines ...[text shortened]... blah blah blah. The blah is wearing most folks out, though you are not as tiresome as is Sonhouse.
The Russian disinformation people will confirm anything which gets them the results they want, which is to sow doubt among the American populace, to help Trump retain his slim grip on power. Those hands, you know.
If I call you a communist, are you going to spend time "disavowing" that you are a communist? Hunter in hiding? I don't know. Maybe to keep a rabidly fired-up Trump base out of his face?
Still, I see nothing about Joe's so-called "corruption". You guys have a twisted view on corruption, seeing as how the Trump White House is full of it.
@suzianne said'Joe is not as wealthy as Republicans'. Jesus. Like bantering with a 13-year old. Then your next sentence is, that Repubs should be more corrupt than Biden. Suzianne, what does that mean? What does that mean, exactly?
Joe is not "wealthy", at least not nearly as wealthy as Republicans. By your logic, they should be even more corrupt than Joe Biden. Well, they are, but you need to understand which comes first, cause or effect.
The Russian disinformation people will confirm anything which gets them the results they want, which is to sow doubt among the American populace, to help Trump ...[text shortened]... on". You guys have a twisted view on corruption, seeing as how the Trump White House is full of it.
The Russians? You mean the ones that Adam Schiff and his truly nasty vengeful people investigated, only to find out that there were never any Russians? We are supposed to read your stuff, are we? Russians???
Re disavowing....Suzianne, if you and I are running for the same office, and you say that I am a communist, I would, of course, disavow such a statement , when you consider that if I don't, no one will elect me. This logic may be too much for you? You think that it is 'logical' that Joe Biden does not disavow the laptop? Jesus.
I was going to vote for Joe, till I saw how sleazy his family is, with women of the night, who denied paternity of his child, who has a crack pipe, and THEN, this information turns up on his personal laptop. Oh, then there is the money. He is going to have one complicated W-2 when tax time comes around.
Please proof-read your missives.
@suzianne saidSuzianne says here that '....the militant Trump base (is) destroying cities like Portland.' If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'.
Any threat to America comes from the militant Trump base.
The same ones destroying cities like Portland.
THEN...she says the blame for these things rests with Trump's base. This is a good post for me to show as an example of how Sue's posts can be entertaining , unlike the venomous Sonhouse stuff. 🙄
@averagejoe1 saidhttps://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/01/far-right-militia-groups-election-doomsday-scenarios-433785
Here's AJoe1 with a prediction! You people will tear up and loot-up everything in sight EVEN if Joe wins. It is a given that you will do so if Trump wins.
"Election Day becomes doomsday scenario for militia groups"
By Tina Nguyen
11/01/2020 07:53 AM EST
In the run-up to this year’s election, Trump and his allies have repeatedly warned the outcome could be easily “rigged” because of the coronavirus-driven rise in mail-in and early voting — a contention not supported by evidence or recent electoral history. By this weekend, nearly 90 million Americans had already cast their ballots — roughly two-thirds of the total number of Americans who voted in 2016. The president and his circle have paired these warnings with dire predictions of leftist and antifa street violence, an allegation that dramatically overstates the prevalence of such violence and inaccurately conflates lawful protesting with leftist violence.
Conservative media has hyped these claims, highlighting moments of rioting and looting amid protests in places like Philadelphia, where demonstrators took to the street after police fatally shot a Black man. Conservative outlets like Fox News and OAN have also focused on attacks against police during the protests. The attention has ignored other elements of the civil unrest, including the increased presence of far-right militias.
“Mostly right-wing media is ignoring right-wing militia activity entirely,” said Angelo Carusone, president of the progressive watchdog Media Matters. “But they are pushing reports of potential left-wing violence and covering reports of [law enforcement officers] prepping for Election Day violence without specifying a side that it's coming from.”
And with the election coming up, militia leaders have responded to the possibility of leftist violence by recruiting, training and strategizing should the results not go their way.
“Although there has been occasional chatter regarding poll monitoring, much of the discourse in extremist communities has centered on speculation of what could happen in different election scenarios,” said Jared Holt, formerly of Right Wing Watch and currently a visiting research fellow at the Digital Forensic Research Lab.
While much of this speculation is seen as empty saber rattling, government officials and researchers say these extremist groups, which are frequently aligned with white supremacist ideologies, represent a potent threat. Since 2018, white supremacist extremists “have conducted more lethal attacks in the United States than any other” violent extremist movement, according to the DHS threat assessment. The report did, however, also note “a significant uptick in violence against law enforcement and government symbols in 2020.”
The pandemic has exacerbated these threats, as anti-government movements chafe against restrictions to curb the spread of Covid-19. Federal officials recently arrested a group of extremists who were allegedly training with the intent of instigating a civil war and kidnapping the Michigan governor in retaliation for strict coronavirus protocols.
These frustrations, the DHS report noted, could converge on the electoral process, especially the “open-air, publicly accessible parts” like “polling places and voter registration events.” The report called these places “likely flashpoints for potential violence.”
A recent report from Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, in partnership with MilitiaWatch, suggests that one predictive factor for potential militia and street gang activity is whether an area is perceived to be the basis for “leftist coups.” Critical election states like Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin fall into this category, as do traditional hotbeds of militia activity, such as Oregon. Additionally, places with a strong Democratic presence, but not an overwhelming one, tend to be staging grounds for such activity.
Over the past month, the report said there had been robust recruitment and training activities from militia and street gang organizations.
These groups have varying goals. The boogaloo movement, for instance, aims to overthrow the state and is anti-cop. Patriot Front’s goal is to establish a white ethno-state. The Three Percenters are virulently against gun control and share a unanimous antipathy toward the nebulous “radical left,” a hodgepodge of antifa, Black Lives Matter protesters, Democrats and progressives.
There is a high possibility, researchers have noted, that militia posturing around the election will not result in actual demonstrations or violence. But as long as conservative rhetoric focuses on playing up left-wing violence, warned Media Matters’ Carusone, it will help perpetuate militia culture.
“Hyping warnings about potential left-wing violence is significant because that's what we're seeing militia groups planning around,” he said. “We are seeing a similar theme in militia/extremist activity — that they're hyperfocused on potential for left-wing groups to become violent on or after the election.”
The feedback loop was on display when Rhodes appeared on Infowars to promote his Oath Keepers’ Election Day activities and predicted a “civil war” in the election’s aftermath.
“It’s not going to be an easy fight for the radical left,” he told Jones. “They’re going to get swamped with very competent, battle-hardened veterans on our side.”
@averagejoe1 saidSo you admit that Trump's fantasies are what drives you to vote for him. Brilliant.
'Joe is not as wealthy as Republicans'. Jesus. Like bantering with a 13-year old. Then your next sentence is, that Repubs should be more corrupt than Biden. Suzianne, what does that mean? What does that mean, exactly?
The Russians? You mean the ones that Adam Schiff and his truly nasty vengeful people investigated, only to find out that there were never any Russi ...[text shortened]... is going to have one complicated W-2 when tax time comes around.
Please proof-read your missives.
So it doesn't matter that Trump managed to kill EIGHT children held in those cages, concentration camps for babies.
And of COURSE you are WAY ok with babies ripped from mom's arms just because they could. One of the worse episodes in US history and all you do is ignore it.
BTW, FIVE HUNDRED BABIES cannot be reunited with parents because Trump was so STUPID he could care less about ANYONE because he has ZERO empathy.
But none of that matters to you, right?
@sonhouse saidPut Sonhouses's concept into perspective. I hate snakes....I just hate em. Like, Sonhouse hates Trump. If a snake showed up at my door and said he would cook me up some eggs benedict and mow my lawn, all at no charge, I would say go ahead if you want to, but I will always hate you. I would probably hate snakes if they discovered the cure for cancer.
So it doesn't matter that Trump managed to kill EIGHT children held in those cages, concentration camps for babies.
And of COURSE you are WAY ok with babies ripped from mom's arms just because they could. One of the worse episodes in US history and all you do is ignore it.
BTW, FIVE HUNDRED BABIES cannot be reunited with parents because Trump was so ST ...[text shortened]... could care less about ANYONE because he has ZERO empathy.
But none of that matters to you, right?
One might say, why do you hate them averagejoe? I would say to ask Sonhouse why he hates Trump, when Trump has accomplished so much for our country.,and see what his answer is! Hopefully he won't mention Trump;s personality, since we already know about that.
Edit: While you are at it, ask him the specifics of the killing of the children, he was there I guess, but I have no first hand knowledge.
So the bottom line is you are WAY ok with a bunch of ultrarightwingnuts with weapons intimidating a bus load of Biden supporters whether or not they actually were forced off the road.
With you I understand completely.
AND you also know full well Trump APPROVED of that terrorist tactic by those Trumpites.
Yep, THAT will really help foster peace.
@sonhouse saidSonhouse, We can split hairs over your hypocritical post. By that I mean Biden never once admonished all of the terror that has been going through our streets by the factions who support him. Not one
So the bottom line is you are WAY ok with a bunch of ultrarightwingnuts with weapons intimidating a bus load of Biden supporters whether or not they actually were forced off the road.
With you I understand completely.
AND you also know full well Trump APPROVED of that terrorist tactic by those Trumpites.
Yep, THAT will really help foster peace.
@averagejoe1 saidDoesn’t make much sense because snakes don’t have hands but your right Trump is definitely a snake and you vote for him because he gives you permission to hate the people that you’ve always hated, we get it joe.
Put Sonhouses's concept into perspective. I hate snakes....I just hate em. Like, Sonhouse hates Trump. If a snake showed up at my door and said he would cook me up some eggs benedict and mow my lawn, all at no charge, I would say go ahead if you want to, but I will always hate you. I would probably hate snakes if they discovered the cure for cancer.
One might sa ...[text shortened]... specifics of the killing of the children, he was there I guess, but I have no first hand knowledge.
@averagejoe1 saidYa, all of a sudden a bunch of MAGA yahoos has his utmost attention.
Sonhouse, We can split hairs over your hypocritical post. By that I mean Biden never once admonished all of the terror that has been going through our streets by the factions who support him. Not one
But they didn't overturn the bus and set it aflame. That puts them way ahead of
the peaceful protesters that have been looting and shooting since May.
Of course, that's all Ok, for King Hypocritis, sonhouse.