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Biden for resident?

Biden for resident?



@suzianne said
There's a pandemic going on. Surely you've heard about it. You know, 215,000 dead?
Can't change the fact that Trump fills stadiums wherever he speaks and Biden can't fill a phone booth.
Check out the miles of Trump supporters in this video versus the THREE cars that showed up to support a Biden drive-by a week ago hahahaha:


@dood111 said
Can't change the fact that Trump fills stadiums wherever he speaks and Biden can't fill a phone booth.
Check out the miles of Trump supporters in this video versus the THREE cars that showed up to support a Biden drive-by a week ago hahahaha:
Doesn't change the fact that people in Atlanta were in blocks long lines waiting hours to vote.

Who do you think they're voting for?

That's a bit more consequential than the attendance levels at Trump's superspreader events.


@no1marauder said
Doesn't change the fact that people in Atlanta were in blocks long lines waiting hours to vote.

Who do you think they're voting for?

That's a bit more consequential than the attendance levels at Trump's superspreader events.
You have thousands of people standing in line to see Trump and nobody waiting to see Biden.
Who do you think the people in line are voting for?

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@dood111 said
You have thousands of people standing in line to see Trump and nobody waiting to see Biden.
Who do you think the people in line are voting for?
We both know who most people in Atlanta are going to vote for.

You are really in for a rude awakening.


@dood111 said
You have thousands of people standing in line to see Trump and nobody waiting to see Biden.
Who do you think the people in line are voting for?
No the Trump voters were far too busy gathering in large covid friendly groups and licking the dark lords posterior to be voting. They are putting all their eggs in the SCOTUS basket.

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@cheesemaster said
You would think people would disregard polls after Hillary losing 🤔
The polls were correct in predicting that Hillary would receive more votes. It's the electoral college that failed.

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@dood111 said
Can't change the fact that Trump fills stadiums wherever he speaks and Biden can't fill a phone booth.
Check out the miles of Trump supporters in this video versus the THREE cars that showed up to support a Biden drive-by a week ago hahahaha:
So tell me, how many of those 215,000 is Trump directly responsible for?

"Filling stadiums" during a deadly virus outbreak should be grounds for removal from office alone, never mind all the corruption he's in up to his neck.


@vivify said
The polls were correct in predicting that Hillary would receive more votes. It's the electoral college that failed.
The Electoral College worked, it kept California from controlling the election. Before California jumped in with millions of democratic votes, Trump was ahead in the popular vote in the other 49 states.

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@dood111 said
The Electoral College worked, it kept California from controlling the election. Before California jumped in with millions of democratic votes, Trump was ahead in the popular vote in the other 49 states.
One person, one vote.

What don't you get about that?

Another function of the Electoral College is to prevent a demagogue from hijacking the White House for his own personal agenda. Since it failed this rudimentary function, it's time to abolish it. With Prejudice.


@suzianne said
One person, one vote.

What don't you get about that?

Another function of the Electoral College is to prevent a demagogue from hijacking the White House for his own personal agenda. Since it failed this rudimentary function, it's time to abolish it. With Prejudice.
Why do you feign ignorance about the genius of the Electoral College?

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@suzianne said
One person, one vote.

What don't you get about that?

Another function of the Electoral College is to prevent a demagogue from hijacking the White House for his own personal agenda. Since it failed this rudimentary function, it's time to abolish it. With Prejudice.
What don't you get about the Founding Fathers wanting to prevent one or two of the states with the largest populations controlling everything and dominating what the rest of the smaller states wanted?
If the Electoral College was abandoned, Los Angles County with a population of 11 million would have more voting power than any one of the least populated 42 states. That's a scary thought.

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@averagejoe1 said
Why do you feign ignorance about the genius of the Electoral College?
Even Trump knows that the more Americans who vote, the less likely Republicans are to win.

There were 157.6 million registered voters in the US in 2016[1].

There are 538 members of the Electoral College in any election year, based as it is on the number of Representatives in the House plus Senators in the Senate.

This is already the largest voter suppression in the civilized world.

Instead of having to secure a plurality of 157.6 million people (minus those who, for whatever reason, do not vote), Republicans only have to worry about 270 electoral votes (half + 1), a majority of 538.

This is a ridiculously easy bar for the Republicans to work for, and it leaves open the possibility of corruption and payoffs.

Give EVERY American an equal vote. Only then can American Presidential elections ever be considered fair.

[1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/273743/number-of-registered-voters-in-the-united-states/


@dood111 said
What don't you get about the Founding Fathers wanting to prevent one or two of the states with the largest populations controlling everything and dominating what the rest of the smaller states wanted?
If the Electoral College was abandoned, Los Angles County with a population of 11 million would have more voting power than any one of the least populated 42 states. That's a scary thought.
You find democracy frightening?

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@dood111 said
What don't you get about the Founding Fathers wanting to prevent one or two of the states with the largest populations controlling everything and dominating what the rest of the smaller states wanted?
If the Electoral College was abandoned, Los Angles County with a population of 11 million would have more voting power than any one of the least populated 42 states. That's a scary thought.
So then, just to be clear, you are in favor of the voters of Wyoming having a larger voice than the voters of California?

So you want the fewer voters of Wyoming "controlling everything and dominating what the rest of the ... states wanted?"

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