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Biden Handlers hell-bent to destroy America

Biden Handlers hell-bent to destroy America



@spruce112358 said
It's tortuous to read Victor Hanson, that's for gd sure.
is someone forcing you to read him?


The post that was quoted here has been removed
straight outta da hood is you sis?


@kmax87 said
Like W and Cheney?

What is it about the right wing that everything they've ever done they are desperate to pin on the left???
You noticed that too?


@suzianne said
That's thin, putting this on the left.

That's a Republican thing. Now in Trump's playbook.
I beg to differ, removing law enforcement, is a mantra call of the left, allowing millions to come into the country, this is all on Biden. That guy is even flying them, not only is the government allowing the country to be overrun, the left is paying those doing it to come in.


@kellyjay said
I beg to differ, removing law enforcement, is a mantra call of the left, allowing millions to come into the country, this is all on Biden. That guy is even flying them, not only is the government allowing the country to be overrun, the left is paying those doing it to come in.
oh look another senile uncle.


@zahlanzi said
oh look another senile uncle.


What a surprise. Who would have known. I guess you bookmark all the past episodes so you can have the latest conspiracy theory on hand to convince your fellow ultrarightwingnuts the US his headed for hell under Biden and your orange fascist antiChrist would be dictator is the only person able to build up the US to its past glory and to leave the dictator countries quaking in fear, Russia instantly backing down on Ukraine attacks.

China backtracking on building up military artificial islands in the southern sea next to Philippines and renouncing any attempt to attack Taiwan.


So did you get a discount on the Trump bible? You don't care Trump says it is the ONLY authorized bible now? How many convictions will it take for you to realize Trump is a narcistic sociopath with only one person on his mind, Trump and how much power can he get but lately the only reason he is running for POTUS is to kill all the charges against him and stay out of jail.
I bet you thought he was in it for the benefit of all Americans.
Did you notice even his old VP Pence is refusing to endorse your god king?


@sonhouse said
China backtracking on building up military artificial islands in the southern sea next to Philippines and renouncing any attempt to attack Taiwan.
Well if the Chinese say so I guess you can take that to the bank. Not like they'd lie or anything.

2 edits

Yeah, they are SO afraid of your god king fascist orange antiChrist dictator in training.
I wonder if YOU ever question why Putin has Trump in his back pocket. Something he is holding over Trump causes Trump to go very lightly on Putin every time stuff comes up, like his latest, You (Putin) and do any anything the hell you want to.

Or his fervent desire to pull out of NATO, which would play right into Putin's hands and put the entire defense of Europe on Europe only and make the US isolationist again like it was tried a hundred years ago. I don't suppose you look at history or what happened as a consequence of THAT action back then.

Trump acts like the defense money is some giant bank account each country puts in and some of those countries are lagging behind which is why he wants to pull out of NATO.

That is his 'argument' for pulling out, I think it is because Putin has something on Trump so it would be payback to keep up the charade. Anyway the money for defense is given by each country for their OWN defense and some countries are much poorer than others but Trump could care less about that, he thinks like a mafia boss, give me your protection money for the week or we will not be able to protect you from our own thugs.

May I remind you of the ONLY time the US was attacked here on our own soil, 9/11, it was NATO who came to our aid, posting troops in Afghanistan where we were fighting. But for you ultrarightwingnuts only able to puke out the puke from Trump, you never think of consequences just like Trump cannot see consequences which is why he is in deep doo doo with all his charges, what, 90 or so? In about a week the first FELONY trial starts and I doubt you would ever think even if he is convicted you would never switch votes or write in your own.


@sonhouse said
So did you get a discount on the Trump bible? You don't care Trump says it is the ONLY authorized bible now? How many convictions will it take for you to realize Trump is a narcistic sociopath with only one person on his mind, Trump and how much power can he get but lately the only reason he is running for POTUS is to kill all the charges against him and stay out ...[text shortened]... enefit of all Americans.
Did you notice even his old VP Pence is refusing to endorse your god king?
Obama would not endorse yourgodking


@sonhouse said
Yeah, they are SO afraid of your god king fascist orange antiChrist dictator in training.
I wonder if YOU ever question why Putin has Trump in his back pocket. Something he is holding over Trump causes Trump to go very lightly on Putin every time stuff comes up, like his latest, You (Putin) and do any anything the hell you want to.

Or his fervent desire ...[text shortened]... oubt you would ever think even if he is convicted you would never switch votes or write in your own.
Sonhouse needs to number his screeds, so when he has something to say, all he has to do is post a number of the most appropriate one to post, and we will know what he is thinking and has to say at that time.


And you condone, approve of actually, Trump saying to Putin, you can do whatever the hell you want.
Yep, Trump really knows who our enemies are. Did you forget Putin is our enemy? Trump doesn't think so. Putin has SOMETHING on Trump, putting your orange Anti Christ in Putin's pocket and you can't even come close to figuring that out.


@sonhouse said
And you condone, approve of actually, Trump saying to Putin, you can do whatever the hell you want.
Yep, Trump really knows who our enemies are. Did you forget Putin is our enemy? Trump doesn't think so. Putin has SOMETHING on Trump, putting your orange Anti Christ in Putin's pocket and you can't even come close to figuring that out.
We cud do this all day…Do you forget that The Entire Biden Family is in bed with China?? Do you forget China is the no.1 enemy??
Geeeeez. Let’s do the cages while we are at it!


So fukking DEFEND what I said, prove Trump has the world shaking in fear and only HE would be able to stop China from building more militarized artificial islands or stop China from attacking Taiwan. Go ahead, I would LOVE to see your defense of THAT strategy. But of course all you WILL do is say BIDEN will do worse or some such bullshyte, NEVER actually coming up with debate points about how Trump scares the world into submission.

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