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Biden:"Pres Can't do Exec Order unless he is a Dictator': Biden said.



This is an article that just about nails it.
A good study would be for each of us to find what is NOT right in this article. Anyone???https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/536317-by-his-own-definition-biden-is-already-governing-like-a-dictator

Closest to a dictator of any president. And, this is why I hammer home 'tyranny'. Not your weenie discussions about vaccinations. "There's a forest, but the trees are in the way," Sad


Not sure but I think I saw the word 'OPINION" in the byline.
Good enough for NEWSMAX and Fox News though. They will print it as fait accompli.


@sonhouse said
Not sure but I think I saw the word 'OPINION" in the byline.
Good enough for NEWSMAX and Fox News though. They will print it as fait accompli.
Of course it is an opinion. What else would such an article be? You do state the obvious, the most boring aspect of posts. Boring.


@averagejoe1 said
This is an article that just about nails it.
A good study would be for each of us to find what is NOT right in this article. Anyone???https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/536317-by-his-own-definition-biden-is-already-governing-like-a-dictator

Closest to a dictator of any president. And, this is why I hammer home 'tyranny'. Not your weenie discussions about vaccinations. "There's a forest, but the trees are in the way," Sad
🚧🚨Moronity of Gop alert!!!🚨🚧

Tyranny? Hahaha


@averagejoe1 said
This is an article that just about nails it.
A good study would be for each of us to find what is NOT right in this article. Anyone???https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/536317-by-his-own-definition-biden-is-already-governing-like-a-dictator

Closest to a dictator of any president. And, this is why I hammer home 'tyranny'. Not your weenie discussions about vaccinations. "There's a forest, but the trees are in the way," Sad
Closest to a dictator of any president.

Joe - I'm afraid your ignorance is showing again. President Biden has the same level authority as President Trump had, no more - no less. If President Biden has stepped over the legal line in any way, I guarantee our conservative leaning supreme court would rule his actions or orders unconstitutional. So, sooth your ruffled feathers and find something else to complain about. 😴


@mchill said
Closest to a dictator of any president.

Joe - I'm afraid your ignorance is showing again. President Biden has the same level authority as President Trump had, no more - no less. If President Biden has stepped over the legal line in any way, I guarantee our conservative leaning supreme court would rule his actions or orders unconstitutional. So, sooth your ruffled feathers and find something else to complain about. 😴
You are saying nothing. Right, same level of every president, Genius! Same level.

Then you say that if Biden stepped over legal line.....He SAYS he does. hahaha. Now, when you read this, could you please respond to it>. Don't be a Sonhouse. He would probably answer by writing about the President of Belgium.

Despite the Supreme Court’s explicit warning that any executive extension of the federal eviction moratorium would be struck down, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided this week to implement a new moratorium anyway for two months. When asked about the legal obstacles this policy would inevitably run into, President Joe Biden admitted that what his administration is doing is illegal, but he said he doesn’t care.

"Constitutionally, the bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that it's not likely to pass constitutional muster," Biden admitted during a press conference on Tuesday. "Look. I want to make it clear. I told you I would not tell the Justice Department or the medical experts or scientists what they should say or do, so I don't want to get ahead of the CDC."


Cruzan versus Director of Missouri Department of Health in 1990, specifically stated that patients have a right to refuse any treatment. You cannot force treatment on people. Well, this is forced treatment. This is coerced treatment.

And Doe v. Rumsfeld proved in 2004 that investigational drugs could not be forced upon people unless there is a presidential waiver or informed consent. Well, here's the kicker on presidential waiver, which is what they're going to go to.

Anybody who takes an oath of office — the president of the United States, senators, representatives to Congress, governors, police officers, judges, lawyers, administrative officials — cannot violate the U.S. Constitution. If they do, they've committed treason, by definition.

In the U.S. Constitution, it states that Treaty Law and the Constitution and statutes are the supreme law of the land. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights specifically states that you cannot force people to take a drug; that they have to have informed consent, and that animal research has to have been done beforehand to prove it's safe.

So, if a president, including this one, issues an order that this is a mandate and is required, then he is violating the U.S. Constitution by violating Treaty and therefore has committed treason.

It's not only an impeachable offense, it is punishable by death because that's [the punishment for] treason. You can't force U.S. citizens to undergo forced experimentation.

And you can't get around that by doing something cute like having the FDA say, ‘Whoa, well, we've now approved it, OK?’ Because the Supreme Court has already ruled that you cannot force people to take a treatment and the only party that can change that is the Supreme Court.”

1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
You are saying nothing. Right, same level of every president, Genius! Same level.

Then you say that if Biden stepped over legal line.....He SAYS he does. hahaha. Now, when you read this, could you please respond to it>. Don't be a Sonhouse. He would probably answer by writing about the President of Belgium.

Despite the Supreme Court’s explicit warning that any ...[text shortened]... medical experts or scientists what they should say or do, so I don't want to get ahead of the CDC."
Despite the Supreme Court’s explicit warning that any executive extension of the federal eviction moratorium would be struck down, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided this week to implement a new moratorium anyway for two months. When asked about the legal obstacles this policy would inevitably run into, President Joe Biden admitted that what his administration is doing is illegal, but he said he doesn’t care.

Dear Joe - I didn't hear a peep from you when President Trump's executive orders denying federal funds to sanctuary cities, or his labor hating order denying rights to federal workers were both ruled unconstitutional by the courts, but when Biden decides to test the legal waters with his executive orders, simply with the idea of saving the lives of Americans you make a great deal of noise about it. Please see links below. This is the way the system works Joe - - or were you not aware of this??




@mchill said
Despite the Supreme Court’s explicit warning that any executive extension of the federal eviction moratorium would be struck down, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided this week to implement a new moratorium anyway for two months. When asked about the legal obstacles this policy would inevitably run into, President Joe Biden admitted that what his administrat ...[text shortened]... er-executive-orders-unconstitutional

when did Trump define this ? you see that is the topic of the thread, biden met his own definition. you folks never address the issue.


@averagejoe1 said
This is an article that just about nails it.
A good study would be for each of us to find what is NOT right in this article. Anyone???https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/536317-by-his-own-definition-biden-is-already-governing-like-a-dictator

Closest to a dictator of any president. And, this is why I hammer home 'tyranny'. Not your weenie discussions about vaccinations. "There's a forest, but the trees are in the way," Sad
Intelligent people understand when circumstances change (or don't change) and adapt. Other intelligent people don't call them liars because they changed their minds.

I am assuming you're whining about an executive order or whatever.
Biden naively said he will work with republicans. That he will do everything in a bipartisan way. We all said he is delusional. That republicans' only want tax cuts for the rich and to hamper anything the democrats try to accomplish.

He is starting to realize bipartisanship only works when both parts are sane and argue in good faith. Therefore, in order to actually get something done, something the people elected him for, he has to start dipping into executive orders.

To which I say, about fukin time. If you don't like it, go find enough republicans to vote democrats out of office in 2022 and him in 2024. In the meantime, go whine somewhere else, you filthy hypocrite.

You were fully on board when the tortoise blocked Obama supreme court nominee. You were fully on board when Trump pushed the last lunatic on the supreme court in the last months of his presidency.
You were fully on board with Trump and his executive orders, which, btw were more per years in office than both Bush and Obama and Clinton and the other Bush.

So, again, have a pepsi and a smile and shut the fuk up.


@zahlanzi said
Intelligent people understand when circumstances change (or don't change) and adapt. Other intelligent people don't call them liars because they changed their minds.

I am assuming you're whining about an executive order or whatever.
Biden naively said he will work with republicans. That he will do everything in a bipartisan way. We all said he is delusional. That republ ...[text shortened]... nd Obama and Clinton and the other Bush.

So, again, have a pepsi and a smile and shut the fuk up.
read this…


…then come back and admit your lie.


@mchill said
Despite the Supreme Court’s explicit warning that any executive extension of the federal eviction moratorium would be struck down, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided this week to implement a new moratorium anyway for two months. When asked about the legal obstacles this policy would inevitably run into, President Joe Biden admitted that what his administrat ...[text shortened]... er-executive-orders-unconstitutional

Im the guy that says it is not a perfect situation all the time. You didnt “peep” when Hillary pulled the secret server gambit, or when she destroyed govt property, etc.
Do libs want to drag up the past, adnauseum?!?!?! Why, lets discuss Obama, “you can keep your doctor”. Jesus Libs!!
This is a subject of Government Today! Biden is doing EVERYTHING wrong, and sometimes illegally. So back-at-ya.
What is it with you? You folks exhibit being disingenuous just byvthe fact you say not One bad thing about biden. I have often knocked Trump, just today i wrote herein that he is a jerk.
Come clean, McHill


@mott-the-hoople said
read this…


…then come back and admit your lie.
we have here a classic case of "I hope you are not THIS stupid"

I hope you aren't trying to say Biden did more executive orders than Trump because 95 is greater than 55.
I hope you are referring to something else, in which case be a dear and spit it the fuk out.


@mott-the-hoople said
when did Trump define this ? you see that is the topic of the thread, biden met his own definition. you folks never address the issue.
“ you folks never address the issue“. Thanks for confirming what ive been saying. With all dir respects, I think that thatmay be a common lib trait, they truly don’t know they are doing that. One word in an issue makes them think about something else, and they write about the something else.

Me: “ my son opened a business today“
Sonhouse: “ Trump is a crooked businessman!!!”


@zahlanzi said
we have here a classic case of "I hope you are not THIS stupid"

I hope you aren't trying to say Biden did more executive orders than Trump because 95 is greater than 55.
I hope you are referring to something else, in which case be a dear and spit it the fuk out.
>btw were more per years in office than both Bush and Obama and Clinton and the other Bush.<

biden wasnt mentioned...

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