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Bolton Revelation

Bolton Revelation



@no1marauder said
It would be interesting to have Bolton and then the Donald testify under oath, wouldn't it?
Everyone, this is a ‘book release’. That is all it is. Perfect timing, will sell like hotcakes. But that is as far as it will go. On another note, i still predict SCOTUS wont release tax returns.

Trump remains cooler than the center seed of a cucumber.


I think about a movie scene from somewhere, perhaps a mob movie.
A man caught standing over a dead body holding a smoking gun telling the court “You didn’t actually see me pull the trigger !!”.

Complete and total exoneration !! 😆


@no1marauder said
It would be interesting to have Bolton and then the Donald testify under oath, wouldn't it?
As you are a lawyer, and Kazet toldme that im not,-can you tell me why no one ever mentions executive privilege on this forum.? Surely we all realize that Trump has every right regardless of his reasons to do what he is doing. And for that matter, we will never know his reason. The Constitution gives him this right.


@averagejoe1 said
As you are a lawyer, and Kazet toldme that im not,-can you tell me why no one ever mentions executive privilege on this forum.? Surely we all realize that Trump has every right regardless of his reasons to do what he is doing. And for that matter, we will never know his reason. The Constitution gives him this right.
No it does not.

The constitution doesn’t give him the right to be a fukking retard.
And it sure as shyte doesn’t give him the right to withhold aid to get a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political opponent.

That is generally called treason.


@averagejoe1 said
Trump remains cooler than the center seed of a cucumber.
Will you still love him when he's pickled?


He won't be so cool come November. Do you think people are so stupid they will ignore corruption when they see it in a sitting POTUS? They will notice the hypocrisy of the senate also, so come voting day, rePUTINicans will find themselves out on their collective ass and Dems will control house AND senate.
And have gotten rid of both a corrupt POTUS and a pray away the gay VPOTUS.


@no1marauder said
The Donald has specifically denied the Bolton revelation:

"I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens."


Let's get some people who attended those meetings under oath and see what they say under penalty of perjury.
It is possible that Trump is telling the truth there, that he did not tell this explicitly to Bolton. It is also possible that Bolton is telling the truth, A) that that was in fact Trump’s motive, and B) that Bolton knows this (without Trump’s having told him in exactly those words).

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@handyandy said
Will you still love him when he's pickled?
Didn’t you know? Trump is tea total. Really.


@whodey said
So the GOP ran the impeachment through the House in a unpartisan rant?

Do tell.
like closed hearings?


If you had any brains left after being captured by Putin, you might have figured out WHY some of the testimony was behind closed doors. I would explain it to you but you would just spout more of your handlers nonsense so climb back in the hole you came from.

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@moonbus said
It is possible that Trump is telling the truth there, that he did not tell this explicitly to Bolton. It is also possible that Bolton is telling the truth, A) that that was in fact Trump’s motive, and B) that Bolton knows this (without Trump’s having told him in exactly those words).
It isn't possible that both Bolton and Trump are telling the truth if the article in the OP is accurate; it says Trump explicitly told Bolton that he wanted the military aid withheld until the Ukraine helped with the investigation into Biden. Trump has now expressly denied this.


@mott-the-hoople said
like closed hearings?


@mott-the-hoople said
like closed hearings?
You mean closed depositions, all of whom have been completely made public?

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@no1marauder said
It isn't possible that both Bolton and Trump are telling the truth if the article in the OP is accurate; it says Trump explicitly told Bolton that he wanted the military aid withheld until the Ukraine helped with the investigation into Biden. Trump has now expressly denied this.
Trump has a tenuous grip on facts, he routinely exaggerates even when he’s not outright lying, and his instinctive reaction to any accusation is flat denial regardless of facts. So it’s no surprise that he denies Bolton’s claim. I’m keen to read Bolton in print, or hear his testimony, not just a sound byte extract. I haven’t always agreed with his analysis of world events, but he’s no one’s fool, and no one can accuse Bolton of being a LibDem trying to undo the election.

EDIT: The NY Times is reporting several other bits of news from Bolton’s forthcoming book:



@no1marauder said
You mean closed depositions, all of whom have been completely made public?
where is witness #18

and we dont know that ALL has been made public. Have you seen the depositions? especially #18

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