cable tv in prison

cable tv in prison



17 Jul 07
25 Nov 07
1 edit

My first thought when I saw this post was how stupid and pointless the question is, but then I started to wonder about the motivation behind it. Is the problem the cost to the taxpayers, or is it the fact that prison is supposed to be around to punish rapists and killers and we should make them suffer as much as is reasonably humane?

If it's a cost thing, I can't imagine that cable in prisons is breaking the state treasury. But if it was, it seems like a logical place to make a cut (if it would make any difference at all).

But if it's a punishment thing, then what about people in prison on drug charges or in states with "three strikes" laws? I'm tempted to say that, for your average prisoner, being locked away is punishment enough, and that taking away cable tv wouldn't really right any wrongs or deter crime.

This is a stretch, but maybe having tv to connect them to the outside world helps to ease the transition when they get out and keeps them from going (literally) crazy (or in some cases crazier).

AGW Hitman

23 Feb 07
25 Nov 07

Originally posted by bjohnson407
My first thought when I saw this post was how stupid and pointless the question is, but then I started to wonder about the motivation behind it. Is the problem the cost to the taxpayers, or is it the fact that prison is supposed to be around to punish rapists and killers and we should make them suffer as much as is reasonably humane?

If it's a cost th ...[text shortened]... when they get out and keeps them from going (literally) crazy (or in some cases crazier).
I wouldn't call daytime tv a link to the outside world. Like I said, give them reading material if they want it but no more. They can keep up with the world that way and maybe pick up something that'll motivate them for afterwards. How many inmates will finish their degrees (many continue their education in prison) if it's easier to just watch the tube? Prison is about rehabilitation first and foremost, I agree, but habits need to be broken, just as the tvs won't break the bank, not having them won't break any human rights statutes, arguably giving them tvs will be contravening a few!
Reading material, put a good habit into them.


Big D

13 Dec 05
26 Nov 07

Originally posted by reinfeld
should prisoners be allowed to have cable tv ( at taxpayer expense ) or should they be limited to basic anntenna tv or no tv at all ( i am speaking of a small tv built into the wall of the cell with a plastic barrier over it so they cannot break it and not a general dayroom single tv for a group )...
Yes -- they should be allowed to have cable TV -- however, the only programming they should be allowed to view is the Disney Channel.


09 Jul 04
26 Nov 07
1 edit

Originally posted by bjohnson407
My first thought when I saw this post was how stupid and pointless the question is, but then I started to wonder about the motivation behind it. Is the problem the cost to the taxpayers, or is it the fact that prison is supposed to be around to punish rapists and killers and we should make them suffer as much as is reasonably humane?

If it's a cost th when they get out and keeps them from going (literally) crazy (or in some cases crazier).
...i try to post stupid and pointless and hopefully entertaining posts...taking me seriously is a mistake...

AGW Hitman

23 Feb 07
26 Nov 07

Originally posted by reinfeld
...i try to post stupid and pointless and hopefully entertaining posts...taking me seriously is a mistake...
Well, we've been warned...😀

The So Fist

Voice of Reason

28 Mar 06
26 Nov 07

Originally posted by pfp242
A bit more stick and less carrot would be more likely to persuade inmates not to come for more.
uh ya. Real effective.

San Quentin, you've been livin' hell to me
You've hosted me since nineteen sixty three
I've seen 'em come and go and I've seen them die
And long ago I stopped askin' why

San Quentin, I hate every inch of you.
You've cut me and have scarred me thru an' thru.
And I'll walk out a wiser weaker man;
Mister Congressman why can't you understand.

San Quentin, what good do you think you do?
Do you think I'll be different when you're through?
You bent my heart and mind and you may my soul,
And your stone walls turn my blood a little cold.

San Quentin, may you rot and burn in hell.
May your walls fall and may I live to tell.
May all the world forget you ever stood.
And may all the world regret you did no good.


The So Fist

Voice of Reason

28 Mar 06
26 Nov 07

Originally posted by reinfeld
...i try to post stupid and pointless and hopefully entertaining posts...taking me seriously is a mistake...
Are you trying to get people to like you?


09 Jul 04
26 Nov 07 live pretty much alone and my dog only speaks i use the forum as a way of talking to people...okay ?

Death from Above

El Paso, TX

27 Oct 02
26 Nov 07

They should be made to watch Mr. Rodgers.

Andrew Mannion

Melbourne, Australia

17 Feb 04
27 Nov 07

Originally posted by reinfeld live pretty much alone and my dog only speaks i use the forum as a way of talking to people...okay ?
Is there such a language?
I would have thought Serbian and Croation were separate languages.

But a talking dog?
That would be pretty incredible.
Does he have any special diet?
My dog eats his own crap so I'm guessing he's not going to be starting to talk anytime soon.
Although come to think of it, he couldn't spout any more crap than comes out of some of these threads now could he ...

Republicant Retiree

Blade Runner

09 Oct 04
27 Nov 07

Originally posted by reinfeld
should prisoners be allowed to have cable tv ( at taxpayer expense ) or should they be limited to basic anntenna tv or no tv at all ( i am speaking of a small tv built into the wall of the cell with a plastic barrier over it so they cannot break it and not a general dayroom single tv for a group )...
why should they escape the moronic tedium? Surely their punishment would be amplified if for example they were not allowed to switch off their sets and were forced to watch endless loops of Dr Phil, Oprah, Judge Judy and Cheeters. If that isn't commensurate justice for any wrongdoing then I don't know what is.

silicon valley

27 Oct 04
27 Nov 07

Originally posted by reinfeld live pretty much alone and my dog only speaks i use the forum as a way of talking to people...okay ?
buy this for your dog ...

as they do not sell a version for serbo-croatian, or serbo, or croatian.

silicon valley

27 Oct 04
27 Nov 07

Originally posted by reinfeld
should prisoners be allowed to have cable tv ( at taxpayer expense ) or should they be limited to basic anntenna tv or no tv at all ( i am speaking of a small tv built into the wall of the cell with a plastic barrier over it so they cannot break it and not a general dayroom single tv for a group )...
MANDATORY cable tv ... in 12-hour shifts ... we don't want them coming out of the joint all buffed up ...


30 Oct 07
27 Nov 07
1 edit

Originally posted by zeeblebot
MANDATORY cable tv ... in 12-hour shifts ... we don't want them coming out of the joint all buffed up ...
Surely it all depends on what category of prisoner we are talking about.
If some poor sod is jailed for not paying some Labour Council's inflated tax imposition then by all means give him cable TV and anything else he wants.
If however we are talking about vicious, violent, serial criminals then
the treatment should be solitary confinement on the American model depicted by Charles Dickens in his 'American Notes'. No cable TV there.

08 Oct 04
27 Nov 07

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