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Calling out family value lovers

Calling out family value lovers


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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Hypocrites? What are you talking about? The girl is going to have her baby -- what could be more family values than that?
Precisely DSR.

If her parents were liberals they'd just make the young mother aware of her "right to choose" to pay someone from NARAL to kill her baby. The conservative family encourages her to take responsibility for her choices, and then welcomes the new life into the family.

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Originally posted by Sleepyguy
Precisely DSR.

If her parents were liberals they'd just make the young mother aware of her "right to choose" to pay someone from NARAL to kill her baby. The conservative family encourages her to take responsibility for her choices, and then welcomes the new life into the family.
Nope, the Republican family, as they want to sell it, would provide her daughter such a strong education in values that sex before marriage would be impossible even to consider.

True love waits, isn't it? 😉

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Hypocrites? What are you talking about? The girl is going to have her baby -- what could be more family values than that?
Read the post above.

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Thing is, gentlemen, I am as Christian as you are. Actually, I am raised in the U.S. protestant tradition, and congregated with fellow yanks for many years (still do here in a Methodist cong).

The difference is that I keep my faith and beliefs for me, and apply them for my life without dreaming of imposing my values or practices to others. Promote abstinence? Eff off! I would teach it to my kids as the option I suggest, but I (a) cannot enforce it, (b) would oppose its widespread promotion above the use of condoms, and (c) would not hide to anybody that I have commited sin and hence cannot judge anybody.


The problem with Reps is that they preach but don't live up to the standard of their moral preachings. Moreover, morality is a thing of oneself, for oneself, and with oneself.

That is why a male Democrat doesn't look that bad when lurking for male sex in a public bathroom, which... *cough cough*... a Republican does 🙂

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Originally posted by Seitse
Nope, the Republican family, as they want to sell it, would provide her daughter such a strong education in values that sex before marriage would be impossible even to consider.

True love waits, isn't it? 😉
The girl is a legal adult, how do her actions reflect badly on the parent? This one is going to turn around and bite you Democrats hard...I hope, I hope, I hope.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
The girl is a legal adult, how do her actions reflect badly on the parent? This one is going to turn around and bite you Democrats hard...I hope, I hope, I hope.
According to Republican morality, she should get married, then have sex, and then produce babies.



P.S. I am not a Democrat, dude. I am a secular, liberal, Christian socialdemocrat... or something like that.

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Originally posted by Seitse
Thing is, gentlemen, I am as Christian as you are.
Who said anything about anyone being Christian?

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interesting article from electoral-vote

"To quell persistent rumors on the Internet that Sarah Palin's new baby was really her daughter's, Palin has announced that her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol Palin, is now 5 months pregnant and plans to marry the baby's father, her 18-year-old boyfriend, Levi Johnston. The rumors got started when Palin behaved in a way that raised eyebrows in April. She was in Texas for a meeting of the National Governors' Association when she began leaking amniotic fluid and having contractions. Although she knew the baby had Down syndrome and was a month premature to boot, she didn't go to a local hospital. Instead she gave her planned speech later in the day as scheduled and then caught a flight from Dallas to Seattle where she took another flight to Anchorage. Then she and her husband drove 45 minutes to a hospital in her home town where the baby was born.

Premature babies, especially those with Down syndrome, need special care. Palin could have gone to a world-class hospital in Dallas, Seattle, or Anchorage, any of which would have been fully equipped to handle eventualities. Instead she chose to fly 8 hours (without telling the airlines she was in labor) and go to a village hospital probably not equipped as well as hospitals in any of the three big cities. The rumorbarons couldn't believe that any 44-year-old mother of four children would take such a risk, so the assumption was that she wasn't pregnant. Combined with the fact that Bristol had been out of school for five months, the rumor started that Sarah was covering up for Bristol.

But the story raises other questions, for example:

* Is it responsible for a woman in labor to fly for 8 hours with the risk of giving birth on board?
* What should be done to reduce unwanted teenage pregnancies and are these techniques effective?
* Is sex-ed entirely the job of the parents or do the schools and government have a role? If so, what?
* If schools should not have a role, what do you do about parents who don't do their job properly?

For a candidate who was chosen largely for her gender and her views on family values, it is perfectly legitimate to ask about how she puts her family values into practice herself. Sarah Palin knew her daughter's pregnancy would be worldwide news if she ran for Veep. When McCain called, she could have said: "I just had a Down syndrome baby and have other family matters to deal with and my family comes first, so I cannot be your running mate." That would have been be a real demonstration of family values. That's not the choice she made and criticism of it is legitimate. Family values is not just about opposing abortion. The last word on this has not been said, but the discussion has already started."

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Originally posted by Seitse
According to Republican morality, she [b]should get married, then have sex, and then produce babies.



P.S. I am not a Democrat, dude. I am a secular, liberal, Christian socialdemocrat... or something like that.[/b]
According to Democrat family values, it's not a baby, it's a choice. So what if she got the order wrong -- the nights are six months long in Alaska, what else are you going to do up there?

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
According to Democrat family values, it's not a baby, it's a choice. So what if she got the order wrong -- the nights are six months long in Alaska, what else are you going to do up there?
Judging from the heathen values that clearly exist in the Palin household, the baby will probably be given up for some sort of human sacrifice to some Pagan God or other.

Really - have the Republicans no moral compass?

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Originally posted by Squelchbelch
Judging from the heathen values that clearly exist in the Palin household, the baby will probably be given up for some sort of human sacrifice to some Pagan God or other.

Really - have the Republicans no moral compass?
LOL. That's just bait. I'm not biting 🙂

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Hypocrites? What are you talking about? The girl is going to have her baby -- what could be more family values than that?
So unwed teenage mothers represent family values?

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
So what if she got the order wrong -- the nights are six months long in Alaska, what else are you going to do up there?
Ahh - would you be bleating this way if it was an unwed Chelsea Clinton that was pregnant?

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Originally posted by treetalk
Ahh - would you be bleating this way if it was an unwed Chelsea Clinton that was pregnant?
I would blame Bill.

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Originally posted by treetalk
Ahh - would you be bleating this way if it was an unwed Chelsea Clinton that was pregnant?

Did you ever SEE Chelsea when she was in the White House? Ugggghhh! Nasty!

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