@averagejoe1 said“Hey, everybody, I got this one.”
Hey, everybody, I got this one.
You make my point, there should be a debate, and the citizens of our country will make a decision as to 'who is responsible for the turmoil". Thanks for clearing that up, as if it was unclear in the first place.
Secondly, you are correct, America decides who they want at the forefront.
Then you may be correct that Covid will be f ...[text shortened]... ed from your post. You are getting right up there (or somewhere) with Sonhouse and Marauder, et al.
Yup. Your quote.
Then you give us your prat fall of a response.
Trump is the current president through this crisis, not Biden.
He is playing law and order president in the middle of a dumpster fire that he has created.
His strategy ??
Dementia Joe, sleepy joe, radical left socialist Joe.
Drug test for Joe before any debate takes place. Apparently he sounded too coherent for Donald during his speech.
Please, can you remind us of his 100 accomplishments again ?
And don’t mention the economy. He drove that one into the ditch !!
28 Aug 20
@mghrn55 saidIm not seein' the above,, MG. I think I am pretty much on it. Uh, did I mention Trump? He has nothing to do with the issue, your issue. Did I mention Trump? More lib deflection, it gets tiresome. Now all of our readers have forgotten what the issue is.
“Hey, everybody, I got this one.”
Yup. Your quote.
Then you give us your prat fall of a response.
Trump is the current president through this crisis, not Biden.
He is playing law and order president in the middle of a dumpster fire that he has created.
His strategy ??
Dementia Joe, sleepy joe, radical left socialist Joe.
Drug test for Joe before any debate takes plac ...[text shortened]... his 100 accomplishments again ?
And don’t mention the economy. He drove that one into the ditch !!
Everyone, please see the post I made, it is of course totally logical, common sense and rational. Can you say the sam of MG's post?
As it starts to unfold that Biden is starting to lag, you, Son, et al are going to be posting in a somewhat maniacal way, maybe even revert to humor, or anything, as you drop into denial!! Groups are important to liberals, so we will not abandon you. 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕
@mghrn55 No, I can't remind you of his 100 accomplishments. I will. though, drive you crazy with the ones that are coming down the pike!
@averagejoe1 saidWhat’s coming down the pike ?
@mghrn55 No, I can't remind you of his 100 accomplishments. I will. though, drive you crazy with the ones that are coming down the pike!
A pardon for Bannon ? 😛
@averagejoe1 saidYou’re running around in circles with your posting again.
Im not seein' the above,, MG. I think I am pretty much on it. Uh, did I mention Trump? He has nothing to do with the issue, your issue. Did I mention Trump? More lib deflection, it gets tiresome. Now all of our readers have forgotten what the issue is.
Everyone, please see the post I made, it is of course totally logical, common sense and rational. Can you say the ...[text shortened]... you drop into denial!! Groups are important to liberals, so we will not abandon you. 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕
I’ll try to keep this as compact as possible.
The main issue.......the COVID-19 pandemic response !!
That is focus, not deflection. Just in case you’re confused.
@mghrn55 saidAnd you, ,,,are gasping for straws, as my granny used to say. China invented it, not Trump, and wimp monday -morning-quarterbackers ae milking it for everything they can. Trump did it, and then he should have done this, and then he should have done that,,,,,Biden would have done that, and then would have done this.
You’re running around in circles with your posting again.
I’ll try to keep this as compact as possible.
The main issue.......the COVID-19 pandemic response !!
That is focus, not deflection. Just in case you’re confused.
This is yawner stuff on a debate stage. You are better than that. Man up.
@mghrn55 saidHavent heard. Can you fill us all in?
What’s coming down the pike ?
A pardon for Bannon ? 😛
@averagejoe1 saidChina invented it ??
And you, ,,,are gasping for straws, as my granny used to say. China invented it, not Trump, and wimp monday -morning-quarterbackers ae milking it for everything they can. Trump did it, and then he should have done this, and then he should have done that,,,,,Biden would have done that, and then would have done this.
This is yawner stuff on a debate stage. You are better than that. Man up.
Enough said.
@averagejoe1 saidThat was tongue in cheek.
Havent heard. Can you fill us all in?
Maybe Bannon will write a book.
@averagejoe1 saidyou are delusional if you think people will vote for Biden because they like Pelosi.
Y'all are in big trouble. There is no faith in your candidate, the weak basement dweller that he is. A scared rat.
She said this, verbatim: "I dont think there should be any debates. I do not think that the President of the United States has comported himself in a way that anybody has any association with the truth, evidence, data and facts. I wouldn't legitimize ...[text shortened]... ser. He is. I predicted Trump will garner 300 electoral votes. I'm thinking now, more like 320.
People who vote for Biden do so because they absolutely loathe Trump, for good reason. People will vote for Biden because the alternative is way way worse.
And yes, it's smart to not let Biden debate Trump. For all the shady crap Trump has pulled to give himself an edge in the upcoming election, not debating him is the tamest one. Which is probably what Trump would have done if the democratic nominee were Sanders
So how about you stop whining
@averagejoe1 said<grin> Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! AJoe, don't say a word about the Durham Investigation.
@mghrn55 No, I can't remind you of his 100 accomplishments. I will. though, drive you crazy with the ones that are coming down the pike!
Barr was asked if he would put any announcements off until after the election. He said "No."
@zahlanzi saidHey, I agree. I do think the votes for Biden are because of the hate of Trump. There is no other reason one would vote for a senile old man who is truly a puppet. I fault his wife for letting this happen to him.
you are delusional if you think people will vote for Biden because they like Pelosi.
People who vote for Biden do so because they absolutely loathe Trump, for good reason. People will vote for Biden because the alternative is way way worse.
And yes, it's smart to not let Biden debate Trump. For all the shady crap Trump has pulled to give himself an edge in the upcomi ...[text shortened]... y what Trump would have done if the democratic nominee were Sanders
So how about you stop whining
My reference to Pelosi was only to confirm that she and Hillary are seeing that the end of the tunnel is extremely dark. That, they want to protect him, not let him be squashed by Trump. Certainly you know I have a point. 'Dont' concede, Joe' ? C'mon, man.
Speaking of dark, that was a key word in Biden's acceptance speech. Brrrrrr Donald spoke of American exceptionalism and a new MAGA time.
@earl-of-trumps saidThis investigation is a godsend. Had Hillary won, all of these law-breaking people would have walked free. But alas, i still predict that none of them will do any time, for the simple reason that Hillary's getting away with crime has set a precedent.
<grin> Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! AJoe, don't say a word about the Durham Investigation.
Barr was asked if he would put any announcements off until after the election. He said "No."
@mghrn55 saidBroken record, and where's the beef? The economy has been going straight north for about 4 years. I know, I know, Obama did it!! Covid arrived, which CAUSED the ditch you mention. Now, the stock market is BACK WHERE IT WAS on the day the downturn began.
And don’t mention the economy. He drove that one into the ditch !!
I wrote all that factual info without mentioning the name Trump....so, I guess he was not the ditch-causer. I did mention Covid...which WAS the ditch causer.